李文平校长:卓越人才的成长途径—— 为学生创建自主发展的场域

By Saturday May 13th, 2023Events



Ms.Wenping Li: The Pathway to Excellence – Creating a Field for Students’ Self-Development


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李文平校长指出,当学生把自己的才能、自己的热爱或者特长,用于服务他人、改变社区、贡献社会的时候,就会产生一种成就感,而这种成就感就会化为“内驱力”,促进学生的自主发展。卓越人才不仅要有丰富的社会参与、自主发展和文化基础——即“德”、“才”兼备,还应该以习近平总书记对新时代中国青年的期待:有思想、有本领、有担当为目标,更好的为自己所在的社区和世界作出积极的贡献,成为心里有梦、脚下有路、眼里有光的人。乔布斯在斯坦福大学毕业典礼上的致辞提到,“唯一做伟大工作的办法就是爱你所做的事情。”所以,李校长坚信Find your passion,尤其是在高中阶段,找到自己所爱,找到自己的理想和目标非常重要,它能支撑你的人生过得更有意义,成为一个卓越的人才,成为为世界作出贡献的人。









在教学方式上来讲,国际部使用基于理解力培养的逆向教学设计,就是understanding by design (UBD) 的教学和备课模式,同时采用项目式教学、探究式教学、跨学科综合学习、体验式学习、服务性学习这种丰富多彩的综合的学习方式,让学生在真实的生活体验中感受知识的魅力,从而将所学迁移到生活中,让学习和生活产生连接。

其中,李文平校长举例“小美人鱼“与服务性学习的故事。高中的AP宏观经济学的课程要求学生设计解决贫富差距问题的志愿服务,学生们经过头脑风暴,将解决中国贫困人口干净水源的问题作为突破口,开始实施志愿服务计划。但其中的难点在于资金筹集问题,每打一口水井需要700元人民币。为了解决资金问题,学生们一致决定将安徒生的原著《海的女儿》改编成舞剧《小美人鱼》,通过义演筹集资金一万元做志愿服务。从前期策划、编写剧本、舞蹈编排到舞台效果,每一个环节都由学生们原创完成。舞剧由民族舞社和现代舞社的同学们合作完成,第一次公演就惊艳全场,两场义演共募集到4万多元人民币,学生们全部捐给了WE VILLAGES公益机构,专门用于帮助中国偏远贫困地区的孩子。在这样一个学习项目的过程中,学生的团队合作能力、领导力、沟通能力,学生的志愿服务精神,自主自主意识的培养完全展示出来。当学生的学习和社区服务社会服务连接起来的时候,学生的心胸会更宽,格局会更大,这样的教育可能才有可能避免培养精致的利己主义者。 



在隐性的活动场域,李文平校长提到,我们通过学科主题日活动、社团活动、公益慈善活动、社会实践和文化考察活动以及科研导师项目等方式,支持学生的自主发展。比如,每一个学科在每一学年都会有一天的学科活动日,例如说语文学科的China Day,数学的Pi日,科学节,历史日等等。在这一天,学生自主设计展示学科中的所学,以及未来可以探究的内容来做成自己的项目设计,集中展示出来。 



李文平校长继续分享了另一个例子,是曾经有一位毕业生,她在国际部就读期间经常参加中文辩论,在中文老师钱超的指导和带领下,以扎实的中文基础,我们学校的学生屡获冠军。在中文辩论中,她深深体会到了思辨的乐趣。但在北京蒲公英打工子弟学校支教的经历让她发现,那里的学生不缺好的教材,但是缺乏求知欲,不知道为什么要学习,缺乏思辨能力。她就发愿,将中文辩论上学到的思辨能力也带到了蒲公英打工子弟学校。她不仅去支教,还拉赞助,带领学校的学生一起参加亚洲辩论会等。21年她被斯坦福大学录取后,也没有就此终止做公益,在开启大学生涯之前的一年Gap year中,她进一步通过义卖的方式为蒲公英学校购置美术教材,同时带打工子弟的同学们到国际部来做了7天的思辨和STEAM的夏令营,招募了清华附中本部和国际部的同学来给这些同学做小老师,进行志愿支教。李校长动情地说道,“我特别被她感动,我问她,你都毕业了还在做这样的事情吗?白小舟同学的答案是肯定的。我觉得这样一名有格局、有担当的高中毕业生既能以自己的学业本领被名校录取,还能以善心和大爱传递公益精神,就是我心中卓越人才的样子。“


Ms. Li Wenping, Executive Principal of Tsinghua International School (THIS), for the 2023 SOMIS Principals’ Forum at Peking University delivered a speech themed “The Pathway to Excellence – Creating a Field for Students’ Self-Development.”  The inspiring speech focused on supporting students’ independent development and cultivating their outstanding talents by building a platform for students in both the explicit curriculum and implicit activities within the educational practices at THIS.


