
By 2020年10月25日 星期日Student Achievements


In the month of October and November, the THIS Speech and Debate team went to two online virtual debate tournaments and one offline debate tournaments. For each of them, our debaters showed great progress in becoming better debaters and orators.


十月 · 全美辩论联赛


On October 17-18th, we sent 7 pairs of talented orators and debaters with varying debate experience. For many of them, this was their first time participating in the high school open division and all of them performed exceptionally well. Keep up the passion and enthusiasm you all have for debate!


There were a ton of people who broke into octa finals. Brian, Oscar, Kevin, Richie, Sonia, and Kelly all did fantastic jobs at debating. Congratulations on making it to day two, everyone!


For Anya and Amy, the synergetic duo advanced into the quarterfinals. Impressive stuff, you two! You both worked very hard and earned that title. Jessica and Eileen also advanced into quarterfinals and showed their fighting spirit in their debate matches.


We’re incredibly proud to announce Evelyn and Lina advanced all the way to the semifinals round and despite facing experienced debaters, still didn’t cave in and fought till the very end. Their bravery and determination was witnessed by many as people flocked into the bilibili live rooms to get a view of the intense final NSDA debate round.

Many of the debaters who debated got speaker awards: our debate team is full of talented orators。


Speaker Awards

Kelly –最佳演讲奖 Best Speaker Award

Amy – 最佳演讲者第四名 4th Speaker Award

Evelyn – 最佳演讲者第五名 5th Speaker Award

Oscar – 最佳演讲者第五名 6th Speaker Award

Brian – 最佳演讲者第五名 7th Speaker Award

Sonia – 最佳演讲者第五名 9th Speaker Award


All of these debaters received speaker awards for their outstanding debate abilities. Now let’s hear about what people feel about this debate tournament experience!


Eileen Jiao G11

Eileen 表示此次线上辩论赛对她来讲是一次很好的学习机会。“这是一次非常有趣的经历,尤其是当你不断的告诉自己要突破自己的舒适圈,并享受这种感觉。辩论赛会让你处在一种持续的思维过程中,需要不断的组织论点再表达出来等等……总的来说,这是一次非常值得尝试的活动。”

Eileen stated that the online debate she attended was a valuable learning experience for her, mentioning that “it was certainly a very interesting experience, especially if you tell yourself to step out of the comfort zone and enjoy it. It requires you to be in a constant state of thinking, generating arguments and communicating, etc.. Overall, I would say it was worth it.” 


Oscar loved the online tournament and had a terrific overall experience with debating virtually.

“It was a fun tournament that got us on track with the topic. It offered a great opportunity to debate despite the fact that it is online. This experience simply makes one crave for a similar yet better offline tournament (the home game)” 

Oscar Tsui G9

Amy Han G10


Amy prefers in person debating, but was still really glad that she went to this NHSDLC online debate tournament.

“It was a relaxing and fun experience. Although this online tournament did not give the same tension and sense of community offline ones grant, it still provided a chance for us debaters to get back into the competitive mood.”


十月 · 中国高中生美式辩论联赛


One week later, during October 24th and 25th, there was also a NHSDLC tournament where THIS sent another wave of talented debaters.


Caden and Evan debated in the Middle School Division and tried their very best in debating. It’s the effort that counts guys, and you’ve more than proved that you two are worthy debaters.

Michael 和Aslan通过他们的努力和合作取得了初中组四分之一决赛的参赛资格,你们太棒了!

Michael and Aslan, another pair debating in Middle School Division worked really well together and achieved the title quarterfinalists in Middle School Division. Great work guys!

高中组的比赛中,Marco 、Winston 和Stanley、Heidi也一路过关斩将进入到了四分之一决赛。这次的比赛不仅竞争激烈,而且充满挑战性,队员们能够取得这样的成绩无疑是一个不错的成就!最后要说的是,Serena 和 Rubin进入了总决赛!演讲与辩论社为你们感到骄傲!

For High School Division, Marco and Winston along with Stanley and Heidi got all the way to quarterfinals. To get an award in such a competitive and challenging debate division is no doubt an accomplishment.  And last but certainly not least, Serena and Rubin got into the finals round!! The THIS Debate Team is proud of you all!


Special shoutout to Bryan, who actually MAVERICKED in this debate tournament and not only would have broke to the next day, but also got BEST SPEAKER.


Speaker Awards

Bryan – 最佳演讲奖 Best Speaker Award

Marco – 最佳演讲奖 4th Speaker Award

Rubin – 最佳演讲奖 7th Speaker Award

Stanley – 最佳演讲奖 8th Speaker Award



Keep up the dedication and passion for debate, we’re all proud of you!


十一月 · 中国高中生美式辩论联赛 


Boy, was it a refreshing change for the THIS Speech and Debate Team to debate in person last week. Instead of staring at a pair of digital debate opponents, the club attended the offline NHSDLC debate tournament on November 21st and 22nd. 


