
By Wednesday January 19th, 2022Rewards and Competition


We are excited to announce that THIS was selected as the winner of the 13th “Hope China” Youth Educational Drama & Bilingual Choir Beijing Bilingual Cultural Arts Festival. All the 4 entries won the awards, with 3 Grand Prizes and 1 First Prize, as well as the Best Actor, the Best Playwright and the Best Stage Effect Awards!  What a great achievement!


Let’s get a glimpse of their wonderful performances!





中文剧 《苏东坡传》



中文剧 《氓》



双语合唱 《半个月亮爬上来 & I Believe 》



August Rush


Evan spent his lonely childhood in an adoption agency and never got to meet his parents before. The extraordinary music talent of Evan appeared to him as the unique link with his parents. Guided by such instinct, he started a journey in the city. He soon encountered the friendly Arthur, who introduced him to a whole group of young and homeless street musicians in an abandoned theater, ran by a loony man called Wizard. Evan’s music talent was immediately recognized by Wizard, and he cherished Evan like a treasure which he could draw wealth from. Meanwhile, Evan’s mother regained a clue of his son. When she was putting missing posters of Evan on the street, she bumped into Arthur that recognized Evan from the poster. Eventually, Evan reunited with his mom after eleven years.

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Award Reflection

徐冬儿 8年级



Mark Channa | Grade 8

Pesonally, I liked the play, I always wanted to perform in front of audience. Performing in front of judges was more formal. This mattered, not just to me but everyone that worked during the rehearsals. The rehearsals were fun, we always joked around. I called people by their stage names which never ceased to amuse me.

Special thanks to Karen who organized the event, Sylvia for writing the script, Joanne for being the makeup artist, Kai and ZongYi for accompanying me and all the other actors, teachers (especially Ms. Joy) and friends for their help in this competition.

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表演 Acting







Mark Lucas Channa




后台 Stage Management





周汉彬 Joy Zhou

Paul Stirling

沈琦 Qi Shen


The Gay Genius

⼀⽣潇洒快意,⼀⽣颠沛流离。⼀代⽂学⼤家——苏轼,留给我们的不仅是流传千古的瑰丽诗篇,还有他跌宕起伏的⼀⽣中历经⻛⾬后的旷达潇洒,胸怀天 下的⼤爱⽆疆,⻛光霁⽉的⼈格魅⼒! 国际部的同学们选取了《苏东坡传》中苏轼⼈⽣的三个阶段——乌台诗案、⻩州、终了,从不同的侧⾯演绎遭遇乌台诗案时落魄的东坡、在⻩州东坡耕作时 乐观旷达的东坡,在⼈⽣尽头时已然超脱释然的东坡,从⽽展现出苏东坡传奇的⼀⽣。 

A lifetime of happiness, a lifetime of vagrancy. The literature master of a generation, Su Shi, left us not only with magnificent poems that have passed down through the ages, but also his broadmindedness after a life of ups and downs,  boundless love for the world, and charming personality! Students from THIS selected the three stages of Su Shi’s life in “The Gay Genius” – Wutai Poem Case,  Life in Huangzhou, and the end, deduced from different sides the desolate Dongpo who fell down when he encountered the Wutai Poetry Case, the  Dongpo who was optimistic and open-minded when he was in Huangzhou, and the Dongpo who was already detached at the end of his life, thus showing the legendary life of Su Dongpo.

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Award Reflection

李安哲 9年级



Andrew Li | Grade 9

From the beginning of reading “The Gay Genius”, learning about the dramatic life of Su Dongpo, then to the creation of a song, and eventually the entire play. During this period, I not only truly understood his poetry, but also touched the noble and interesting soul of Su Dongpo. I chose to make a parody of “青花瓷”, because the song’s strong Chinese style and classic elegance matches with my imagination of Su Dongpo, and was finally selected as a unique way of connecting the three-act drama. When the teacher asked us to choose three poems to reflect his three life episodes, we further deepened our understanding of Su Dongpo. From the Wutai case, to “一蓑烟雨任平生”, and then to “心如不系之舟”. As we performed on the stage, the distant, obscure great poet became alive, as if he were a familiar friend. 

I realize that the THIS way of learning Chinese is to let those brilliant people in Chinese culture be truly understood, and let the culture be engraved into our DNA. From a book, to a song, and then to a play, continuous refinement naturally led to the final result. The special award is also a recognition of our learning style.

