THIS Student Speech | 新学年,新期待! 我的成功由我定义!

By Tuesday September 6th, 2022Events


On September 1, Phoebe Gao from Grade 5 and Winston Qian from Grade 12 spoke as primary and secondary student representatives at the THIS 2022-2023 School Year Opening Ceremony. They shared with all the students, teachers and parents about their learning and growth at THIS, and expressed their gratitude to the school and their parents for always giving endless support. As entering the new school year, they encouraged all the students to be full of new expectations and to bring their Spartan warrior-like determination and courage to continue to work hard and reap the rewards of growth on the campus they love.


Let’s review the student speeches together!

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高钰雯 五年级







– Click the video to watch the student speech –


Phoebe Gao, Grade 5

Good afternoon, classmates and teachers, family and friends,

My name is Phoebe Gao from fifth grade White. It is an honor to have this opportunity to share my thoughts and feelings at the 2022-2023 Opening Ceremony. First, I want to express my excitement to return to campus, to see all my friends and teachers. Today there are also many new faces in the audience. This is especially exciting. I also want to welcome new students that are joining our Spartan family. THIS is a school where you can learn, grow and have fun.

Looking back, there are many memories that I have cherished during my four years at THIS. One of my favorite memories is reading buddies. I enjoyed the company and the opportunity to learn from upperclassmen during my first year. Last year, I also got to become a reading buddy myself. Not only did I learn to communicate and work with people of different ages, but also to appreciate the patience of teachers.

The past semester has been difficult for all of us, we had to adapt to new methods of learning and our teachers worked extremely hard to deliver the same academic experience in the virtual environment. Our parents probably had it the hardest, working at home while also answering all our demands. There are no words to express my gratitude to my parents. They have always supported me and I know that they always will, so it is my responsibility to work hard and make them proud. This is something important for us all to remember this and every school year.

I am very optimistic about the upcoming school year. I am ready to take on new academic challenges, participate in the Terry Fox Run, Winter Festival and other school events, and am excited to learn a new brass instrument. I sincerely hope you are all excited to begin this new school year. Throughout the year and for many years to come, we will continue to practice the great values of THIS: innovation, collaboration, and wellbeing…… As everyone says: East or west, THIS is the best!

Wish you all a happy semester. 


Thank you!

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钱弘毅 十二年级












      在此,我也要祝愿国际部的所有学生,拥有斯巴达勇士般的决心和勇气。我希望你们在直面挑战的时候能够像斯巴达勇士一样,拒绝降服。哪怕是全世界都要求你交出武器投降的时候,我希望你们的回应是“Molon Labe”,“自己过来拿!”。


– Click the video to watch the student speech –


Winston, Grade 12

Good afternoon, THIS! 

To be completely honest, I am both honored and terrified to be the secondary student speaker today.

When I was first told by Ms. Nguyen that they were choosing me to speak at the opening ceremony, I was extremely anxious, mainly because the idea of being seen as an exemplary person, being seen as a role model scares me.

After all, just like everyone else, I’ve made a huge amount of mistakes in both my academics and my personal life. I’ve made terrible decisions out of fear or anger. I’ve been through failures academically. This entire summer I’ve been working in a lab, and I’ve been thoroughly disappointed by my results 99% of the time. This is me: a person who makes mistakes.

So, if I’ve experienced so much failure, why am I still trusted by my peers, and even trusted by the school to make this speech?

It’s because failure doesn’t define me – I define my failure. And my success doesn’t define me – I define my success.

If we define our mistakes to be the end of the road for us, that they’re the final straw and that there’s nothing we can do about them ever again, then that’s what the mistakes will be. But if we define our mistakes to be crossroads leading to a new path, signs to try something new and put in more time, then that’s what the mistakes will be.

As a science nerd, every time I fail an experiment in the lab, I see two choices before me. I can define that as the reason why I’m never touching science again. Or, I can define it as the reason why I’m doing more research, finding more possible methods to make my next step better. If a failed project was enough to make a person a failure, then every single scientist in the world would be a failure right now, and science would’ve never improved. But that’s not the case at all.

And as a Chinese debater I can’t tell you how many times we’ve experienced heartbreak after weeks or even months of preparation for a competition. But instead of letting those losses become the end of our time as debaters, we allowed them to push us into the best that we can be. And that’s why after two and a half years, we would finally become national champions.

I’m looking at all of the returning students out there in the audience, and some of you were already doing great last year, some of you maybe not. But if you’ve been succeeding, that’s doesn’t make you the victor. If you’ve been failing, that doesn’t make you the loser. Your success only means something if you use it to fulfill new goals and motivate yourself. Your mistakes only mean something if you use them to find new paths and new determination.


If you’re one of the many students new to THIS, welcome to your new home! This is your chance to push yourself to the limit and explore new goals and dreams. You shouldn’t be afraid of failure here in THIS, because there will always be mentors, peers, and even strangers who will cheer you on. THIS is a family built on mutual support and care. We will be your lighthouse when you’re lost, and we will have your back as you reach and climb upwards.

With that, I wish for every student of THIS the same courage and determination held by the ancient Spartans that we name ourselves after. I wish for you the same defiance that they had when staring into the face of a true challenge. That when you’re told by the world to drop your weapons and surrender, you respond with the motto of the Spartans: “Molon labe”, “come and take them”.

We hope you all have a wonderful year here at THIS!

排版 Editing | Mia Gu

图片 Pictures | Mercy Xu

审核 Auditing | Toni Dong, Wenping Li

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 清华附中国际部

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