THIS MASTER TALK | Mr. Fan Deng – Reading, Protecting Our Brain

By Friday January 19th, 2024Events

THIS MASTER TALK | Insights from Mr. Fan Deng’s Lecture on Education



Mr. Fan Deng, the founder and Chief Content Officer of Fan Shu APP, recently delivered a captivating lecture at THIS as part of the “THIS Master Talk” series. 

Picture | THIS Student Hosts:

Steven Geng and Julia Zhang

The theme, “Reading, Protecting Our Brain,” drew an audience of nearly 700, including students and parents from both THIS and THUHS. Hosted by students Steven Geng and Julia Zhang, the event delved into the significance of reading and its impact on parent-child relationships.




During the lecture, Mr. Fan Deng addressed the challenges parents face when children enter high school or middle school. He explained that these changes are not sudden but linked to the nonlinear nature of a child’s development, emphasizing the importance of understanding the child’s brain threshold breakthrough. Mr. Fan Deng urged parents to focus on the stress and harm on the child’s brain, not just their behavioral manifestations.



Touching on human evolution, he highlighted the shift from discipline through scolding to a modern understanding rooted in neuroscience. Mr. Fan Deng stressed the role of dopamine in learning, encouraging parents to positively guide education and create a relaxed family atmosphere.





The concept the state of flow was also explored. Mr. Fan Deng provided tangible examples outside of books, illustrating the immersive approach to tasks. He urged parents to encourage children to pursue deep experiences, avoiding punishment as a solution.

Discussing smartphone usage, Mr. Fan Deng advised against excessive control, suggesting the use of cognitive dissonance to help children understand the unimportance of smartphones. He emphasized the need for children to relax gradually and recover from stress reduction.


In conclusion, Mr. Fan Deng addressed questions from students and parents, emphasizing the importance of mental health. He encouraged parents to consider their children’s schedules, emotional states, and joy in learning, physical activity, and social interactions. Mr. Fan Deng highlighted the enjoyment of reading and gaining knowledge, reassuring parents about the effectiveness of audiobooks.

Picture | Principal Zhu 

Presents Flowers to Mr. Fan Deng

Overall, Mr. Fan Deng’s lecture provided profound insights and practical advice on parent-child relationships and education. He emphasized the pivotal role of parents in cultivating a healthy brain in children, offering both theoretical support and actionable guidance. The hope is for students and parents to grow together in a positive and warm atmosphere inspired by his lecture.

文字 Writing | Fontaine Yang

排版 Editing | Fontaine Yang

图片 Pictures | Fontaine Yang, Mercy Xu

审核 Auditing |  Benita Sumita, Toni Dong, 

Wenting Bai, Renee Zhu


本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 清华附中国际部

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