Education philosophy: find your passion and make differences to the world

The famous educator Sukhomlinsky mentioned that “Only that education is true which leads to the independent development of the student, to his ability to think, to judge, to choose, to create, to act.” (Sukhomlinsky, 1978)

Principal Li pointed out that when students use their talents, passions, or skills to serve others, they experience a sense of achievement that will turn into an “internal driving force” that promotes their independent development. Outstanding individuals should not only have both “virtue” and “talent,” but they should also aim to meet General Secretary Xi Jinping’s expectations for China’s young people in the new era: having a vision, capability, and a sense of responsibility. These youngsters should make a positive contribution to their communities and the world, becoming people with dreams, paths, and light in their eyes. Steve Jobs mentioned in his 2005 speech at Stanford University’s graduation ceremony, “the only way to do great work is to love what you do.” Principal Li firmly believes that students should find their passions and in high school, developing their own ideals and goals, which can support them to live a more meaningful life.

Qian Xuesen’s question raised, “why can’t our schools cultivate outstanding talents?” Qian Liqun’s concern is whether the education we are currently conducting is cultivating a group of “absolute, precise egoists.” Regarding this issue, Principal Li proposed that:

First, we need to help students find their passions, stimulate their potential and strengths, let them develop independently.  Perhaps this is the guiding direction for us to cultivate outstanding talents. Many educators often focus on improving students’ weaknesses but fail to stimulate their strengths. If students can develop independently in their strengths, they can become outstanding talents.

Second, we cannot cultivate students whose only goal is to get into a good university and find a good job. Educators must encourage students to serve their communities and contribute to society during their secondary school years. By using their talents to help others, students will gain the right mindset and a sense of responsibility becoming active contributors to society.

As a school, we should provide paths and fields for students to find their passions and create a climate and environment for their growth. For example, a THIS high school student who had a keen interest in journalism wanted to bring a journalism course to the school. Because THIS promotes students’ independent thinking and love for subjects, the academic dean, curriculum director, and English teacher supported the student to learn about teaching and provided guidance for her research related to journalism. The elective course opened with the lead teachers meeting weekly with the student to follow up on teaching pedagogy, lesson planning, homework design, and assessment to help the student develop her skills while ensuring quality and standards were maintained for the class. During her time at THIS as a full-time student and as a student teaching assistant, this student’s articles about justice were often featured on the Student Council’s WeChat account and in the school newspaper. In 2020, she was accepted to Brown University.


The Explicit Field:


How does the school support students’ independent development in explicit curriculum fields? Ms. Li stated that “students’ autonomy is a power in sleep, and education is the art of awakening students’ subject consciousness.” From the perspective of teachers, our teachers should appreciate and motivate students allowing them to grow and change through recognition and encouragement.  It is the teacher’s critical responsibility to acknowledge their efforts and use love to awaken every student’s enthusiasm for learning. The school’s educational beliefs should include the insistance on helping students develop their strengths, stimulating their inner drive, and leading their independent growth.

In terms of curriculum design, the school provide smaller class sizes, a homeroom advisory system, and compulsory and elective courses with a non-ranking mechanism to encourage students to be their best selves. In terms of breadth, the various elective courses allow students to experience and discover their strengths, providing opportunities for them to expand their resources that includes high-level research laboratories. In terms of depth, the school offers Advanced Placement (AP) courses, and for students with spare capacity, the school helps them join university professors in laboratories to do experiments and develop their strengths, providing tailor-made education and fully satisfying students’ needs from curriculum ideas and practices.

At Tsinghua International School, the twelfth-grade independent research project is one example of a field the school provides for students’ individualized development. In this offering, seniors design their own projects, submit proposals, and receive one-on-one guidance from teachers assigned by the school.  A wide range of research topics have been explored such as genetics, cancer safety and investment, quantum mechanics, orchestral production, and island ecology. THIS students have designed colorful artworks to evoke emotion, paint and nozzle design for rockets, methods and applications for film critique using AI, and behavioral economics in advertising. One student had written an original book, “The Past Life of Quantum Physics,” in which he consulted numerous Chinese and foreign books and sources to write about the history of quantum physics in easy-to-understand text. This student is currently studying at Princeton University.