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吴惠云 9年级 


Emily Wu | Grade 9

Our production, “The Gay Genius”, is the representation of our cultural pride. From the first steps into the journey of knowing Su Dongpo, to acting out our own interpretations of his spirit, it marked our steps of investigating the cultural roots in us. It was this experience that connected us to the intellect of ones engraved in history, across the barrier of millennia that sets us apart. It was this chance that opened me up to the charm of history’s wisdom. I chose to voice out this love in my singing and through my acting in the play, through my own interpretation of his spirit and mentality. Through modern forms of art, in modern music, pop songs or modern plays, the same essence of our history can still be brought to life. Showing this essence felt like a great responsibility on my shoulders, and through building the craft of acting in numerous rehearsals, our understanding of him transformed into something tangible and heartfelt to the rest of us. It was a great honor for our works to be appreciated, and this fuels our pride in our culture. This also represents how students in Tsinghua International School share the same love for our culture and roots as everyone else.

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歌词改编 Lyrics Adaptation

李安哲 Andrew Li

剧本创作 Scriptwriting 

李安哲 Andrew Li

李牧耘 Michael Li

曹树晨 Andy Cao

耿君豪 Steven Geng

张守柔 Roro Chang

王佑 Kevin Wang

表演 Acting

李安哲 Andrew Li

李牧耘 Michael Li

曹树晨 Andy Cao

耿君豪 Steven Geng

单倚天 Allen Shan

李鑫 Lucas Li

赵培彰 Ryan Zhao

刘端阳 Linus Liu

杨开颖 Karen Yang

陈仲懿 Mara Ma Shi

孔奕诺 Celina Kong

张熙嘉 Andrew Zhang 

吴惠云 Emily Wu

赵云溪 Alice Zhao

张清嘉 Julia Zhang

王熙白 Cici Wang

杨谨如 Eileen Yang

演唱 Singing

郑文心 Claire Zheng

夏天伦 Alvin Xia

李逸伯阳 Raphael Li

刘美怡 Mei Yi Lau

刘彦岑 Sarah Liu

吴惠云 Emily Wu



白文婷 Wenting Bai

刘洋洋 Yangyang Liu

高冬晴 Dongqing Gao





“Meng”, or “The Commoner”, is excerpted from The Book of Songs, and tells a story from a young woman falling in love with Meng, getting married, and being abandoned – a classic story of “the lovesick woman and heartbreaking man”. The poem takes the perspective of the young woman, and heavily criticizes the morals of the man. 

In the autumn of 2020, our 10th grade students studied this poem, and we discussed the effect of perspective on narrating a story, asking them to switch points of view and come up with new creative versions of the story. Students created many new stories, changing the soliloquy into a dialogue or third person narrative, and using this as a basis to a drama performed on the 2021 China Day of THIS.

The script uses dialogue as the main narrative mode, and the man’s voice is brought into the story. The moral criticism stance of the original poem is downplayed in favor of exploring the causes of the tragedy from the perspective of their “relationship” itself. Due to the change in narrative mode, the writers have creatively incorporated many modern observations into the presentation of the causes of the conflict between the two, showing a deep reflection on the relationship between the characters in the real world. The stage design also takes into account the compactness of the conflict presentation, setting different time and space scenes on the same stage, and presenting the conflict transition through the stage station design and lighting switching, making the whole play full of modern sense. The lines are deliberately written in a way that avoids the everyday expressions of the parents, and the language is full of poetic power, showing a strong dramatic tension.

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Award Reflection

单健坤 11年级


William Shan | Grade 11

When I participated in the Outlook of China Teenage Educational Theater Competition, I cannot say I was wholesale composed. The exactingly compact schedule diminished our rehearsal time, and our team had to borrow one of our props at the last moment. Clinging to the mentality that “this is but a theatrical performance—even if we can’t receive any awards, I should still enjoy the process”, I completed my performance. Despite the many unforeseen conundrums our team had encountered during our performance – the bizarre lighting, the unexpected drop of the microphone – we still managed to render a sound performance. The fair and reasonable compliments and criticisms the review committee gave our team have made me cotton on to the things our team still need to work on. After this performance, I hope to learn and built off of it and devote more time and effort to preparations.