The frigid Beijing temperature did little to suppress our excitement for the tournament and only fueled our passion for debating. In fact, debaters in both middle school and high school division received amazing results at the end of the day. For many of the middle schoolers who participated in debating last week, it was their first time debating in an actual debate tournament. For those that weren’t debating for the first time, the tournament was a challenge nonetheless as it called experienced debaters from all over Beijing. 


Let’s give a warm round of applause to all of the following middle school debaters:


MS division 

八强 Octafinalists

Aldo Zhang (G8) & Allen Shan (G8)

Meiyi Lau (G8) & Katrin Wong (G8)

Kevin Huang (G8) & Ryan Zhao (G8)

四强 Quarterfinalists

Kevin Zhang (G9) & Richie Zhang (G9)

Aslan Feng (G9) & Michael Wang (G9)

Caden Guan (G9) & Evan Wong (G9)

冠军 Champions

Oscar Tsui (G9) & Brian Yue (G9)

最佳演讲奖 Top Speakers

9th Kevin Zhang (G9)

8th Meiyi Lau (G8)

7th Caden Guan (G9)

6th Oscar Tsui (G9)

5th Aldo Zhang (G8)

Brian couldn’t be more excited to be the champions of the middle school division. He said that “I feel like the tournament was a great learning experience for us all. Even though we were forced to be in the MS division, but there were still a lot of strong opponents to learn from!”-Brian Yue 


The results from the high school division were just as impressive. The high school debate club had most of the teams breaking and advancing to the second day. Even though not everyone was able to break, the most important aspect of going to debate tournaments was the memories we made along the way. We all bonded with each other during the whole process by sharing evidence, prepping together, and rehearsing our speeches together. Of course, many of us also had fun playing pool and going down the giant spiral slide that was right outside the rooms where we debated. 

Here are the fantastic results from high school division:

HS division (open division)


Evelyn Li (G10) & Marco Xue (G10)


Sonia Tao (G11) & Kelly Chen (G11)

Amy Han (G10) & Anya Lu (G10)

Bryan Li (G12) & Stanley Hu (G12)


Wendy Li (G12) & Edward Zhao (G12)


Rubin Wong (G12) & Serena Qiu (G12)


Eileen Jiao (G11) & Jessica Zhan (G12)

Top Speakers

10th Bryan Li (G12)

9th Anya Lu (G10)

8th Eileen Jiao (G11)

6th Rubin Wong (G12)

5th Serena Qiu (G12)

2nd Edward Zhao (G12)

1st Jessica Zhan (G12)

Rubin had something to say about debate itself.

“The joy and terrifying nature of debating in person is irreplaceable 😉 P.S Particularly on swings” -Rubin Wong


The THIS speech and debate team takes a group photo

Special thanks to Ms. Joy and Mr. Cusack for making this debate tournament possible! Ms. Joy organized the buses that took us to the debate location. Mr. Cusack worked tirelessly to teach us all he knew about the debate resolution and chaperoned the trip to the tournament.

This might be the first tournament the debate team attended together in person this year, but it certainly won’t be the last. With eyes set on the NSDA tournaments coming up, we will be attending many more tournaments as a club in the near future. Stay tuned for more info!

-The THIS Speech and Debate Team


One week later, during October 24th and 25th, there was also a NHSDLC tournament where THIS sent another wave of talented debaters to.


Caden and Evan debated in the Middle School Division and tried their very best in debating. It’s the effort that counts guys, and you’ve more than proved that you two are worthy debaters.

Michael 和Aslan通过他们的努力和合作取得了初中组四分之一决赛的参赛资格,你们太棒了!

Michael and Aslan, another pair debating in Middle School Division worked really well together and achieved the title quarterfinalists in Middle School Division. Great work guys!

高中组的比赛中,Marco 、Winston 和Stanley、Heidi也一路过关斩将进入到了四分之一决赛。这次的比赛不仅竞争激烈,而且充满挑战性,队员们能够取得这样的成绩无疑是一个不错的成就!最后要说的是,Serena 和 Rubin进入了总决赛!演讲与辩论社为你们感到骄傲!

For High School Division, Marco and Winston along with Stanley and Heidi got all the way to quarterfinals. To get an award in such a competitive and challenging debate division is no doubt an accomplishment.  And last but certainly not least, Serena and Rubin got into the finals round!! The THIS Debate Team is proud of you all!


Special shoutout to Bryan, who actually MAVERICKED in this debate tournament and not only would have broke to the next day, but also got BEST SPEAKER.



Speaker Awards

Bryan – 最佳演讲奖 Best Speaker Award

Marco – 最佳演讲奖 4th Speaker Award

Rubin – 最佳演讲奖 7th Speaker Award

Stanley – 最佳演讲奖 8th Speaker Award



Keep up the dedication and passion for debate, we’re all proud of you!

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