THIS Fall PTC|清华附中国际部秋季家长会,家校沟通,共话未来成长

By Wednesday November 17th, 2021Events


Communication between home and school for children’s future growth



On November 13, the THIS Parent-Teacher Conferences were successfully held. Although it was a cold winter day outside, the home-school communication was full of care and warmth as teachers and parents talked about children’s growth. During the PTC, school administrators and teachers had in-depth discussions with parents about the students’ comprehensive performance at school.





Meeting with the Principal has always been a tradition at the THIS PTC. Parents expressed their high recognition for the THIS teaching philosophy and the cultivation for the students. In particular, the parents noted that the small class size of the school allows the teachers to focus on the growth of each child and know them even better than the parents, which is really impressive. Additionally, the school’s student-centered approach and learning environment support our students as they continue to learn with joy and challenge. The parents also said that when they talked to the teachers, they were very familiar with all aspects of the children’s growth at school, which shows how much they care about the children. In return, the children also show gull love for the school. Principal Li expressed her sincere thanks to the parents for the trust and affirmation they give to the school, and also welcomed positive suggestions for the development of the school and the growth of the students.



小学部主任Britni Padilla表示,家长会是家校共同反思学生成长和寻求进步的一个重要时机。老师与家长的会面,是为了更好地了解学生目前在学习和习惯养成方面的优势,与家长探讨如何进一步支持学生们的成长。同时,也让老师们进一步了解学生及其家庭,促进每个孩子在课堂内外收获成就和幸福感。紧密的家校互动能够帮助老师们在教学中创造最好的环境和最有效的教学策略,同时也可以向家长提供在家庭中支持孩子学习的最佳建议。因此,清华附中国际部小学部始终致力于建立紧密的家校联系。

Primary Division Director Ms. Britni Padilla emphasizes that our PTC is an important chance to reflect on student growth and areas for improvement for the school year. Teachers meet with parents about students’ current strengths academically and behaviorally and discuss next steps to support students. This is also a time for teachers to learn more about students, their families and their home life. It is a crucial opportunity to improve each child’s achievement and happiness inside and outside the classroom. These important interactions give teachers an opportunity to create the best environments and use the most effective strategies in their teaching, while providing parents with information on how to support their children academically at home. This is why building a strong home-school connection is so important in THIS Primary.

Tynaiza Murphy



Tynaiza Murphy 

Grade 4 Homeroom Teacher

PTC ensures students receive optimal support. I always end the day rejuvenated and excited to continue helping students grow and learn.

Sian Li 



Sian Li

Grade 2 Homeroom Teacher

THIS PTC helps connect the hopes and dreams families and teachers have for their students, and strengthen the school and home communication and understanding. This way, we can work together to support each student in their learning journey!



中学部主任Dieu-Anh Nguyen表示,秋季家长会是为了让家长和老师面对面交流并分享有关学生的学习进度。全校老师通力合作,及时高效的沟通和技术支持使得线上家长会顺畅进行,再一次体现了清华附中国际部强大的团队精神。家长会也标志着学生们第一阶段学习的结束,第一学期的后半段已在如火如荼地进行了!在老师的指导下,学生们正忙着继续进行他们的项目学习和各类研究讨论。

Like the primary, the PTCs are designed to offer parents and teachers the opportunity to meet and share information about student progress. Secondary Division Director, Ms. Dieu-Anh Nguyen, the Secondary Division Director, congratulates the entire school team for ensuring that communication about the process along with technical support was clear, concise, and timely. The secondary division demonstrated such teamwork helping one another as we were adding new skills to accommodate the online format. This fall PTC marks the end of quarter 1. THIS students with guidance from their teachers are busily continuing on with their projects and class discussions as the second half of the first semester is in full swing! 


We really appreciate our parents for their understanding and support for the school’s arrangement. Through the online meetings, the school was able to communicate with each parent in a timely manner. Parents and teachers eagerly discussed their children’s academic life and the further development of THIS. This genuine atmosphere immediately brought the distance between home and school much closer.


Previous PTC



The harmonious home-school relationship is one of the strengths of THIS. By maintaining effective communication with parents, we hope to timely follow the changes in student growth and promote further parental support and encouragement. We want to help students develop their sense of agency meaning that students learn about and act with confidence when asking questions, requesting assistance, and sharing ideas on how they can improve themselves and the learning community overall for everyone.

Bruce Hammond


College Counseling Advisor


I thoroughly enjoyed the chance to chat with THIS parents during the PTC. It was great to get connected with the parent community after spending time with grade 12 students last month to help with personal statements. I was so impressed by the students I met. Go luck to one and all with university applications!


The family and the school are the cradle of children’s growth, both of which share the responsibility of witnessing and empowering children’s achievements in life. For the PTC, Principal Li expresses that THIS pays attention to every step of children’s growth and values communication with each parent. Principal Li encouraged parents to recognize their children’s progress and merits and to praise them sincerely at home. She said, “We should not only attach importance to the progress the children make in study, but also pay attention to the ‘warmth’ of our students and empower their overall development.” Additionally, Principal Li hopes the smooth home-school communication will continue and the combined efforts of home and school will create more opportunities for student achievement and growth. Our students will reap the many benefits and happiness from their growth!

文字 Writing | Britni Padilla, Dieu-Anh Nguyen, Mia Gu

排版 Editing | Mia Gu

图片 Pictures | Mia Gu

审核 Auditing |  Dieu-Anh Nguyen, Toni Dong, Wenping Li

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 清华附中国际部

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