THIS Summer Camp | 清华附中国际部充满探索与体验的夏天

By Thursday August 19th, 2021Summer Camp


A Summer of Exploration and Fun Experience at THIS


今年夏天,清华附中国际部首次组织了暑期夏令营,有超过180 名学生在6周时间里参加了25门课程。下面,就让我们一起来回顾一下这个仲夏奇遇季,看看2021夏令营的高光时刻!

More than 180 students across 25 courses over six weeks! Now, that is a recipe for a fun summer to remember. Here’s a look at some highlights from the 2021 THIS Summer Program – the first of its kind at Tsinghua International School.


小学生们充满活力的夏天 An Action-Packed Summer for the Youngest


从艺术探索、戏剧表演、3D建模到西班牙语、合唱团、体育和自然拼读……小学的孩子们每天都沉浸在对于各种兴趣课题的探索中,并通过亲身实践解锁许多新的收获。“我很开心,艺术课和合唱团太有趣了!”William兴奋地说。William的妈妈很高兴看到William 在这个夏天不仅能够结交新朋友,还能拓展兴趣爱好,度过了一个愉快而充实的暑假。

Primary students dove into a wide variety of hands-on experience each day from Art, Theatre and 3D Modeling to Spanish, Choir, Sports and Phonics. “I’m having a good time. Art and Choir are so fun!” exclaims William Wang. William’s mom was happy that her son enjoyed his summer by making new friends and exploring new interests.


While William and his classmates made wire art, sketches and puppets, other young students learned what it takes to bring a story alive by performing delightful skits and plays in Chinese and English Theatre.



Fun with Theatre Skills


Chinese Theatre Song




Joyful learning and excitement continued in Spanish. Ms. Tolero, THIS’ Spanish teacher, is super proud of her students who are now muy buenos hablando en español!


Spanish Performance



初中生的创新课堂 A Creative Affair for Middle School



Our middle school students had their share of the THIS summer bliss as well.  One group created and filmed mini-movies in the Film Production course.  Other students in the Creative Writing course wrote short fictional stories. “We got to make our ideas into interesting stories, that was cool,” one student noted in his end-of-program exit survey.


学生们还在艺术与科技课中结合艺术和3D 技术,创作出了互动艺术作品。在机械装置制造课上,同学们也在全力以赴地尝试制造各种各样或基础简易或工程复杂的机械装置。

In the Art and Tech Course, students combined art and 3D techniques to make interactive works of art. And, it was full STEAM ahead for those building basic and complex machines in the Summer Machines course.


学生们通过“解决问题的艺术”这一高等数学课程进一步提升了技能,篮球训练营的学生们也有同样斩获。我们的中学数学老师兼篮球教练Devin Murphy总结得最好:



In the Art of Problem Solving and Basketball Camp, students were challenged to take their skills a notch further.  Mr. Devin Murphy, our Math teacher and basketball coach, sums it up best, “Takes a lot of hard work to master the fundamentals (be it in arts, sports, or any other discipline) before you can advance higher, [a key ingredient is having] a lot of love, passion and fun for what you are doing/pursuing. Strive to become better today than you were yesterday and minor improvements become major improvements. Life is all about perspective.”


High School Basketball


高中生踏入全新领域 High School Treads into the Unchartered



Our high school courses provided students with opportunities to explore new ideas, concepts and fields of study. From setting a strong foundation in computer science and basketball, discovering the nuances of genetic engineering to getting a taste of rock & roll in Music Camp, our high school students enjoyed their eye-opening experiences.





Skills training was also an essential goal of the high school program. In the Research, Reading and Writing course, students delved into global issues, such as the impact of war and violence, sustainability, national and international responsibility, and the environment. They sharpened their skills in research question development, data identification and analysis, and speech, policy and report writing.



Research Workshop Podcast




“At THIS,” Principal Li notes that “students are led to engage with a sense of curiosity to learn from new and deeper experiences, which not only boosts their academic achievements, but also fosters their spirit of learning and exploration for knowledge.” We look forward to the THIS Summer Program 2.0 next year and engage in learning together again!


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