THIS PTC | Parents and Teachers Nurturing Brilliance Together

By Tuesday November 21st, 2023Events

THIS PTC | Parents and Teachers

Nurturing Brilliance Together



The THIS education ethos is rooted in the strong connection between school and home. One of the many ways in which this connection manifests itself is during the annual fall Parent-Teacher conference. In order to further optimize the learning progress of our students, the conference is an opportunity for in-depth one-on-one communication, and reflection.

Principal Li Wenping is having one-on-one

communication with a parent

Secondary teachers are having one-on-one

communication with parents

Primary teachers are having one-on-one

communication with parents

     Topic Lectures

Grade 7, 8,11

The THIS signature curriculum is a commitment to ensuring that every graduate starts his or her life after school on a path that underlines his or her passion. This is not possible without the support of our dedicated parents. In an effort to prepare our parents for this journey, there is also a Parent Information Session for parents of grades 7 and 8. It sets out our high school philosophy, program of study and our vision to help student find their passion.

Associate Curriculum Director|

Ms. Sumita

The Associate Curriculum Director, Ms. Sumita, began with the three pillars of the high school program – Core Values, Curriculum and College Counseling. She provided a detailed explanation about the high school’s mandatory core courses by grade level, the diverse range of elective courses, covering arts, social sciences, science, sports and more, as well as the research mentorship program supported by robust eclectic scholars of Tsinghua University. Parents showed strong interest in the school’s high-quality course offerings and abundant research resources and expressed heartfelt praise for the students’ rich research achievements.


Later, the Academic Principal, Ms. Klimasara, expressed the school’s views on our advanced pathway – the Advanced Placement courses (college-level preparatory courses). She pointed out that although the school offers a rich variety of AP courses, the primary focus for high school students should be on developing as a holistic learner. She emphasized that THIS has always adhered to the educational philosophy of helping students find their interests and is committed to cultivating internationally-minded graduates who are physically and mentally healthy and well-rounded, which is also highly valued by universities.

Academic Principal|

Ms. Klimasara

College Counselor

|Ms. Hamre

Finally, the College Counselor, Ms. Hamre, enthusiastically introduced THIS’ college counseling services. This counseling is freely available to all high school students in THIS, with one-on-one focus from grade 11 grade. Furthermore, as the counselors spend a lot of time with the students and are familiar with their academics, extracurricular activities, hobbies, and talents, the support from college counseling is targeted and customized to individual needs.

College Counseling Coordinator|

Ms. Zou

In the eleventh grade parent meeting workshop, Ms. Zou Pei, the College Counseling Coordinator, mainly introduced the application procedure and timetable for students to apply for universities in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and other countries. She first listed in detail the application materials, admission standards, and language requirements to be prepared for the university application, and then she shared the platform and system of the university application with parents . In addition, she introduced that THIS provides accurate help for students’ college application escorts through family interviews, one-on-one interviews, and university application lectures. After the meeting, the parents filled out the questionnaire to better express their needs, so as to better connect the teachers of the further education, and ensure that the students can successfully apply for their favourite school.

Primary Division


Ms. Rudisaile

The recent Parent-Teacher Conference at THIS was a resounding success. Parents engaged in constructive dialogues with teachers, gaining valuable insights into their children’s academic progress and social development. The sessions highlighted the school’s commitment to blending the best of Eastern and Western education, showcasing the integration of language and cultural immersion in the curriculum. Positive feedback emphasized the nurturing learning environment and the dedicated efforts of our educators. The collaborative spirit between parents and teachers is integral to our students’ success, and the conference reinforced our shared commitment to fostering holistic growth. We look forward to continued collaboration for the benefit of our students.


Secondary Division 


Mr. Paré


It was the first Parent Teacher Conference of the 2023-24 school year. We had over 1000 sign ups within the first 5 minutes of the system opening which shows how strong the connection is between THIS Parents and the school. Our teachers worked hard before the day to prepare samples of student work to show parents, as well as exhibit work around the hallways and in their classrooms. We couldn’t have had such a successful event without our amazing support staff who set up the rooms and provided a valuable service as translators for our parents and teachers. We look forward to seeing the fruit of these connections blossom into the school year.



ELA Teacher

Mr. Moraga

The recent meeting between parents and teachers highlighted the school’s strong commitment to providing a comprehensive education. During the meeting, teachers showed a profound understanding of their students’ needs and how their innovative teaching methods supported students’ intellectual and emotional growth. It was encouraging to see parents express gratitude for the collaborative approach to their children’s education. The meeting emphasized the school’s nurturing environment and its focus on personalized learning, leaving parents feeling reassured about their child’s academic journey. The positive collaboration between teachers, staff, and parents highlighted THIS’s commitment to providing a well-rounded educational experience for all students. I could tell parents left feeling reassured about their child’s school journey. The collaboration between teachers, staff, and parents showed how THIS is all about giving every student a top-notch, well-rounded educational experience. 


The parent-teacher conference is an important bridge between the school and families, as well as a crucial bond for building enthusiastic and happy students. Through this parent-teacher conference, THIS provided parents with a comprehensive overview of the school’s educational philosophy of “integration of Chinese and Western education, rooted in China with Tsinghua Characteristics.” It also enhanced the parents’ sense of participation and responsibility for their children’s education. It was a joy to watch parent walking down the hallways to their conference meetings, There was a confidence in their stride that reflected the their child’s learning journey.

Looking forward to our reunion 

at THIS next time!

文字 Writing | Fontaine Yang

排版 Editing | Fontaine Yang

图片 Pictures | Fontaine Yang

审核 Auditing |  Benita Sumita, 

Toni Dong, Wenping Li

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 清华附中国际部

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