
By Thursday February 16th, 2023Events


THIS Community Service Club

在国际部有这样一个有爱的学生社团,二十位同学在两位老师的协助下,在校内外自主组织各类公益慈善活动,把小爱汇聚成大爱,它就是我们的社区服务社团(Community Service Club)。CSC成立于2012年,是国际部近50个学生社团中发展时间最长的社团之一。成员们希望通过与公益组织的合作来支持慈善事业,同时也在校内加强跨年级的交流,增添国际部大家庭的温暖氛围。

At THIS, we have a student club called Community Service Club (CSC). CSC has been founded in 2012 making one of the longest running student clubs at THIS. The club’s main goal is to help the community and provide support to those who need it. The club has 20 student members, and with the support of two teachers, they organize various charity activities in and out of school to make a difference. CSC students hope to promote charity in support of nonprofits, as well as to encourage the common good to strengthen the THIS big family. 



Since the establishment of the club, the school has always supported and encouraged students to organize various activities. We hope that through practice, our students can pass on the spirit of solidarity and love among different grades and pass on love to more people in need, so that they can truly grow into international talents with great love, dedication and social responsibility.



Let’s follow the Community Service Club to recap the memorable charity activities they organized or participated in the last semester!

以下内容转自THIS StuCo公众号

The above content is from THIS StuCo WeChat account


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As the new semester started, CSC has already launched new charity activities. Recently, the catastrophic Turkey-Syria earthquake caught the global attention. The CSC members quickly launched a fundraising event on campus to appeal for donations. As always, we will encourage the whole school to participate to let the love and kindness of the students blossom into an even stronger power!

审核 Auditing | Toni Dong, Wenping Li

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 清华附中国际部

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