29th Parent School Lecture | Is Parents’ Emotional Management a Real Proposition?

By Wednesday November 8th, 2023Events

29th Parent School 


As a parent, in the daily communication with your children,

Do you sometimes feel so emotional that it is hard to control your feelings?

Yet, you unconsciously pass these emotions to your children and affect parent-child relationship and your own wellbeing.

Therefore, emotional management in parenting, also in a person’s life, is a very important ability.


In order to better support parents,

THIS and THIS Parent Council invite Ms. Li Xiaomeng,

a well-known media expert and best-selling author of parent-child books,

coming to provide a Parent school lecture.

Let’s look forward to it!

Lecture Theme


Is Parents’ Emotional Managementa Real Proposition?


 Xiaomeng Li


Xiaomeng Li is a well-known media expert, the winner of the Golden Microphone Award, and the national 38 Red Flag Bearer. She is also the  producer of “Hello Dad” and “Hello Mom”, the author of the best-selling book “Hello, Child” on parent-child education and “Hello, We” on women’s growth. She is an advocate of the concept of “women-friendly” and “child-friendly”, with nearly 30 million fans on the whole network.




Time & Location

2023年11月15日 周三 




Please scan and register






Looking forward to discuss 

the topic of parenting with you.

See you next Wednesday!


排版 Editing, 图片 Pictures | Mercy Xu

审核 Auditing |  Scott Paré, Toni Dong, Wenping Li


本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 清华附中国际部

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