Teacher Appreciation Day

By Friday May 21st, 2021Events


The Parent Council prepared and made a delicious banquet for teachers at the activity room on the third floor, including exquisite cupcakes, roast chicken wings, tasty pasta, and the most popular chocolate fountain. Flowers, cakes, desserts, drinks, and fruits were also prepared. The well decorated room, hand-baked food, and meticulously selected gifts all showed parents’ gratitude for the teacher’s dedicated work.

伴随着轻快的音乐,百八十位老师陆续到场,与家长代表欢聚一堂。会场循环播放的是2017-2020年谢师日的精彩片段,去年的云上谢师的《You raise me up》播放完毕,全场响起了热烈的掌声。校长李文平、学术校长Reid Prichett以及家委会主席Vicky分别致辞,感谢全体老师在去年疫情期间克服重重困难,为“停课不停学”所作出的巨大努力,以及在日常教学中对于学生的真切关爱和悉心教导,并对于家校合作、共育良才的美好前景进行了展望和祝福。

As the light music and videos of the previous Teacher Appreciation Day events from 2017 to 2020 played, more than 180 teachers gathered with the parent representatives. The room burst into warm applause when the melody of the “You raise me up” video from the 2020 online event ended. The Executive Principal Ms. Wenping Li, the Academic Principal Mr. Reid Prichett and the Chair of the Parent Council Ms. Vicky, delivered speeches respectively to thank all the teachers for their great efforts to “keep learning with class suspension” during the epidemic period, as well as their sincere care and dedicated teaching for students in classes. They also looked forward to the bright future of home-school cooperation and the joint cultivation of talents.


The Teacher Appreciation Day event achieved a big success. Teachers and parents all gave high praise for the enthusiasm and sincerity. Before the event was officially held, the Parent Council notified parents and launched a donation, which received warm responses from parents. Parents actively joined in the preparation, and many of them donated to express their support.

排版 Editing | Mia Gu
审核 Auditing | Shiny Wang, Toni Dong, Wenping Li

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