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王若曦 11年级

《氓》能够晋级进入”希望中国“的决赛着实是意外之喜—它不是我们专门为了比赛所创作的剧本,能够成功进入决赛,演出圆满结束并取得了一等奖真的是非常荣幸。 在这整个过程中,”希望中国“的评委们在现场给我们的评语让我印象很深刻:一位女评委告诉我们她很惊讶我们这一群高中生会选择和我们生活轨迹相差甚远的婚姻关系问题来创作剧本,但是她很喜欢这个剧本中反映出的当代年轻人对感情关系的思考以及我们认知中的婚姻的复杂性。作为《氓》剧本创作组的一员,我很高兴我们的剧本能够受到专家的认可。虽然在这次比赛中和其他传统的舞台剧相比起来《氓》显得格格不入,但是我认为我们作为新时代的年轻人,能从中国传统的文学作品中选取一段故事并加入现代的理解也是一种有意义的改编。听到这一点受到了评委的认可以及专业的点评,我非常自豪。 

Charlotte Wang | Grade 11

It is really a surprise that “Meng” proceeded into the regional finals of “Xi Wang Zhong Guo”—it is not a script that we wrote for this competition in particular, thus proceeding, successfully completing the play once more and winning the first prize award is really our honor. In this process, the comments from the judges of “Xi Wang Zhong Guo” left the greatest impression for me: a female judge told us that she is surprised how high schoolers decided to choose the theme of marriage for a play, but she liked how it reflected our thoughts towards marriage as contemporary teenagers, and the complications we included in it. As one of the playwrights of “Meng”, I am really happy to see the script we created to be recognized by an expert. Although “Meng” seemed like an outlier compared to all of the other conventional plays presented by other teams in “Xi Wang Zhong Guo”, but I think as teenagers of the 21st century, our ability to derive contemporary meanings and extend the complications of traditional Chinese literature is also something extremely meaningful. I believe “Meng” did an equally good job in telling Chinese stories as the other plays. I am very proud.

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编剧 Scriptwriter

王若曦 Charlotte Wang

张笑菡  Susan Zhang

尹天成  Victor Yin

王蔚宁  Wenny Wang

张攸同 Ivy Zhang

李睿芳  Raina Li

演员 Actors

陈嘉骏 Calvin Chen

王蔚宁 Wenny Wang

单健坤 William Shan

韩恩绣 Amy Han

张舒平 Howard Zhang

李  岳 Max Li

王若曦 Charlotte Wang

陈昱凯 Jimmy Chen

李睿芳  Raina Li

张笑菡  Susan Zhang


王汉麟 Hanlin Wang

陈德文 Devin Chen

                  邓家欣 John Deng                     


服装及舞台设计 Choreography

陈依然 Chloe Gao



钱超 Chao Qian

李淑英 Shuying Li

半个月亮爬上来 & I Believe 



Student Club



Tsinghua International School Acappella Club was founded in 2018. Until now we have already recruited 20 club members, including both middle school students and high school students. Our goal is to cultivate students who love vocal music and have some vocal capacities with teamwork ability and perform high quality songs in school concerts. Our club members all have strong learning skills, which makes each of our short timed practices very efficient and successful. 

We perform frequently at school. Recently we submitted a performance video to the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics Committee, hoping to support the Beijing Winter Olympic Game with our greatest passion.

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崔桐 Tina Cui

吴惠云 Emily Wu

明昱希 Cecilia Ming

孟恩羽 Cici Meng

张若娇 Emily Zhang

柏夫 Ame Bai

李泽辰 Bobby Li

杜欣逸 Lucy Du

陈奕晴 Eldora Chen

韩恩绣 Eunsoo Amy Han

乔兴华 Ellie Johnson

黄琬寓 Martina Huang

周汇可 Hannah Zhou

陈奕陶 Joice Chen

时诺冰 Robyn Shi

李逸伯阳 Raphael Li

王天晓 Tianxiao Wang



Tzu-Hsuan Ai


By participating in the “Outlook of China” Bilingual Arts Festival, January 2022, THIS students not only understood and enjoyed role play, but they combined the study and practice of language of varying subjects. With the guidance of their advisors, our students interpreted classic characters and works through drama and bilingual chorus. They improved their aesthetics of Chinese and Western culture, improved their comprehension, and most importantly, they conveyed the voice of China to the world on a wide art stage!

文字 Writing | THIS Teachers and Students

排版 Editing | Mia Gu

图片 Pictures | 希望中国官方

审核 Auditing |  Dieu-Anh Nguyen, Toni Dong, 

Wenping Li

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 清华附中国际部

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