The primary and middle school capstone projects offer a variety of possibilities for students to choose their own topics, focus on global issues, and encourage them to find solutions. Through this process and with the guidance of their teachers, students learn how to conduct basic scientific research which involves information review, data collection, and develop solutions ……

In terms of teaching methods, THIS uses the Understanding by Design (UBD) model for teaching and lesson planning, focus on project-based teaching, and interdisciplinary, experiential, and service-learning.  This inquiry approach allows students to engage with authentic experiences with the hope that they can transfer what they have learned to real life.

Ms. Li cited the project “The Little Mermaid” service learning as an example. The AP Macroeconomics course in high school required students to design a volunteer service project to address the basic needs inequities between the rich and poor.  Students brainstormed a solution to address the problem of clean water  access for the poor in China. The challenge was to raising funds to pay for water wells that costed 700 RMB each. The students unanimously decided to adapt Hans Christian Andersen’s original book “The Sea’s Daughter” into a dance drama “The Little Mermaid.”  This benefit performance was aimed to raise 10,000 RMB. From pre-planning, script writing, dance choreography to stage effects, every aspect was done originally by the students. The dance was a collaboration between students from the Traditional Dance Club and Modern Dance Club resulting in a stunning public performance. The two benefit shows raised over 40,000 RMB, all of which was donated to WE VILLAGES, a charity dedicated to helping children in remote and impoverished areas in China. During the course of such a learning project, the students’ teamwork, leadership, communication skills, volunteer spirit, and their sense of autonomy were fully demonstrated. When students’ learning is connected with community service, they will broaden their mindset and gain a bigger picture perspective.


Implicit Field:

Extracurricular Activity

Ms.l Li mentioned that we support students’ independent development through subject theme days, club activities, public welfare charity events, social practice, cultural exploration activities, and research mentorship programs. At THIS, each academic department hosts a subject specific day or event every academic year – e.g. China Day for Chinese department, Pi Day for math, Science and Technology Week, and History Day. Students design and showcase their projects or talents based on what they have learned in the subject and what they can explore in the future.

In various large-scale school activities, students are always the protagonists. Students are emcees, guests speakers, and actors. In open days, students are presenters, campus guides, and hosts. The sense of pride that arises from students actively introducing the school to others is particularly meaningful. Student clubs are also student-led, providing students with many opportunities to try new things and ultimately reap fruitful results. Principal Li often tells teachers that if there is an opportunity for students to do something, teachers should step back and let students do it. We need to make wise choices and use our “non-doing” to achieve children’s “doing”.

There is a senior student at THIS, who has a special love for mathematics and has a deep understanding in the field. When he stirs a cup of coffee, he uses a scientific approach to understand it as a basic study, and then uses algebra to explain and analyze it. He is particularly fascinated by mathematics and has participated in many world-renowned competitions, achieving excellent results. He not only loves mathematics himself, but also passes on this love to middle school students, leading both the mathematics and science clubs inspiring others to love mathematics and science. This kind of student not only is growing himself, but he is also contributing positively to the international school community. This year, he was accepted to both MIT and Cambridge University. 

Ms. Li continued to share another example of one of our graduates, who often participated in Chinese debates during her time at THIS. Under the guidance of Chinese teacher Mr. Qian Chao, our school’s students regularly win championships and are recognized for their solid Chinese foundations. In Chinese debate, this student deeply felt the joy of critical thinking. Her experience teaching at the Pugongying School for Migrant Workers in Beijing made her realize that the students often lacked the desire to learn and the ability to think critically. With this, she vowed to bring the critical thinking skills she learned from Chinese debate to the Pugongying School. In addition to her volunteer work, she also raised funds and led the school’s students to participate in the Asian Debate Championship. After being accepted by Stanford University in 2021, she did not stop doing charity work. In her gap year before starting college, she further purchased art materials for the Pugongying School through charity sales and organized a 7-day summer camp for critical thinking and STEAM.  She brought the migrant worker students to the international school recruiting students from both the Tsinghua University High School and THIS as “little teachers.” Ms. Li was deeply moved by her actions and said, “I asked her if she was still doing this kind of charity projects after graduating, and her answer was affirmative. I think a high school graduate with such vision and responsibility who can be admitted to a top university with their academic abilities and also transmit the spirit of public welfare with kindness and love is what I envision as an outstanding talent.”

In summary, Ms. Li emphasized that we should focus less on students’ achievements, but rather to recognize their efforts and progress.  We should showcase students’ work elevating the campus culture, stimulate students’ interests through the curriculum, create platforms for students to practice as well as lead activities, to inspire students’ self-growth awareness, to cultivate talents who are driven from within and develop independently.

文字整理,排版 Editing | Mercy Xu

审核 Auditing |  Dieu-Anh Nguyen, Toni Dong, Wenping Li

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 清华附中国际部

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