Sports Recognition | 看我们在体育赛场上勇往无前,体育精神永远闪耀!

By Saturday June 10th, 2023Events

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— 2022-2023学年 —






















在整个赛季中,167位运动员们战胜挑战,收获成功,努力与奋斗始终激励着他们前行。最终,11位年度终极斯巴达运动员因为突出的表现,脱颖而出。同时同学们还选出了Devin Murphy老师作为今年的“年度教练”,感谢他一直以来在训练中给予大家的指导和帮助。各类体育赛季收获的所有光荣属于每一位运动员和教练们!

体育组全体老师为Devin Murphy老师







Go Spartans!

THIS Sports Recognition

— 2022-2023 —

THIS Spartans

At THIS, sports are considered an important aspect of students’ overall development. THIS is also a part of the International Schools Athletic Conference. By participating in various sports activities and competitions, our athletes regardless of skill level learn about teamwork, leadership, grit, and self-discipline. 

On May 31st, the entire secondary school gathered to proudly recognize the outstanding performances of the167 athletes for school year 2022-2023.  

Click to watch the student-produced video of “Sports of the Year”

HS Boys Volleyball

HS Girls Volleyball

MS Girls Football

MS Boys Football

With thorough preparation and determination, the high school volleyball teams and the middle school soccer teams showed exceptional prowess in the early matches of the fall season. The soccer teams had successful final tournaments with the girls’ team securing 3rd place in their category and the boys winning the championship. Excitement was through the roof igniting the sport spirit at THIS for the rest of the year.

HS Boys Basketball

HS Girls Basketball

In the winter, our high school boys’ and girls’ basketball teams displayed great courage, never giving up even in the most challenging moments. They showcased a tenacious spirit of sportsmanship through their excellent performance on the court. During the middle school volleyball season, THIS began hosting games and tournaments again first time in a while – definitely a positive turning point for our sports program. Being on familiar court, everyone performed more confidently. Our boys’ volleyball team took 3rd place in tournament, while the two girls’ teams fiercely played also bringing home trophies. 

MS Girls Volleyball

MS Boys Volleyball

HS Girls Football

HS Boys Football

As spring approached, the high school soccer team, middle school basketball team, badminton, table tennis, tennis, and track and field athletes were diligently preparing for their respective competitions, eager to represent THIS Spartans. A few achievements include 3rd place in the middle school boys’ 400m sprint, 2nd place in the middle school girls’ doubles tennis, and 2nd place in the high school girls’ table tennis singles. All three middle school basketball teams continued to show their passion for the game and resilient willpower in the matches. Both girls and boys high school soccer teams achieved 3rd place in their respective categories. Bravo to our Spartans!

MS Boys Basketball

MS Girls Basketball

Ultimate Spartans Group Photo

Ultimate Spartans Name LIst

During the Sports Recognition Assembly, 11 ultimate Spartans were also honored for their outstanding performances and active participation through all three seasons. Mr. Devin Murphy was awarded the “Coach of the Year” for his guidance and support throughout the training.

Mr. Devin Murphy was awarded by the PE team

In fact, the training and competition spanned only a few months, but during the various activities and matches, the students not only developed their sports skills but also deepened their understanding and practice of the significance and spirit of sportsmanship.

As each sports team stepped on stage to receive their awards, the entire secondary community showered them with warm applause and cheers. The entire THIS family is proud and proud of these vibrant athletes.

Sports award trophies for 

the 2022-2023 school year

Let’s once again congratulate the student athletes and their coaches on their fruitful achievements this school year. These 167 athletes represent the best of THIS integrating the school’s Core Values with their passion for sport and physical fitness. We look forward to more students joining the sports teams and delivering more remarkable performances in the future!

Go Spartans!

Writing | Djordje Joksic, Mia Gu

图片 Pictures | Mia Gu

排版 Editing | Mia Gu

审核 Auditing | Dieu-Anh Nguyen, Toni Dong, Wenping Li

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 清华附中国际部

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