THIS Principal Lunch | 和校长共进午餐,我们聊些什么?

By Wednesday November 9th, 2022Events

为了更好地赋能同学们的成长,了解孩子们在校期间的学习生活,本学期,学术校长Patrick Smith分别邀请了小学、初中和高中各一个年级的同学共进午餐,倾听大家在学业上的收获和成长的感悟,一起畅聊对学校发展的建议和想法。

In order to empower students’ growth and get closer to their school life, this semester, Academic Principal Patrick Smith invited students the primary, middle and high school to have lunch together to talk about their academic achievements, growth perceptions and suggestions for the scholl development.

每次午餐会中,Patrick Smith校长幽默亲切的风格总能让同学们一下子感受到轻松愉快的氛围,大家也都自信自在地畅所欲言,欢声笑语总是充满着整间屋子。大家吃着可口的午餐,与校长敞开心扉,畅谈内心想法,各抒己见。

At each “Lunchtime with the Principal,” Academic Principal Patrick Smith’s humorous and friendly style always make the students feel relaxed and happy. The students are confident and comfortable chatting with the principal about their ideas while enjoying a delicious lunch.



李文平校长和Patrick Smith校长一起参加了小学部午餐会。当校长问到,“你们最喜欢上什么课?”二年级的孩子们都说,“我们的阅读工作坊很有意思,老师们会给我们讲有趣的故事,也带着我们一起阅读各种各样的书籍。”孩子们争先恐后地分享着他们如何对每个课堂充满好奇和期待,比如在艺术课上,同学们可以一起把自己的想象力发挥在手工和绘画作品中,音乐课上,可以和老师学唱好听的歌曲,演奏有趣的小乐器。在说到自己的老师们时,孩子们个个都想分享自己和老师之间的有爱小故事,对老师的喜爱之情,溢于言表。孩子们的话语中满是对校园的喜爱,大家都充分享受着欢乐的大家庭氛围,快乐地学习着、成长着。

Executive Principal Ms. Wenping Li joined Principal Smith for a lunchtime session with our primary students. When asked what is your favorite class, the second graders all said, “our reading workshop is fun. The teachers always read interesting stories and encourage us to read a variety of books together.” Also, everyone enjoys the art and music classes, where students can make crafts, paint together, and learn to sing nice songs. The children also wanted to share their stories about their teachers and their love for them. The children’s words were full of their love for the campus, showing that all of them fully enjoyed the atmosphere of a happy family, learning and growing in this warm community.


Middle School


For the students just entering our middle school, they had endless expectations for the future. When it comes to what they like most about THIS, they all said that the school provides students with various choices of courses, school activities, and meals. This allows them to experience growth and progress in different aspects. In terms of the curriculum, all of them unanimously said that they liked the “project-based learning” model because they felt that they could gain a sense of accomplishment by exploring projects with a team rather than just taking notes and listening to teachers. Moreover, the teachers stimulate their interest for exploration and they learn to apply the knowledge of various subjects in different situations. With this process, each student feel that their overall competence has improved along with their friendships with their classmates were deepened. “We can feel that the school always provides opportunities and platforms for us to fully develop our interests and strengths,” said the students.


High School

首次的高中部午餐会,Patrick Smith校长邀请了十二年级的学生参加。作为毕业年级,同学们感触最深的就是国际部温馨的大家庭氛围。有位同学说,“我们的学校虽小,但同学和老师们之间都彼此熟悉,大家总是在一点一滴中都能感受到温暖和友爱”。在国际部,同学之间相互尊重,是见证彼此成长的好伙伴。老师们亦师亦友,会对学生的想法给予充分的关心和尊重,他们总会耐心倾听,及时反馈。同学们也感受到学校在各方面给予学生们自主发展的支持。学习中,老师会鼓励大家进行独立自主的学科研究;在学生社团和各类跨年级活动中,同学们也都是直接组织策划,由此,领导力和团队合作能力都得到了提升。在扎实的学术学习和丰富的校园活动实践中,大家的学业能力、研究能力和创新能力都得到了全面的培养,同时,对学校的责任感和主人翁意识也在不断增强。

As a graduating class, the grade 12th students are touched mostly by the warm community atmosphere at THIS. One student said, “because our school is small, the students and teachers are familiar with each other. We always feel warm and loved in every little bit.” Students respect each other and become good partners to witness everyone’s growth. The teachers are friendly and genuinely care and respect students’ ideas. They always listen patiently and give timely feedback. The students also feel that the school supports their independent development in all aspects. In their studies, teachers encourage independent and self-directed subject research and participation in student clubs and in various cross-grade activities. Students are organizers and planners. As a result, leadership and teamwork skills are enhanced. With solid academic learning and rich practice in campus activities, everyone’s academic, research and creative abilities are solidly cultivated. All the while, a sense of responsibility and ownership of the school grows.

Patrick Smith校长表示,特别开心能够听到来自各个年级学生对学校最真实、真诚的想法,同学们的心声和建议,学校会仔细参考和落实。国际部始终致力于将“以学生为中心”的理念落到每一处细节中,通过午餐会等直接和平等的对话沟通,我们希望学生们可以感受到学校源源不断的支持,在温馨友爱的国际部大家庭里收获卓越成长。

Academic Principal Smith said that he was very happy to hear the most honest and sincere ideas from students from different grades. THIS has always been committed to putting the “student-centered” philosophy into every detail. We want to hear every student’s thoughts. We hope that through direct and open communication, students will always feel the constant support from the school. Together, we will create a warm and loving campus reaping the benefits of this excellence.

文字 Writing | Mia Gu

排版 Editing | Mia Gu

图片 Pictures | Mercy Xu, Mia Gu

审核 Auditing |  Dieu-Anh Nguyen, Toni Dong, Wenping Li

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 清华附中国际部

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