Primary Reading Week | 小学阅读周:书香润心灵,悦读伴成长

By Saturday May 14th, 2022Primary School


Enjoy reading!


Click on the video to see our “Reading Week”!

随着防疫进入关键期,清华附中国际部迅速启动了线上教学预案。疫情期间,孩子们在家的时间长,为了保持良好的阅读习惯,丰富大家的线上学习生活,小学图书馆老师Stephanee Rausch和小学部各位老师一起发起了“阅读周”活动,希望同学们在阅读中探索对书籍的热爱,同时也能时刻感受到国际部大家庭的温暖。

With pandemic prevention entering a critical period, THIS quickly activated its online teaching and learning plan. During this time at home, our primary librarian Ms. Stephanee Rausch in collaboration with the primary teachers organized “Reading Week” to let students and teachers explore their love of books and of reading, both together and individually. Especially during this time of online learning, students need activities that bring them joy and help them feel connected to our learning community.

在过去一周中,每天早上,小学部的所有同学和老师都会一起“放下一切,共同阅读”。我们以阅读开启每个崭新的一天,大家在静心阅读的时光中,梳理心情,找到最佳状态,迎接一天充实的学习。虽然只有短短十分钟的时间,但Stephanee Rausch老师说“这样会很有效地让同学们意识到每天抽出时间来专心阅读是非常必要和有益的”。当孩子们和老师一起阅读,同时自己也在书中找到乐趣时,大家就会渐渐明白,阅读并不是作为学生必须完成的课堂任务,而是可以坚持并热爱的终身习惯。

Every morning, all the primary students and teachers participated in Drop Everything and Read together. By starting each day with this kind of reading, students are able to better regulate their moods and get into a proper mindset for a full day of learning. Although it was only ten minutes long, as Ms. Stephanee Rausch said, “this was a way to show students how important and fulfilling it can be to make time for reading each day”. When students can see adults reading and finding pleasure in a good book, they can see that this isn’t just something we have to do as a student for a class assignment. This can instill a life-long love of reading.


In addition to the morning reading, we also had many different types of activities to showcase the fun of reading. The benefits of reading together including the sharing of happiness spread throughout the THIS virtual classrooms……


Reading Scavenger Hunt Map from website


In the “Reading Scavenger Hunt,” teachers prepared a map for students. They chose one based on their interests and the pace of reading to start their reading exploration.


Corner Bookmarks


Students gave full play to their imagination in the “Corner Bookmark-Making” activity.  They drew cute and interesting bookmarks rich with colors and vivid expressions.


The “Read Aloud Extravaganze Surprise” was originally planned as an offline reading event, but due to the epidemic, Ms. Stephanee Rausch quickly adjusted the form and encouraged teachers and students to record videos and share reading clips online. By sharing the recommended books, teachers led the children to explore the mysteries of the world through reading aloud. Surprisingly, the children’s former teachers also joined in the event! Having wonderful and surprising read-aloud videos, as well as being able to recommend their favorite books to everyone, is truly a gift for everyone during this special time! 


Our parents also played a key role during Reading Week. They supported their children by recording their reading videos, read along with them, and helped them travel the world and beyond through books. Together, they learned and grew.

Stephanee Rausch 老师

Words from Ms. Stephanee Rausch

As a librarian, I was so happy to hear the excitement the students had for this event. I also enjoyed seeing their creativity in making bookmarks and costumes and their enthusiasm for reading aloud. One thing I heard regularly throughout the week was that students truly loved Drop Everything and Read time. They said it made them feel calm and happy to start the day. This enthusiasm is so wonderful to hear. Reading for pleasure is the foundation for student success.


Priya Govender 老师

Words from Ms.Priya Govender

THIS Reads gave the children time to step out of learning and connect to their reading in between online learning. They loved DEAR time especially and started to look forward to the ten minutes during the morning meeting. It’s been so popular that we’ve decided to include it regularly. Making Pokémon and animal bookmarks gave the students an expressive break from regular work. I was also impressed with the ideas they came up with for character dress up considering they didn’t have much time to plan. 



The children traveled through the mountains of books, gaining more knowledge and experiencing better growth at the same time. During the Reading Week, their reading achievements were presented in various forms through their works, photos and videos, which made people feel that their little minds are so colorful, and these all come from reading.


With “wellbeing” a core value at THIS, we hope that through reading, our students can draw strength from books, maintain a positive attitude, and have great expectations in life. These memories will grow with the children and fill their hearts with love and build their resilience to face adversity and overcome challenges in the future.

文字 Writing | Mia Gu

图片 Pictures | THIS students and teachers

排版 Editing | Mia Gu

审核 Auditing | Dieu-Anh Nguyen, 

Toni Dong, Wenping Li

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 清华附中国际部

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