As the summer heat comes to an end, we can begin to hear the golden autumn’s refreshing message and are ready to start a new school year. We are excited to welcome a new group of professional and energetic teachers to THIS.
From the school’s mission and philosophy, instructional framework, curricular standards, Chinese culture, to policy and safety procedures, orientation week provides new teachers a comprehensive overview of THIS. They then can immerse themselves in the atmosphere of East and West, quickly integrate into the team, enhance their teaching proficiency, and be fully prepared for the upcoming school year.
欢乐破冰 All about Me
学术校长 Patrick Smith Academic Principal Mr. Patrick Smith
今年,学术校长Patrick Smith强势加入学校领导管理团队,作为首日培训主持,他以幽默热情的方式开场,让大家感受到了满满的能量。首先,他带领新教师们进行分组自我介绍,然后通过相互复述的新颖方式,让大家了解了每一位老师独特的人生经历和各自对教育的独特见解。欢声笑语中,来自五湖四海的老师们在短时间内就对彼此有了清晰而又深刻的印象。
Joining the school’s leadership this year, Academic Principal Mr. Patrick Smith brings passion and proficiency. He opened the first day with humor and enthusiasm with an “All About Me” activity, leaving everyone feeling full of energy. The team had the chance to retell each other’s unique life experiences and insights into education. With warm laughter, teachers from all over the world, got a clear and deep impression of each other in a short period of time.
管理团队与新教师两两分组自我介绍 Leadership Team and New Teachers Introduced Themselves in Groups
赋能教育·尽展卓越 Empowering Education
李文平校长发言 Welcome Presentation from Principal Ms. Li Wenping
During the training, Executive Principal Ms. Li Wenping gave a complete introduction of THIS from the background of the school, its historical development, philosophy and core values, the faculty, and the overall school culture and student achievements. She hopes that the teachers to inherit the Tsinghua spirit and be the best they can at THIS. With enthusiasm and joy, they will constantly improve their teaching skills to empower and enrich the students at THIS.
领导管理团队接力介绍 Leadership Team Relay Introduction
随后,李校长和学术校长Patrick Smith、中方副校长白文婷女士、小学部主任Britni Padilla女士、中学部主任Dieu-Anh Nguyen女士和行政主任董文博女士以接力介绍的方式,让大家熟悉了学校领导管理团队的阵容,让大家感受到了国际部大家庭相互支持的温馨氛围和满满的凝聚力。
Executive Principal Li, then, along with Academic Principal Mr. Patrick Smith, Vice Chinese Principal Ms. Bai Wenting , Director of Primary School Ms. Britni Padilla, Director of Secondary School Ms. Dieu-Anh Nguyen, Director of Administration Ms. Dong Wenbo, and Curriculum Coordinator Ms. Benita Sumita –introduced one another to the new staff in a succession allowing everyone to feel the warm atmosphere and full of cohesion of THIS family and its leadership team.
内容丰富·专业提升 Professional Enhancement
左上:课程协调员Benita Sumita老师,左下:Kyle 老师,右: 信息技术主任Alla Alali老师 Top Left: Ms. Benita Sumita, Curriculum Coordinator, Bottom Left: Mr. Kyle, Right: Mr. Alla Alali, Head of Information Technology
在分学部培训中,Britni Padilla主任和Dieu-Anh Nguyen主任分别介绍了他们对新学年的展望,以及各学部的日常工作介绍。中方副校长白文婷女士和新教师们分享了国际部深厚的校园文化以及她多年来的教学心得。小学部Sian Li老师和Tynaiza Murphy老师还主持了小学部课程介绍,重点就“如何在师生之间建立一个可持续的积极的教育氛围”这一话题与新教师展开讨论。
During the divisional meetings, Directors Britni Padilla and Dieu-Anh Nguyen respectively outlined their expectations for the year along with an overview of how their divisions worked day to day. For our new Chinese staff, Vice Chinese Principal Bai Wenting shared her extensive experiences about the school culture and teaching framework as they have joined a strong Chinese department. Ms. Sian Li and Ms. Tynaiza Murphy led sessions in the primary focused how to set up and maintain a positive learning environment for students and staff.
小学部主任Britni Padilla Ms. Britni Padilla, Director of Primary School
中学部主任 Dieu-Anh Nguyen Ms. Dieu-Anh Nguyen, Director of Secondary School
精彩瞬间 Highlights
欢迎新教师 Welcome New Faculty
早餐会期间,领导团队、新教师轻松畅聊 During the light breakfast time, the leadership team and new teachers chatted freely
新教师发言 Sharings from New teachers
CPR、ADE培训增强校园安全意识和急救技能 CPR,+ADE training to enhance campus safety awareness and first-aid skills
The excitement continues through orientation week with student representatives from the primary, middle, and high school coming to the school to also welcome the new staff, Parent Council breakfast, and the return of all THIS faculty…… A team of enthusiastic, student-centered teaching professionals of THIS is gathering together once again, and we are ready to welcome another successful school year!
文字 Writing | Mia Gu 图片 Pictures | Mia Gu, Mercy Xu 排版 Editing | Mia Gu 审核 Auditing | Dieu-Anh Nguyen, Toni Dong, Wenping Li
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