THIS Book Week

By Monday April 12th, 2021Events, High School, Middle School, Primary School

THIS Book Week


From March 29-April 2, on THIS DL campus and FZ campus, we celebrated book week and the grand opening of the official library of DL campus. Throughout the week we celebrated our love of reading and our library.


On Monday the 29th, to explore the new library, students came into the new facility and took part in a scavenger hunt.  They searched for books with “a girl on the cover” or a “one-word title”, stories with “talking animals” or “super heroes” and many more.  It was a fun exploration of the library. Each class of students also took part in a ribbon cutting ceremony to open the library.


On Tuesday, students and teachers came dressed as their favorite book characters, while continuing to discover things about the new library.


Wednesday was the final meeting for this year’s Community Reads.  Students shared their books with their classmates and teachers, showing their love of reading.


On Thursday we had Chinese author Ms. Jing Fan visit our primary and middle school students to share her thoughts on how to choose books, why we read, and how to experience the beauty of creative writing.


Thursday was also day one of the Book Fair, where students could choose books to purchase. The Book Fair continued through Friday, with Share Kids Books providing over 2000 individual titles and over 3000 volumes to choose from.


It was a great first Book Week for the Daoxiang Lake Campus, and all teachers and library staff look forward to continuing to share the love of reading and knowledge with our students.

文字 Writing | Isabel Lei
排版 Editing | Mercy Xu
审核 Auditing | Shiny Wang, Donald Holder, Wenping Li

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