THIS High School cultivate future global leaders

By Friday July 23rd, 2021High School

清华附中国际部(Tsinghua International School,简称THIS)位于清华附中校园内,招收外籍和港澳台学生,提供中西合璧的教育。国际部不仅重视学生学术能力的提高,更关注他们的全面发展。借鉴了百年清华附中基础教育的成功经验,国际部逐渐形成了鲜明的办学特色,即中国根基,国际品质,清华特色。

Tsinghua International School (THIS) is located inside Tsinghua High School. It recruits students residing in or intending to reside in Beijing from foreign nationalities, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. THIS provides a high quality education, combining Eastern and Western cultures.


THIS graduates have been accepted by renowned universities all over the world because of their linguistic skills, solid academic foundations, critical thinking ability and innovative perspectives.  The following is just a sample list of such universities.

Harvard University 哈佛大学

Yale University 耶鲁大学

Princeton University普林斯顿大学

Stanford University斯坦福大学

Massachusetts Institute of Technology 麻省理工学院

Tsinghua University 清华大学

Columbia University 哥伦比亚大学

Cornell University 康奈尔大学

Brown University布朗大学

Duke University 杜克大学

University of British Columbia 英属哥伦比亚大学

University of Edinburgh爱丁堡大学

University of Melbourne墨尔本大学

University of Sydney 悉尼大学

University of Toronto多伦多大学

Emory University埃默里大学

Berklee College of Music 伯克利音乐学院

California Institute of the Arts 加州艺术学院

California Institute of Technology 加州理工学院

Carnegie Mellon University卡耐基梅隆大学

Johns Hopkins University 约翰霍普金斯大学

The New School – Parsons 帕森斯设计学院

New York University 纽约大学

Northwestern University西北大学

Rhode Island Institute of Design罗德岛设计学院

Rice University莱斯大学

Tufts University塔夫茨大学

University of California, Berkeley加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校 

University of California, Los Angeles加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校

University of California, Santa Barbara 加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校

University of Chicago芝加哥大学 

University of Michigan – Ann Harbor密歇根大学安港分校

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校

University of Southern California 南加州大学

University of Virginia 弗吉尼亚大学

Vanderbilt University 范德堡大学

Wake Forest University维克森林大学

Washington University – St. Louis圣路易斯·华盛顿大学

Williams College威廉姆斯学院

University of St. Andrews圣安德鲁斯大学 

McGill University麦吉尔大学


What makes THIS High School so successful? Let’s explore!


At THIS High School, the units of study for all of our courses are based on the Chinese Ministry of Education goals and international standards derived from the United States Common Core, American Education Reaching Out and the College Board Advanced Placement Frameworks.


The curriculum at THIS is designed to emphasize the dynamic teaching and learning that takes place in each classroom. This rigorous inquiry and standards-based curriculum places the student at the center and therefore pays attention to child development needs, interests and backgrounds.  We are proud to offer a variety of courses each year.  For example, Science courses include Biology, Evolution and Natural Selection, Environmental Science, Chemistry, Geology, Meteorology and Oceanography, Physics, and STEAM.  For Art, students may take Piano, Painting, Sculpture, Ceramics, Eastern Art, Art History, Digital Design, and/or Playwriting and Set Design.


An exciting and innovative feature of the THIS curriculum is the involvement of students in cross-curricular and/or cross grade level authentic learning experiences.  Teachers join together to develop lessons or units that are related to solving problems that exist in the real world, to help students at various grade levels understand complex concepts, and to ensure that students understand the interconnectedness of content from various courses. Throughout their education students explore, take academic risks and become empowered as independent learners.


Students are also involved in learning the research process from primary school to graduation. By the time they reach high school, our students are ready to move into more in-depth study about various topics.  Our students are allowed take on “Independent Study” projects with support from their teachers their senior year.  These can be either action research (doing a project that makes a difference) or writing a research paper.


Our students have strong language ability in both Chinese and English. Chinese class is one of the compulsory and core courses at THIS from the 1st Grade to the 12th Grade. Other than Chinese classes, THIS also offers Chinese History and Eastern Art. As a result, THIS has laid a solid foundation of Chinese cultural learning for the students.

