
By Monday March 14th, 2022Events


THIS at the 2022 Spring Festival Gathering and Art of China New Year Performance


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在本次的演出活动中,国际部的四名学子:Caroline Mclaughlin, Charlotte Mclaughlin, Alexander Mclaughlin和 Yohan Daniel经过7天紧张的封闭排练后,以出色的表现圆满地完成了表演,展现出了国际部学生中西融合的双母语能力和跨文化综合素养,同时体现出对中国文化的认同,成为了象征着中外文化交流的小使者。


1月24日,在接到任务后,学校高度重视本次演出,委派带队教师统筹与协调活动细节。在第一时间,学校迅速集结队伍,由户莎莎老师、Ms. Benita Sumita老师带领4位小朋友进驻节目筹备酒店。在为期一周的封闭排练中,虽然时间紧、任务重,但孩子们都表现出了出色的学习能力和适应能力。带队的老师在这一周的时间中,全程陪伴,悉心照顾孩子们在酒店的起居生活。







《我们北京见》作为文艺中国2022新春特别节目的第10个节目,是由王平久作词、常石磊作曲,演艺界明星、舞蹈学院、幼儿园和清华附中国际部共同表演的一首献礼2022北京冬奥会的音乐作品。“北京欢迎你,我们北京见!” 随着歌唱家们和国际部孩子们的欢乐歌唱和精彩演绎,北京大门常打开,欢迎各国人民到北京来的开放、有爱、国际化的氛围在节目中体现得淋漓尽致,充分彰显出北京作为国际化大都市的胸怀和姿态。









Our students performed the song “Meet you in Beijing” with celebrity artists at this year’s Spring Festival Gathering and Art of China Spring Festival Special Performance. The 2022 Spring Festival Gathering was held by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council at the Great Hall of the People on the January 30, 2022. The 2022 Art of China Spring Festival Special Performance was broadcasted live on the official website of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism along with other platforms at on February 1, the first day of the Chinese lunar year.

CCTV News Coverage of 2022 Spring Festival Gathering

The four THIS students — Caroline Mclaughlin, Charlotte Mclaughlin, Alexander Mclaughlin and Yohan Daniel — presented an outstanding performance with only seven days of intense rehearsals. The success of the performance reflected these students’ bilingual ability and comprehensive cross-cultural literacy of East and West.  It showed their identification with Chinese culture representing a true Chinese and foreign cultural exchange.

In recognition of and gratitude for the performance of the students, THIS received an Appreciation Letter from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

Having received the invitation to perform on January 24, THIS quickly assembled the team and assigned Ms. Annie Hu and Ms. Benita Sumita to lead 4 students to move into the program preparation hotel. During the week-long closed rehearsal, the children showed excellent learning and adaptive skills despite the tight schedule and heavy workload. The teachers who led the group were with the students throughout the week and took good care of them.


Ms. Annie Hu was very impressed by the students’ performance: “They are very self-disciplined and strictly followed the rehearsal schedule on their own.  They always arrived to rehearsal before the specified time balancing their studies and performance tasks very well!”



The students’ excellent bilingual ability and cross-cultural understanding during rehearsal is a vivid demonstration of their learning achievements at school. They also communicated well with the cast and the director. Although they had to get up at four in the morning to put on makeup, the students did not ever complain. They all quickly kept up with the intensity. From the very first day they joined the group, the students showed their superb adaptability, made full use of the time, and seriously practiced the songs over and over again. They quickly familiarized themselves with the language and understood the spirit of the songs. As a result, they gave a wonderful performance showing exceptional comprehension and expression!

performance video

For the 10th program of the 2022 Art of China New Year Special Performance, “Meet You in Beijing” was dedicated to the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games, lyrics by WANG Pingjiu and composed by CHANG Shilai. The song was performed by famous singers, together with the performers from the Dance Academy, the kindergarten and THIS students. “Welcome to Beijing, we’ll meet you here!” signifies Beijing’s openness to people from all countries welcoming everyone into this international metropolis.

THIS is always committed to cultivating international talents with Chinese roots, international vision and the spirit of Tsinghua. In this event, THIS students took the opportunity to perform — a precious experience for both the school and the students.

In the letter of appreciation, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism notes how in the cultural performance of the 2022 Spring Festival Gathering of the State Council and the CPC Central Committee, THIS conscientiously implemented the spirit of President Xi Jinping’s important speech, actively participated, organized, and fully committed itself with a high sense of political responsibility and enthusiasm to deliver an outstanding and brilliant cultural performance. It was highly praised by the central leading comrades and the general public for its good cultural and artistic quality in the new era.

THIS will continue to practice our educational philosophy and core values, committed to cultivating international talents with strong social engagement and responsibility for both China and the world. With that, our students will move on to the global stage having deep Chinese roots.

文字 Writing, 排版 Editing | Mercy Xu

图片 Pictures | THIS teachers

审核 Auditing |  Dieu-Anh Nguyen, Toni Dong, Wenping Li

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 清华附中国际部

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