
By 2020年11月01日 星期日Events, High School, Middle School, Primary School


THIS firmly believes in facilitating an educational environment conducive to the intellectual, social, physical, cultural, and psychological development of our students. One essential part of promoting that learning environment is stimulating on-campus engagement. The student club is designed to encourage students to become more involved in campus clubs and activities, enrich both in class and out of class learning, and cultivate essential skills like leadership, teamwork, and time management that will prepare students to become successful adults in the future.


Let’s explore the clubs in FZ campus and DL campus!


Clubs in DL campus


Currently we are offering 15 clubs in DL campus. Including the Dance Fitness Club, Red Dragon’s Chess Club, Chinese Orchestra, etc. Let’s see the students’ amazing performance in the club activities with me!


学生活动指导员 Stella Hu

Everything is difficult at the beginning, I think we had a good start, and we are still working on exploring and selecting more meaningful activities for students to participate in. We will work closely with students, teachers, and also with parents, to make sure students can enjoy a vibrant campus life.



Clubs in FZ campus


Students from the Chinese band, A Cappella Club, MG-NET Dance Club, Traditional Dance Club, and Music Community staged outstanding and compelling performances that drew a large crowd of audiences. Student performers showcased their artistic talents through singing, playing instruments like electronic keyboard, guitar, and pipa, and dancing. 


学生活动指导员 Joy Zhou

Club is always a place where students can find a community to enjoy their interests and hobbies with peers. I hope all the students could have fun in the club and when I see the smiles on their faces, I know they enjoyed it. I would like to thank all of the advisors, sponsors, teachers, performers, and students for making it enjoyable, energy-packed, and successful. Together we made it and that makes all the efforts worthwhile.

学生社团是学生可以找到一个与同伴一起享受他们的兴趣和爱好的社区。 当我看到学生们脸上洋溢着大大的笑容时,我知道他们在招新会上很开心。我要感谢所有的社团指导老师和负责人,任课老师,表演者和学生们,让我们的社团活动如此精彩又趣味横生,充满活力并让学生们找到成就感。国际部大家庭通过集体的团结和共同努力,成功的让社团活动更丰富多彩。所谓一分耕耘,一份收获,我们的付出了得到了令人满意的回报。

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