2022届毕业典礼 |国际部执行校长李文平女士致辞

By Wednesday June 29th, 2022Events


2022 THIS Graduation Ceremony Principal’s Speech 



The unforgettable THIS graduation season this June was filled with warmth and many blessings. The commencement program for the Class of 2022 included both virtual and in-person ceremonies. On campus, the graduates celebrated this milestone with the diploma presentation and the turning of the tassels that presented by Mr. Dianjun WANG, Principal of THUHS and THIS.  While in the virtual graduation ceremony, the graduates had the honor to listen to Executive Principal Ms. Wenping LI’s speech.  It was full of affection for THIS students and words of wisdom for the graduates. She not only praised the excellent achievements of the graduates during their studies at THIS, but also expressed her most earnest expectations and wishes for them in the future.


Now, let’s review the speech from THIS’s Executive Principal Ms. Wenping Li.


Virtual Graduation Ceremony


Ms. Wenping LI’s Speech









 Swipe to the right for English Version 



Dear guests, teachers, parents, and our lovely graduates,

Good afternoon! Today we are celebrating the graduation of our seniors of 2022. First of all, I wish our graduates a happy graduation! It’s a pity that we cannot be altogether on campus because of the pandemic.  Looking at this in the most optimistic way, remember today as a unique graduation ceremony in your life and in the history of Tsinghua International School. It will certainly become an unforgettable memory.


You are the focus of attention and the brightest stars today. Although we cannot hug you, your teachers, friends and the younger students in our school who care about you send you their very best wishes!

    四年的高中生活,虽然疫情时时相伴,但让我欣慰的是,在逆境中你们没有懊恼沮丧,更没有轻易放弃,而是迎难而上、执着勇毅、拼搏进取,最终创造了今天的辉煌。今年的大学录取成绩令人满意,在海外申请竞争激烈的情况下,75%的同学被世界前50的大学录取。65%的同学进入美国大学综合排名的前30,97% 的同学进前50。在座的毕业生,几乎都是国际部从小学或初中一路培养起来的,你们能够获得西北大学、约翰霍普金斯大学、康奈尔大学、加州大学伯克利分校、乔治城大学、圣母大学、埃默里大学、纽约大学、斯沃斯莫尔学院、罗德岛设计学院、清华大学等世界顶尖名校伸出的橄榄枝,这是对你们优秀的最大肯定,也是对国际部高质量的教育教学水准的最大肯定。为你们骄傲的同时,我也为多年来精心培育你们的老师、为国际部扎实有效的教育教学感到自豪。

Big parts of your high school career were spent in the midst of the pandemic. What makes me extra proud is that through adversity, you did not give up. Through frustrations, setbacks, and uncertainties, you grasped the nettle, persevered and forged ahead, and eventually realized today’s achievement. The university admission results this year are outstanding. In the face of fierce competition from overseas applications, 53% of you were admitted to the world’s top 30 universities; 75% were admitted to the world’s top 50. In this senior class, 65% were accepted into the top 30 universities in the US, 80% into the top 40; 97% into the top 50, and 100% into the top 70 universities in the US. Renown universities such as Northwestern University, Johns Hopkins University, Cornell University, University of California, Berkeley, Georgetown University, Notre Dame University, Emory University, New York University, Swarthmore College, Rhode Island School of Design, and Tsinghua University all held out an olive branch. That is the greatest affirmation of your excellence coupled with the high-quality education that you had received at THIS.

      你们是非常优秀的一届学生,在你们身上我看到了许多闪光点。你们醉心中国文化,中文课上的书声朗朗,古典舞社的长袖翩翩,民乐社的丝竹纷纷,清词丽句自笔尖流淌,山水花鸟于纸上晕染;你们热爱科学探索,IGEM的奖牌铭刻着你们在实验室的奔忙,Space Competition的桂冠凝聚着你们创造力的火花,丘成桐科学奖领奖台是对你们探索精神的肯定;你们关切时事热点,在课堂中,在MUN、中英文辩论社,在独立研究中,在公益活动中,你们讨论女性议题,关注留守儿童,教育公平与环境保护问题;你们享受体育竞技,篮球场上尽情挥洒的汗水,排球场上为彼此的助威呐喊,绿茵场上娴熟的团队配合,你们有着强健的体魄,更有着团结拼搏的体育精神;从AP宏观经济学的公益项目到社区服务社团的公益引领,从Aid for Wuhan到Aid for Henan,你们关心身边的同学,关心学校,也关爱社会。这种家事国事天下事事事关心的主动与自觉,正是清华精神中的责任和担当,正是清华“行胜于言”的魄力与行动力。微光成炬,向光而行。因为有你们,这个世界更加美好!

You have been such remarkable students with so many bright spots. Your connection with Chinese culture is demonstrated through your fluent and eloquent reading in Chinese classes, your graceful movements with long sleeves in the classical dance clubs, your classical instrument performances with the Folk orchestra, your beautiful flowing words from the tips of your pens, and your landscape flowers and birds in traditional Chinese paintings. Your love for science is undeniable.The medals of iGEM are engraved with your work in the laboratory. The trophy from the Space Competition embodies the spark of your creativity. Standing on the award podium of the Shing-Tung Yau Science Award ceremony is a tribute to your spirit of exploration. Your interests and passion for current affairs is inspiring. In MUN, in Chinese and English debate club, in independent research, and in public welfare activities, you discuss women’s issues, pay attention to children in need, education equity and environmental protection.  You enjoy sports, sweat on the basketball and volleyball courts, cheer for each other on as spectators, and display extraordinary teamwork on the field. From the public welfare projects of the AP macroeconomics class and the Community Service Club, your care for your neighbors near and afar, such as your aid work for Wuhan and Aid for Henan, is unparalleled.  Who you are, your initiative, and your awareness represent the responsibility, courage and action of the Tsinghua spirit. Each small flicker together makes a torch and creates the light. Because of you, the world is more beautiful!


Dear graduates, you have been immersed in the cultural soil of THIS which combines Chinese and Western cultures.  You have been practicing the core values of THIS in and out of the classroom and inheriting the Tsinghua spirit of “Self-Discipline and Social Commitment.” I believe that today you have transformed our collective culture and spirit which is now deeply rooted in your hearts into strength and determination. Without a doubt, you are able to bravely take on the next adventures of your lives and confidently face the challenges of the future!




I hope you can combine your life dreams with social development. No matter what your dreams are, always keep in mind that the Tsinghua community has a rich history of making social contributions.  Therefore, your ambition should never rest solely on personal achievements, but it should also make a mark on social progress and development.

The road ahead is very long, and the wide sky is for you to soar. I believe you will be able to write an even more brilliant chapter in each of your lives! I wish you all, our THIS class of 2022, once again, a happy graduation!

Thank you!

排版 Editing | Mercy Xu

审核 Auditing |  Dieu-Anh Nguyen, Toni Dong, Wenping Li

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 清华附中国际部

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