喜讯| 清华附中国际部团队在国际太空城市设计大赛中国站包揽冠亚军!

By Tuesday March 8th, 2022Rewards and Competition

(Albedodebla Team 领奖合影)


Building Dreams in Space, Returning with Honor

(Bread Team领奖合影)


For the 29th ISSDC China Finals, THIS students formed two teams – the Albedodebla Team and the Bread Team. After three days of intense and fierce competition, both teams achieved great recognition!

本届ISSDC中国站有接近200名来自全国顶尖高中的选手参赛,联校组队成四个不同公司,争夺今年的ISSDC CHINA FINALS冠军和亚洲区总决赛的入场券。最终,我校的Albedodebla团队与北京其他三所学校的团队组建的Grumbo Aerospace公司凭借出色的表现获得冠军,Bread队获亚军。另外,在个人单项奖中,尹天成同学同时收获了最佳领导力奖和最佳答辩奖,单明健获最佳领导力奖,岳一晗获最佳答辩奖。

This year’s ISSDC China Finals featured close to 200 participants from top high schools across the country. The schools teamed up in four different companies to compete for the championship and a spot in the Asia Regional Finals. Albedodebla Team, together with student teams from other 3 high schools, formed a company called Grumbo Aerospace. With their outstanding performance, Grumbo Aerospace took the first place championship in this year’s ISSDC China Finals. The Bread Team won first runner-up. Additionally, as individuals, Victor Yin won both the Best Leadership Award and the Best Representor Award. Bert Shan won the Best Leadership Award. Brian Yue won the Best Representor Award.


Trophy for Champion and Runner-up


The International Space Settlement Design Competition (ISSDC) began as a summer program at Stanford University when a group of scientists and engineers thought it would be fun to do something around space. Through their efforts, ISSDC was born. The ISSDC has developed into a large-scale event that affects dozens of countries on five continents, and is the highest level of competition in the global space field. It is also supported by various aerospace, engineering and educational organizations, including NASA.


Participated online

据了解,本次大赛主题是在水星表面的天然熔岩管(Lava Tube)中建造一个 100-250 米高或宽,5-25 公里长的人类太空移民居住城市。天然熔岩管是近年来太空移民专家们研究的热点,它有着稳定的温度条件、更加安全的生存空间,为太空移民提供了更大的可能性。

The objective of the competition is to build a 100-250 meters high or wide, 5-25 kilometers long human space migration city in the natural lava tube (Lava Tube) on the surface of the planet Mercury. Natural lava tubes have been a hot topic of research among experts in recent years as they offer greater possibilities for space migration with their stable temperature and safer living conditions.


This year’s China Finals was conducted both online and offline. All teams endured 34 hours of continuous commitment to the competition, including two nights of overnight challenges, on-site completion of the design, met the requirements of the proposal, submitted the proposal, and presented an on-site defense. 


During the competition, the students’ physical strength and energy were tested to the extreme. But no one showed fatigue or slackness, instead the teams were full of fighting spirit. They kept encouraging each other as they put their hearts into the design of their work. In the presentation session, the team members divided the work reasonably, cooperated closely, and presented their design concepts and answered the questions with confidence!


Students’ Name List

Albedodebla 团队

王汉麟 Hanlin Wang

王锦敖 Michael Wang

冯宣睿 Aslan Feng

张凌一 Colin Zhang

周随欣 Cynthia Zhou

李馨仪 Evelyn Li

宋豫怡 Charlotte Song

徐祖轩 Nicolas Xu 

王子鹏 Eddie Wang 

Bread 团队

尹天成 Victor Yin

钱弘毅 Winston Qian

席浩云 Bill Xi

张舒平 Howard Zhang 

阮逸兰 Yilan Ruan

孙卓扬 Jeremy Sun

邓家欣 John Deng

王蔚宁 Wenny Wang

陈依然 Chloe Gao

王若曦 Charlotte Wang

单明健 Bert Shan

岳一晗 Brian Yue


Students’ Reflection


Victor Yin

The 2021-2022 International Space Competition was definitely a wonderful opportunity for all the team members to grow: to gain experience both in a more academic sense but also in cooperation and leadership. 

It was a truly fascinating moment from my perspective, watching the team members become more comfortable with the competition format and each other. The team members all familiarized themselves with their roles quickly, dedicating their hearts to creating a design that would be both creative and practical. Even though the experience wasn’t as smooth as we predicted, we facilitated the communication between schools and maximized our potential, each of us working in departments or roles that suited us the most.

In the end, all of us strengthened our skills in some way, using the best of us to benefit the company. And though we didn’t win this round, our spirits didn’t falter. 






Hanlin Wang

For team Albedodebla, this year’s online ISSDC Competition was attended with 2 other teams from Beijing. Our task was to complete a design addressing the needs from the Request for Proposal in 34 hours, which was to design a base located on lava tunnels on Mercury. For us, the unique environment of multiple teams staying together to work on the project was what made the experience enthralling in particular. Through the 2 consecutive days spent at the competition, I believe that this was a once in a lifetime memorable experience for all of us.

ISSDC is not only a competition of science and engineering, it is more of a competition of teamwork and collaboration. During the China Final Round, we were able to meet an amazing group of people from all over Beijing. Everyone had their own role in certain departments, whether it was modelling, art, human factors, structure… Being physically together was a huge advantage for our team, and greatly increased the collaboration and team unity. Working together, everyone was able to play to their strengths. Everyone in the company was very considerate, and was able to understand despite the fact that language barriers existed between some of the members.





Brian Yue

This was my first year attending ISSDC, so everything was new to me. I was unsure of rules, what to do, the procedures and series of events, etc. However, as the competition progressed, with the constant guiding hand of Victor and the other juniors, I was not only successful in getting comfortable with this style of competition but was also successful in leading my department to get their parts finished both in time and with high quality. Apart from being good teachers, my teammates were also a great group of friends that made me feel right at home. In the end, although we got a close second, I’m still proud of the effort and teamwork we put forth.

Also, I felt that the competition was always a surprise for me. At the beginning, I thought it was going to be hard, but the teamwork made me realize that I was with a great group of excellent friends and that the competition wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be. In the end, our department was surprised to deliver an excellent design. It was also a surprise for me to win the best representor award.





By participating in the ISSDC, THIS students fully demonstrated their knowledge, skills and their creative abilities in the fields of mathematics, physics, computers, engineering, business, life sciences, and art. They also improved in leadership, logical thinking, business acumen, teamwork, English writing and presentation skills. 

此次两个参赛团队都载誉而归,充分展现了我校学生所具备的学术实力,同时也体现了我校对学生的学术研究和科学社团活动的全力支持,以及对学生全面发展的高度重视。特别是在此次比赛中,Fatima Hachem老师全程给予了学生们悉心指导,负责学生活动的周汉彬老师也提供了大力的支持。

The fact that both teams returned with honors fully demonstrates the academic strengths of our students, as well as our strong support for students in academic research and club activities. The overall development of our students is of high importance at THIS. The students are especially grateful to Ms.Fatima Hachem and Ms. Joy Zhou for their careful guidance and support throughout this competition.


Moving forward, THIS space team will start to prepare for the next stage of the Asia Finals. Let’s cheer them on. We look forward to more exciting gains together!

文字 Writing | Mia Gu

翻译 Translation | Mercy Xu, Mia Gu

图片 Pictures | THIS Students, Mercy Xu, Mia Gu

排版 Editing | Mia Gu

审核 Auditing | Dieu-Anh Nguyen, Toni Dong, Wenping Li

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 清华附中国际部

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