
By Sunday June 4th, 2023Events


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  • 解谜轮是一个团队参与的轮次,包含各种数学挑战,旨在提升归纳推理和横向思考。

  • 个人轮包含20个简答题,涵盖了数学竞赛中通常会出现的各种科目,包括但不限于代数、几何、计数、概率和数论。

  • 团队轮包含20个简答题,学生可以与他们的团队一起解答这些问题。

  • 接力轮包含20个跨数学各科目的问题,这一轮的关键特点是,一些问题可能依赖于前面一个或多个问题的答案。




清华附中国际部共有16名来自7至9年级的学生参与本次比赛,其中15名同学组成了3个团队;另外还有1名学生与其他学校的同学一起参加了比赛。比赛活动以旗手入场开场,Isabella Yin作为旗手代表清华附中国际部出场,她的自信激发了场内所有人为国际部队伍欢呼!



Gavin Zhao   

Andy Wang    

Liqi Miao

Shawn Cui    

Lucas Yang  

Chris Ye

Sophie Guo

Lucy Du

Max Ye

Isabella Yin

Emily Wang

Isabella Li

Payton Hu 

Licia Lin

Zhengheng Ren    

Anthony Zhao


puzzle problem




清华附中国际部的3个团队在本次加州伯克利大学数学挑战(初中BmMT)活动的600多支队伍中脱颖而出,共获得2个金奖, 1个银奖,3个铜奖,6 枚个人优胜奖,5个团队解谜前十名,6个团队解谜金奖,10个团队解谜优胜奖,6个团队接力前十名,11个团队接力金奖,1个团队挑战前十名,6个团队挑战金奖,5个团队挑战优胜奖,6个团队总分金奖和10个团队总分优胜奖。让我们共同祝贺获奖的同学们和团队!

BmMT 2023 THIS Awards

在比赛结束之前,还有一个小时的才艺表演!来自全国各地的参赛者展示了他们在魔方、数学证明和舞蹈等方面的才华……我们学校的Isabella Li背诵了π到小数点后120位!接着,她又以一首歌曲演唱将现场的气氛推向高潮。她还主动参加了特别活动“倒计时回答”,在“速答”中她不仅赢得了比赛,还被邀请与主持人进行“一对一比拼”。在这个过程中,她展现出非凡的勇气与自信,也显示出了卓越的斯巴达精神。



Isabella Li





Lucy Du

Lucas Yang



Licia Lin





在老师们(包括荆老师、龙老师、韩老师和Ms. Croker)的帮助和监督下,高中生Victor Yin、Benjie Yan和Yilan Ruan扮演了带领者和导师的角色,从数论到代数等多个主题,为俱乐部同学提供如何解决复杂数学问题的指导。他们举办解题会,和学生们一起解决挑战性的数学问题,为比赛做准备。这些不仅帮助了低年级的学生们,也让高中生们加强了自己对相关知识的理解,提高了他们的教学技能。





这次的比赛也给我带来了更多的启发和可能性,在未来教学中,我们可以将这样的比赛形式引入到学校Pi Day活动中,以更好地帮助学生在学习中合作,拓宽知识面。


Gavin Zhao妈妈


 Writing:Mr. Yuqing Long

The Berkeley Math Tournament is a UC Berkeley student-led organization that aims to spread the joy of mathematics and the spirit of mathematical competition globally by presenting students with interesting, original, hand-crafted problems. Offered in the spring, the goal of the Berkeley mini-Math Tournament (BmMT) is to instill an appreciation for mathematics in teams of middle school students (up to grade 9) and to prepare them for future mathematical endeavors. After three years of online competition, we finally had the chance to meet and have fun with fellow math enthusiasts in-person!

BmMT China 2023 took place on May 27th and 28th in Beijing. Students from more than 60 schools all over China form teams of five to compete in four different rounds.

  • The puzzle round is a team-based round that consists of a variety of mathematical challenges designed to promote inductive reasoning and lateral thinking. 

  • The individual round consists of 20 short answer questions that span across the various subjects typically found in math competitions. This includes but is not limited to, algebra, geometry, counting, probability, and number theory. 

  • The team round consists of 20 short answer questions. Students may work with their teams on these questions. 

  • The relay round consists of 20 problems across various subjects in math. The key feature of this round is that some questions may depend on answers from one or multiple prior questions.

Three out of the four rounds emphasized collaborative work.  Teams of five gathered around the table to divide and conquer all the challenges they encountered. Prizes are awarded to each of the four rounds, together with an overall team prize based on the aggregated performance of all rounds.

The Super Weekend

THIS had 15 Spartans from grade 7-9 in three teams participated in the competiton, plus a 16th Spartan joining the competition with friends from other schools. The weekend started with the flag-bearer’s entry. With her great confidence, Isabella Yin, our flag-bearer, elicited cheers from everyone in the stadium for THIS!

THIS Flag Entey


Gavin Zhao   

Andy Wang    

Liqi Miao

Shawn Cui    

Lucas Yang  

Chris Ye

Sophie Guo

Lucy Du

Max Ye

Isabella Yin

Emily Wang

Isabella Li

Payton Hu 

Licia Lin

Zhengheng Ren    

Anthony Zhao

The puzzle round kicked off the competition with entangled fun. It was the ultimate combination of logic and numbers: while not doing too much math and arithmetic, it definitely got all participants’ flexes warmed up. ‘Ohhhhhh!’ The sound of enlightenment filled the building.

puzzle problem

Then came the individual round, which was an opportunity to showcase the art of solving math problems independently.  The last round of competition on Saturday was the team round. The team round problems were extraordinarily challenging and it was a delight to watch our Spartans tackling seemingly impossible problems collaboratively. 

