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June 2021

THIS High School Graduation Ceremony

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清华附中国际部2020-2021高中毕业典礼 THIS High School Graduation Ceremony 2021年6月3日,清华附中国际部2020届高中毕业典礼在清华附中礼堂隆重举行。清华附中校长王殿军先生、国际部校长李文平女士、教学学校长Reid Prichett,以及中学部全体师生及毕业生家长出席典礼。崔安娜,黄皓言两位学生主持了典礼。 On June 3rd, the 2020 High School Graduation Ceremony of Tsinghua International School (THIS) took place at the Tsinghua University High School…

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THIS 2021 ART FESTIVAL 艺术激发无限可能 The THIS Art Festival is an exciting annual event where the community comes together to celebrate the arts. Students showcased their work through a school wide art exhibition, film festival,…

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