Deep Connection, Keep Enpowering – Curriculum Afternoon

By Thursday September 28th, 2023Events
Curriculum Afternoon
 General Meeting

On September 26th, following the monthly Principal’s Breakfast Meeting and the Parent Council Meeting, Principal Li Wenping of THIS conducted Curriculum Afternoon Opening Ceremony with the theme “Deep connection, Continuous Empowerment” at the Tsinghua High School Auditorium. The curriculum afternoon has been a regular activity at THIS, where all parents are invited to attend at the beginning of each academic year. Through teachers’ introductions regarding their educational backgrounds, curriculum design, course content, and evaluation methods, parents gain a more comprehensive and profound understanding of their children’s learning and development. 

Speech of Principal Li of THIS

Principal Li first led everyone to review the remarkable achievements of THIS in the past year. These achievements included obtaining a 6-year WASC accreditation, restarting China trips after the pandemic, participating in various sports activities and competitions,  and advancing the Mentoring Program etc.Then, centered around the keyword “connection,” Principal Li expressed several hopes for parent-school collaboration in nurturing students. She pointed out that self-motivation and autonomous growth are the ultimate goals of parent-school cultivation. Parents should lead by example, imparting love and wisdom through their words and actions, aligning with the school’s consensus, and focusing on developing and exploring their children’s potential and interests. Through these efforts, parents can help children contribute to the community and help them achieve autonomous development.


Speech of the Academic Principal Ms. Klimasara

Next, Academic Principal Ms. Klimasara delivered a highly inspiring speech. She first expressed her recognition of the quality of students admitted to THIS under strict admission criteria. She emphasized that each child has their own unique qualities and talents, and the task of parents and the school is to develop and support their children’s dreams. She thanked the parents for their long-standing support and trust in THIS and expressed her hope that through close collaboration and active discussions with parents, THIS can pave the way for children to grow into well-rounded individuals with  qualities of wellbeing, integrity, respect, collaboration, leadership and innovation.

Speech of the President of 

THIS Parent Council

Finally, Ms. Dong Huachun, the president of the THIS Parent Council, shared the activities organized by the council in the past year to connect and empower students, parents, and teachers. In terms of connecting with students, the council has kept up with the times, focusing on student learning and professional development, as well as environmental protection. They have organized events such as college experience sharing sessions, expert lectures, and tree planting activities. In connecting with parents, the council has consistently organized monthly THIS Principal Breakfast, parent school lectures, and parent book reading. In connecting with teachers, the association continues to hold two high-quality traditional events each year: the welcome breakfast for new teachers and Teachers Appreciation Day. With the support from the Parent Council, parents and teachers will work together to create a loving, comprehensive, and high-quality environment for children’s growth. 

Meetings with 

Homeroom Teachers

After the general parent meeting, all parents then proceeded to their respective classrooms to attend the class parent meeting conducted by the homeroom teachers and the curriculum briefing session led by teachers of different subjects.
During the homeroom teacher’s introduction session, the homeroom teachers and parents discussed important topics such as students’ learning status, class management, and home-school collaboration. The homeroom teachers shared students’ strengths and achievements and provided timely feedback to parents on their children’s learning progress. They also exchanged ideas with parents on how to address learning and growth issues. Additionally, they introduced the class’s rules and regulations, as well as activity plans, to enhance parents’ understanding of their children’s discipline and teamwork skills. Most importantly, this meeting established a close connection between home and school, enabling both parties to collectively focus on students’ growth and create a favorable learning environment and space for their children.

Meetings with Teachers of 

Different Subjects

In the subsequent curriculum briefing sessions for each subject, the subject teachers provided detailed introductions about their educational and teaching backgrounds, teaching content, personal interests, as well as the educational philosophy, curriculum structure, and teaching methods of the International Department. Finally, the teachers also shared their contact information for online or offline communication.
Teachers of Different Subjects

Through this curriculum afternoon, parents have gained an understanding of the educational characteristics, diverse curriculum offerings, and innovative teaching methods THIS. The key to student success lies in the close collaboration between schools and parents. When parents have a thorough understanding of the school’s philosophy and classroom practices, they will have a deeper understanding of their children’s educational experiences.
Lastly, we wish all parents and students a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day!





文字 Writing | Fontaine Yang排版 Editing | Fontaine Yang

图片 Pictures | Fontaine Yang

审核 Auditing |  Scott Paré, Toni Dong, Wenping Li





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