Reading Competition | 遨游书海,尽享阅读之乐

By Friday May 5th, 2023Events


On April 24, Tsinghua International School(THIS) held the 2023 Kids Reading Competition. A total of eight student teams from Dalian American International School (DAIS), Western Academy of Beijing (WAB), Keystone Academy, International School of Beijing (ISB) and THIS participated in the competition.

上图:Nathalia Hardy老师主持比赛,

下图:国际部学术校长Patrick Smith先生致开场辞

Above: Ms. Nathalia Hardy hosted the competition, Bottom: THIS Academic Principal, Mr. Patrick Smith, made the opening remarks

比赛现场 Students in the Competition


Over the past year, these middle school students read 24 books covering a range of genres. Students created and submitted questions, and then competed in two rounds of quiz-bowl style questions. These questions asked students to demonstrate a depth of knowledge about the books. Each team had 30 seconds to brainstorm their answer and show it on a whiteboard. 

2023 THIS Kids Reading Competition


After two rounds, the top five teams entered the final round. The competition was fierce and ultimately decided by tie-breakers. One of the THIS teams took third place, and the second team came fourth place. 


THIS 3rd Prize Winners

Hanjing Wang

Jeremy St. John

Linda Luo

Anna Masuchun


THIS 4th Prize Winners

Afra Miao

Lucas Yang

Kaoru Yagi

Niannian Zhang


We are proud of all the competitors. Also, we are happy to see that our students welcomed students from other schools, and showed them our beautiful campus. The teachers remarked how welcoming and friendly our students were. 

2023 THIS Kids Reading Competition


Through the reading competition full of fun and knowledge, THIS seeks to inspire middle school students to read broadly, work well in teams, and develop strong reading habits that will ensure their success in school and in life. 


We believe more middle school students love reading and teamwork, and will take part in the 2024 Kids Read Competition. Looking for the 2024 Kids Read Competition book list coming out soon!

Writing | Nathalia Hardy, Mia Gu

图片 Pictures | THIS Media

排版 Editing | Mia Gu

审核 Auditing | Toni Dong, Wenping Li

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 清华附中国际部

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