“Global Pharmaceutical Industry Trends”

By Monday April 26th, 2021Events

 “Global Pharmaceutical Industry Trends”


On Friday, April 9th, 2021, 3:40-5:30 p.m., in the library of Tsinghua International School (THIS), we were honored to invite Mr. Xin Xie and his team (Rui Zhu, Qiuying Li, Tong Liu, Shengyuan Zou) to give a talk on “Global Pharmaceutical Industry Trends” for THIS students, parents, and teachers. Mr. Xie is an executive director and vice president at Sino Biopharmaceutical Ltd., responsible for financing, mergers and acquisitions, and corporate development.

此次公开讲座由学校的学生投资社团(Investors’ Club)的创立人崔安娜(11年级)主要组办而成。Investors’ Club主要是以模拟炒股为主要活动,但也会学习经济知识、股市知识、讨论新闻实事以及参加比赛。

This public lecture was mainly organized by Anna Cui (Grade 11), the founder of the school’s Investors’ Club. THIS Investors’ Club, in addition to running a simulated stock market, also leads discussions for the community on economics, the stock market and current events, and participates in business-related competitions.


At the beginning of the lecture, an introduction video about Sino Biopharmaceutical Ltd. was shown. As the video was playing, the keynote speaker, Mr. Xie walked the audience through the content, giving everyone a sense of the high level at which the top pharmaceutical companies in China were operating. Then when explaining the overall trends in the Chinese and American pharmaceutical industries, those present learned that China’s pharmaceutical industry is getting closer and closer to the top level in the world. In China, the pace at which new drugs are approved by the Food and Drug Administration is getting more efficient. This was not just to show the great improvement in China’s pharmaceutical industry, but also how the remedies being developed are saving millions of lives. After looking closely at the overall pharmaceutical industry, the data shows that oncology is the most popular area of development at the moment.  This is the type of front-line information that investors need from professionals. After that, Mr. Xie also analyzed the recent performance of Chinese pharmaceutical stocks.


Sino Biopharmaceutical Ltd. invested in the development of the new vaccine which has been approved for sale in China and more than 10 countries around the world. Mr. Xie explained what was happening globally in vaccine research and development and the current vaccination situation. Mr. Xie was able to give an account of the vaccine development and production process from a professional’s perspective and provided information on the global reach of China’s vaccines. As the topic is close to their current concerns, students and parents asked many relevant questions about the nature of the vaccines in China, their production, their research, and so on.


After the lecture, students and parents had a lively discussion with the five speakers for more than an hour. This talk integrated knowledge from both the investment and biological science fields, and audience members with a particular interest in these fields gained much from being able to ask questions. Some of the middle school students were also very interested and asked many good questions.

举办公开讲座已经逐渐成为了Investors’ Club的一种传统。在2月16日,我们邀请了泰康资管香港公司权益投研部主管和组合投资经理马越(Ally)在线上为投资感兴趣的同学组办了一个线上的公开讲座。因为通过2月的线上讲座,我们联系到了此次的主讲人谢炘。在两个月后,我们首次在线下成功举办了此次精彩的讲座。两位主讲人皆为清华附中国际部的学生家长,而Investors’ Club 致力于有效地利用这个平台为大家组办顶尖的公开讲座。

Organizing public lectures has become a tradition of the Investors’ Club. On February 16th, they invited Ally Ma, Head of Equity Investment and Research Department at Taikang Asset Management (Hong Kong) Co. Ltd., to organize an online public lecture for students interested in investment. Through the online lecture in February, the club was introduced to Mr. Xie. Two months later, the club successfully held this wonderful lecture offline for the first time. Both speakers are parents of students at THIS, and the Investors’ Club is committed to effectively using this platform to organize top-level talks and programs.

文字 Writing | Anna Cui, Max Li
排版 Editing | Erxin Kang
图片 Pictures | Kingto
审核 Auditing | Shiny Wang, Donald Holder, Wenping Li

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