THIS Professional Development | 持续赋能,为教育引擎续航!

By Wednesday October 26th, 2022Events


At any given moment, teachers can spark a student’s potential with no limit to learning. Last week, the faculty at THIS participated in Professional Development Day. The purpose of this day and days like these is to support our teachers as they continue to grow and sharpen their skills. In turn, this empowerment allows them to further their ability to teach, innovate, and care for students.

     Professional Development    


教研日上午,Patrick Smith 校长邀请了美国得克萨斯州资深教育顾问Terri Iles女士为全体教职工在线上带来关于“通过数据持续提升课堂”的专题培训。她带领教师一同思考如何在各项教学数据搭建的框架下,通过全面使用和分析数据,使教师的教学和学生的学习得到改善,从而有效提升教学质量。

Academic Principal Mr. Patrick Smith invited Ms. Terri Iles, a senior education consultant from Texas, to present “Data for Continuous Classroom Improvement” training to all of the THIS staff. Ms. Iles provided a professional framework for dialogue about data. She led the teachers to think about how to improve the quality of effective teaching and learning by using and analyzing data in a comprehensive way.


words cloud of teachers’ reflections



In the afternoon, the various faculty groups participated in special sessions designed for specifically for them. These groups were the primary homeroom teachers, the teaching assistants, the Chinese department, the support team, the science department, and the college counselors.


Meanwhile, secondary teachers along with the primary specialists chose from a selection of topics facilitated by their colleagues. Topics included role-playing, unpacking standards and unit planning, collaborative painting, building resilient students, and Canva applications.


Primary School


小学部主任Britni Padilla女士和主班老师们一同分析了本学期到目前为止以写作坊和阅读坊为主的教学方案和教学活动,大家结合自己的教学实践,共同探讨课程设计和教学策略。作为家长与教师之间的沟通桥梁,助教老师们也一起分享了教学实践,讨论效率更高、沟通更顺畅的工作方式。

Primary Director Ms. Britni Padilla and the primary lead teachers analyzed literacy data and collectively reflected on the teaching programs and activities so far this semester.  They discussed curriculum design and teaching strategies. In their session, the teaching assistants shared effective communication practices to further strengthen the bridge between parents and school. They also discussed their teaching practices and ways to work more efficiently and smoothly.


Chinese Department



During the department training Let Your Chinese Class Bling, Principal Ms. Wenping Li emphasized that all the Chinese teachers should continue to think about teaching design and solutions to improve teaching quality. Chinese language teaching is crucial for our students, not only to maintain their native language, but also to focus on the profound influence of Chinese culture on students’ cultural and moral literacy and to strengthen their self-identity. When students step onto the world stage, they can truly show the heritage of Chinese culture and aptly tell the Chinese story.


Chinese Vice Principal Ms. Wenting Bai and the Chinese teachers engaged in an in-depth study and discussion on innovative classroom formats and enriching classroom activities.

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PD Sessions with Different Themes



Embodying Characterization and Setting in the Classroom

In this session, teachers learn professional classroom design techniques, discuss how to personalize subject information, and use scenarios to help students deepen their understanding of the subject.


课程协调员Benita Sumita老师带领新入职教师们一起重点解读了国际部的课堂设计标准,并且大家一起探讨了如何根据标准来制定行之有效的单元教学计划。

Unpacking Standards and Unit Planning

Ms. Benita Sumita, Curriculum Coordinator, led the first-year teachers in a focus on the class design standards and discussed how to develop effective unit plans.



Collaborative Painting

With the support of the art department, teachers completed their creative and unique paintings in groups, giving full play to their creativity while reaping the joy of teamwork.



Building Resilient Student: Social-emotional Support Strategies

Laura Zhang, the secondary counselor, shared her expertise on how to provide emotional support to students. The session helped teachers to understand the positive meaning of “stress, anger, perfectionism, and negative thoughts” in order to take better care of students’ physical and mental health.


信息技术老师Angel Balboa给大家带来了辅助课堂创新的设计平台讲解,从而让大家不断丰富教学工具和形式。

Classroom Creativity and Collaboration

Angel Balboa, the computer science teacher, gave the teachers a presentation on design platforms that aid in classroom innovation, thus allowing for the continuous enrichment of teaching tools and formats.


Administration Support Team



Top: Ms. Wenbo Dong, bottom: Ms. Weiky Liu


For the support team, the school invited a professional business consultant to provide the “Thriving in International Schools” training. Also, Ms. Dong, the Director of Administration and Ms. Wei Liu, Assistant Secondary Director, organized IT skills training workshops to help the staff improve their practical office skills, to motivate them to be more efficient, and to operate as a well-rounded team.


During the professional development day, the entire THIS professional community shared, grew, and empowered each other. We hope that our faculty will pass on these learned educational ideals and happiness to the students.

文字 Writing | Mia Gu

排版 Editing | Mia Gu

图片 Pictures | Mia Gu, Mercy Xu

审核 Auditing |  Dieu-Anh Nguyen, Toni Dong, Wenping Li

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 清华附中国际部

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