THIS Secondary Open Day is on Dec 7. Register NOW!

By Friday December 1st, 2023Events



Are you looking for a bespoke academic program for your child?

Don’t you want your child to learn from one of the best of Chinese and Western education?

Don’t you want your child to be nurtured as independent and critical thinkers?


Register for our Open Day and find out how THIS fosters “creative, critical thinkers” who not only strive to learn, but who are also on a learning journey that helps them find their passion. Come to the THIS Secondary Open Day to know more about our program and vision.

About Tsinghua International School (THIS)



Located on the campus of Tsinghua University High School, Tsinghua International School aims to “foster creative critical thinkers who have roots in China and prepare to lead in the global community” since its establishment in 2009. Over the past 14 years, the school has been “becoming a model of education that combines the best of Chinese and Western education,” and has become the school of choice for families of returnees because of its driven student body, dedicated faculty and outstanding achievements.



THIS is a WASC-accredited grade 1-12 school, recruiting foreign students with Chinese visa and students from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. Our curriculum integrates Chinese and Western cultures, with Advanced Placement (AP) courses in high school. THIS is also a US College Board member, as well as a testing center for AP, ACT, and SAT.


THIS Core Values


THIS has a signature curriculum taught by a faculty who are at the forefront of their disciplines and skills. THIS students have robust academic skills rooted in critical thinking, innovation, and leadership boosted by bicultural and global perspectives that aim to contribute to sustainable and positive change in the world. Their learning journeys are not limited within classrooms. They have won many competitions abroad and at home, including Chinese and English debate tournaments, MUN conferences, World Scholarship Cups, International Space Settlement Design Competitions, IGEM and several Mathematics Competitions. The school has over 50 secondary student-led clubs,over 20 primary after-school activities and more than 20 sports teams. 

THIS graduates are accepted by top universities in the world, including but not limited to Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Columbia University, Brown University, Cornell University, University of Toronto, University of Cambridge, and Tsinghua University.


THIS is a close-knit family of teachers, students and parents. We work hand-in-hand to support each other through the solid and rigorous curriculum, abundant and inspiring co-curricular activities, and a culture of care and compassion.


About THIS Secondary School (Grade 6-12)



Middle School(Grade 6-8)

Middle school at Tsinghua International School evolves from the inquiry based, progressive Primary School program and continues to inspire students to be collaborative, creative, innovative, and focused learners. Students are provided with opportunities to develop their skills, knowledge and understandings through a wide variety of learning experiences ranging from research and discussions to hands-on exploration in the STEAM Lab, creative opportunities in the arts and heathy living through exercise and sport. All teachers are specialists in their content areas and in supporting the unique growth and development needs of the middle grade’s child. The courses are based on the American Common Core standards as well as the Ministry of Education goals for Chinese language, history and cultural studies.



High School(Grade 9-12)

The High School program at Tsinghua International School is designed to help students “FIND THEIR PASSION!” The intentional set of required courses at each grade level ensures that students continue their development as creative, critical thinkers, while the extensive array of elective courses provide them with opportunities to explore areas of interest and have experiences that may alter the paths of their lives. Teachers are all specialists in their content areas and work diligently to challenge students as learners and as future leaders. Within all course students are required to research in depth, to write proficiently, to participate in collaborative projects and to work towards attaining their own individual potential. Deep involvement in after-school programs and sports is encouraged and often leads to students assuming leadership roles in clubs and activities. By the end of grade 12, students are well prepared to succeed at competitive universities and, ultimately, in life.


THIS Secondary Open Day


2023.12.7 Thur 8:30-12:00


Tsinghua University Hign School Campus, Zhongguancun North Street, Haidian District, Beijing


  • School Introduction

  • Secondary Introduction(Curriculum, Extracurricular Activities, College Counselling)

  • School Tour

  • Parent&Student Sharing

  • Admission Q&A


Please scan the QR code to register for Secondary Open Day

Admission Office:

(010) 62771477/ (010) 62797000




THIS Admission Office

Tsinghua University High School, Zhongguancun North Street, Haidian District, Beijing

Official Website:

Official WeChat Account:


Admission WeChat:


 Editing | Mercy Xu

Auditing | Benita Sumita, Toni Dong, Wenping Li


本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 清华附中国际部

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