The fun continued through Sunday as the day started with the relay round, last round of the competition. Participants needed to solve prior problems to get key numbers in the subsequent questions. 


BmMT 2023 THIS Awards

Before the tournament concluded, there was an hour-long talent show! Participants from all over China shared their talents in Rubik’s cubes, beautiful math proofs, and dancing… Isabella Li from our school performed a recitation of  to 120 decimal places! She then sang a beautiful song in the big stadium, pushing the atmosphere to the climax. Later, she also volunteered to join a special event  called the‘countdown round.’ Isabella Li won the countdown round and was offered a 1 on 1 duel with the tournament master. What a great demonstration of Spartan Spirit!

It was a fun weekend filled with intellectual challenges and laughter! We sincerely hope more students will join the math club, play with math, enjoy math, and discover the unparalleled beauty buried in math.

Students’ words

Isabella Li

To me, BmMT was an unprecedented and unique experience. It was both fun and intellectually stimulating, combining individual capabilities with teamwork. What intrigued me most was the Puzzle Round, where the problems allowed me to discover some methods to handle numbers from a perspective of visual thinking and number sense. It felt like a combination of mathematics, art, and creativity.

BmMT also offered a chance to experience the joy of having math partners and working together. Participating in the Talent Show was a fantastic experience. I sang my favorite songs with confidence and freedom, and even got people asking to connect with me on WeChat after my performance. During the first day’s lunch break, I played the piano on the first floor, and people from other schools applauded for me at the end of the piece. During the award ceremony, when medals hung around the necks of our team like a percussion band, I could feel the power of teamwork.

Participating in the BmMT was a memorable experience. The open and closing ceremonies were grand, and the math socials were merry (also competitive). During breaks, the sound of laughter and joy filled the halls. However, unlike other math competitions, the teams had to work together toward one similar goal. It reminded me of the assembly line because we each had our own job during the competition. Even though not all of us were that good at math, we played our part in the competition. Sometimes actually, inspiration does emerge from experiences. I’m thankful for the teachers who supported us during this expedition. I’m especially grateful for my wonderful teammates that I “suffered” together with! 😀 

Lucy Du

Lucas Yang

Personally, I loved the competition, and even though I didn’t do that well I am still happy. Appreciations to all my teammates that supported me throughout this journey, and to the teachers that supported me and gave me time to practice.

This was an incredibly beneficial experience and my first time participating in a math challenge. What impressed me the most was the first puzzle round, the types of problems were very novel and interesting to solve, allowing me to deeply appreciate the diversity of mathematics. During the social session in the evening, I also felt everyone’s passion for math and heard their excited cheers after completing challenges. I believe these unforgettable two days will be forever etched in my memory!

Licia Lin

Teacher’s Words

Ms.Jing’s words

The last time we went to BmMT was in January 2020, when current seniors were in 9th grade, right before Covid-19 hit. It’s exciting to lead students to take part in the in-person competition event after such a long time. The majority of the BmMT participants are members of the Middle School Math Club.  Simply amazing!


For the past two years, every Friday after school, the Middle School Math Club, with members from Grade 6 to Grade 8, gather in my classroom to enthusiastically work on challenging problems and learn interesting topics from their high school mentors.

Under the help and supervision of teachers (Ms. Jing, Mr. Long, Ms. Han, and Ms. Croker), high school students Victor Yin, Benjie Yan, and Yilan Ruan were the club leaders and mentors for the younger students. They have given multiple sessions on topics from number theory to algebra and provided guidance on how to approach complex problems. They have held problem-solving sessions where students work together to tackle challenging math problems and prepare for competitions. This not only helps the middle school students but also allows the high schoolers to reinforce their own understanding and improve their teaching skills.

Our Middle School Math Club is an example of vertical integration, in which students from different grade levels come together to learn and explore mathematics. This can be particularly beneficial because it allows younger students to learn from older ones, and it gives older students the opportunity to strengthen their knowledge by teaching others as well as developing their leadership skills. The math club fosters a supportive and inclusive environment where all students feel comfortable asking questions and sharing their ideas, creating a community of students who are passionate about math and eager to help each other succeed.

Mr.Long’s words

This is my first time ever taking students to math competition. Witnessing their enthusiasm, camaraderie, and intellectual growth, and seeing the joy they took in participating, was immensely gratifying. The air buzzed with excitement as students from different schools huddled around complex math problems, their faces alight with curiosity, resilience, and the thrill of unraveling intricate mathematical puzzles.

The competition was more than a test of skill – it was a celebration of the sheer beauty of math, a world in which numbers speak a language all their own. The students were not merely participants, they were explorers, navigating the fascinating landscape of equations and proofs.

The competition also provided an enlightening glimpse into the possibilities for organizing math competitions at our own school. The event was not just well-organized, but it was structured in a way that facilitated collaboration and intellectual exploration. Seeing the efficacy of this approach, I am now brimming with new ideas to implement in our future Pi Day.

Parents’ words

Gavin Zhao’s mom

Finally the BmMT offline tournament returned, and the kids experienced the greatness of competing with teams from all over Beijing, and even from other provinces and cities. On the way to pick up the kids, I heard them keep pairing up the questions, with remorse and excitement, and the intensity and fun of the competition was evident. Thanks to the teachers for leading the team and giving the kids such a great opportunity to participate in the competition. Looking forward to next year‘s competitons!

文字 Writing | THIS teachers, students and parents

排版 Editing | Mercy Xu

图片 Pictures | THIS teachers, Aseeder, online resources

审核 Auditing |  Dieu-Anh Nguyen, Toni Dong, Wenping Li

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 清华附中国际部

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