THIS PTC|家校合力,用爱浇灌,托举成长

By Saturday May 6th, 2023Events







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Accompanied by the gentle spring breeze, the parent-teacher conference of Tsinghua International School was held on schedule in the beautiful campus. Teachers and parents gathered together with enthusiasm. The parent-teacher conference has always been a tradition of the International School, where parents have the opportunity to have face-to-face conversations with the school principal and teachers to deeply understand the school’s educational philosophy and curriculum. During the exchange with teachers, parents can communicate in-depth about their children’s academic performance and progress, establishing an effective communication channel between home and school, and providing all-around support for students’ growth.


Primary Division PTC

Writings:Primary Director 

Ms. Britni Padiila


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Student-led Conferences are a cherished event in THIS Primary. A student-led conference is a preplanned meeting in which students demonstrate responsibility for their academic performance by providing a review of their work for parents and teachers. This is a dedicated time for students to share their successes and what they have learned this year while also focusing on areas for improvement and goal setting. The entire day focuses on the student and the growth they have shown.

Primary PTC 2023


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Student-led conferences are key to furthering THIS’ goals and core values. They support student’s academic wellbeing and positive conversations surrounding student growth academically and behaviorally. It was an especially welcomed event this year as THIS invited all parents onto campus. This allowed parents to not only see the wonderful learning environment their child is in daily but also guided positive academic discourse between parents and students. 

Primary PTC 2023


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As Primary Director, I get to see the full picture of the event. The hard work that teachers and students put into practicing for families in the weeks ahead, as well as the joy displayed on students’ and their families’ faces as they share. Parents often comment that their child does not talk to them in detail about their school learning at home. This event not only allows for the opportunity, but builds students’ and parents’ capacity to engage in these positive, yet constructive conversations about their child’s learning. It is a celebration and one of my favorite days of the year!

Primary PTC 2023



Secondary Division PTC

Writings:Secondary Director 

Ms. Dieu-Anh Nguyen


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A school represents the heart and soul of the community it serves.

THIS Secondary Division hosted it first in-person PTC in over 2 years. The school was buzzing with positivity and resolve. Our teachers were prepared and engaged with our parents practically non-stop from morning to late afternoon. Our support staff provided invaluable assistance ‘behind the scenes’ as parents rotated through numerous appointments with their children’s teachers. Administrators and counselors were also on hand to answer questions and offer recommendations. 

Secondary PTC 2023


 Parent Information Sessions 


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Midday, the school hosted two supplemental information sessions:G9-10 Guidelines on Course Selection and G6-8 High School Program of Studies. G9 &10 parents had the chance to learn more about the elective course selection process and our middle school parents learn more about our high school program.

Parent Information Sessions


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清华附中国际部是一所“强大”的学校,这样的“强大”来自于所有家长、老师和学生的共同坚信与坚持,一起为国际部社区中的每个人构建一个身心舒适、充实丰盈、能够全情投入的学习环境。每年的家长会是这样一种努力的重要组成部分。这是多么美好的一天啊!  让我们共同期待能够再次在校园中相聚吧!

THIS is strong because of the common commitment of our parents, faculty, and students to providing a safe, nurturing, and engaging learning environment.  Parent-teacher conferences are an integral part of this effort.  What a great day!  We look forward to seeing everyone together again soon.

Secondary PTC 2023

文字 Writing | Britni Padilla,Dieu-Anh Nguyen,Mercy Xu

排版 Editing | Mercy Xu

图片 Pictures | THIS media

审核 Auditing | Toni Dong, Wenping Li

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 清华附中国际部

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