老师时刻强调的批判性思维(critical thinking)让我受益匪浅。不管是分析课文、提出观点,还是在听课的过程中,时刻要记得有一个“过滤”的过程,而不是一股脑的硬记。老师对同学提出的质疑都会用辩论的形式和同学讨论,而不是压倒性磨灭学生的个人观点。至今,我在读书或者接触到新观点时都会习惯性的思考一下,自己是否认可它,哪里不认可,有没有意义去辩驳等等。

I benefited a lot from the teachers’ constant emphasis on critical thinking. Whether it’s analyzing the text, putting forward ideas, or in the process of listening to the class, we should always remember that there is a process of “filtering”, rather than just memorizing. Teachers’ questions to students will be discussed with students in the form of debate rather than overwhelming obliteration of students’ personal views. So far, when I read books or come into contact with new ideas, I will habitually think about whether I approve it, where I don’t approve it, and whether it is meaningful to refute it.

—— Annelise Guo


No matter what course it is, teachers are willing to consider whether we have really learned knowledge in various ways, such as project-based research, making posters, videos, reporting performances and so on, which can make students innovate and show their talents. For example, I used to like graphic design because I needed to make posters in school.

—— Winnie Xiao


THIS is famous for its excellent learning environment.  We have low student to teacher ratios, an undeniable sense of community, and strong core values. Our campus is full of energy.


We have dedicated and professional teaching staff who genuinely care about our students.  As students enter high school, the close working relationships between staff and student continue and are strengthened.  With this support, students are able to hone in their leadership skills, resiliency, personal responsibility for learning, and plan for their future.


Our students love to study, enjoy exploring hobbies and interests together, and are earnest about creating a supportive learning environment for everyone. Our diverse teaching staff is well educated, certified in their content areas, experienced, caring, enthusiastic and child-centered. And THIS has been actively practicing the idea of combining Chinese and Western patterns of education and of emphasizing international education with Tsinghua characteristics. Due to continually improving quality of education, THIS is widely recognized and praised by parents and society.

学校老师在课余时间对我的引导和帮助让我看到了世界的另一个样子。9年级的时候,我经常放学后去问我的老师Mr. Cusack 和 Mr. Weil一些关于书本上的问题, 在他们的帮助和引导下,我确确实实的对英文书籍有了很多新的想法和理解。在引导学生时,老师通常不会直接告诉学生答案,但会给一个有充足思考空间的方向。我每次问老师一个问题时,他常常问我四五个问题,让我去想。在回答他的这些问题时,我的问题也在思考的过程中得到了总结。

School teachers in my spare time guidance and help, let me see a different look of the world. In Grade 9, I often asked my teachers Mr. Cusack and Mr. Weil some questions about books after school. With their help and guidance, I really had a lot of new ideas and understanding about English books. In guiding students, teachers usually do not directly tell students the answers, but give them a direction with enough thinking space. Every time I ask my teacher a question, he often asks me four or five questions to think about. In answering his questions, my questions were summarized in the process of thinking.

—— William Yang


Let’s take basketball as an example, I was not only able to play freely on the team leading the team but also be middle school coach and take them to games watching those smaller grow bit by bit. It is the best environment I have had in my life in this compacted environment where the school is always close together even if with the grade difference.

—— Martin Wong


At THIS there is the belief that a strong, positive school community best supports student academic and social-emotional growth and achievement. Secondary students have an opportunity to participate in a variety of both student and teacher-led clubs, take national and international trips, and play organized sports. Students set up many of our clubs and activities exercising their leadership skills.


Our co-curicular activities include Math and Science club, Model United Nations, Chinese and English Debate and Newspaper, Acapella, Community Service, Dance, Cooking, and Board Games.  All the THIS activities provide an excellent platform for students to explore and to further develop their sense of self as they grow into well-rounded individuals. Additionally, as part of our “no sport, no Tsinghua” motto, students are also encouraged to participate in various sports activities.  By doing so, students have the opportunity to showcase their athletic prowess and to learn about competition and collaboration.


Our students characterize themselves as “joyful learners.” Our “joyful learners” have strong bilingual skills, are academically talented, motivated, interesting, well-rounded, supportive of classmates and excellent collaborators.


The counseling office at THIS provides a comprehensive program to support students prepare for their lives after high school.  It begins at the middle school level where our students begin exploring careers.  In grade 9, our high school students lay the groundwork for their portfolio.  Beginning in grade 10, students will meet with admissions officers and prepare for major assessments such as the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT).   Throughout grades 11 and 12, our college counselors regularly meet with individual students and their parents to help them consider options and work on their personal statements.  The college counseling team submits the required documents supporting each university application.  This includes an assessment of the student, teacher recommendation letters, the student’s academic transcript, and the school’s profile.

排版 Editing | Erxin Kang
审核 Auditing | Toni Dong, Dieu-Anh Nguyen, Wenting Bai, Wenping Li

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