Pi Day|数学是有趣的,有挑战的,好吃的!

By 2023年03月21日 星期二Events


Pi Day

每年的3月14日,是世界圆周率日,是一个欣赏数学,体验数学的日子。学校也在3月15日举办了一年一度的Pi Day数学竞赛系列活动。从2012年开始,我们几乎每年都在Pi Day这一周举办这个数学盛宴。

Pi Day is celebrated on March 14th around the world.  As part of annual tradition at THIS, the school hosts a Pi Day math competition to share our appreciation for the studies of mathematics and to allow students to experience it in a fun way. 

今年中学部参与活动的人数超过往年,同学们报名更加踊跃,参与度很高。数学老师们为了这个活动的顺利举办,做了充分的准备工作。其中最主要的,是汇集既有挑战性又有趣味性的题目和活动,以及许多好吃的零食和水果,还有披萨饼,因为是Pi(派) Day!对于老师们来说,整个过程就像厨师在准备一顿可口的饭菜宴请宾客一般,令人兴奋不已。

This year, more students from the secondary school participated in the event than ever before. The math teachers worked hard planning for this event. It was to assemble challenging and interesting topics and activities, just like chefs preparing delicious meals for their guests.  

Pi Day活动共有四个环节。第一个环节是个人竞赛,分为初中和高中两个部分。在这个环节中,同学们都高度集中精力,尽力解决一道又一道具有挑战性的问题。

The Pi Day Competition had four sessions. The first one was an individual competition divided by junior high and senior high school. In this session, everyone was highly focused and concentrated trying their best to solve a challenging problem.


The rest of the three sessions were in the form of groups. Students long coordinated with their classmates and friends to form teams of four. Next, it was time for each group to build the tallest tower possible using toothpicks and glue in five minutes. Each group used their creativity and hands-on skills to build towers – all of different shapes. The tallest one was over 60 cm high!


The third session was group competition with students working together to solve problems. Unlike the quiet atmosphere of the individual competition, the group members worked and discussed together, either through friendly exchange or through heated debate.

最后一个环节是快节奏的闪电战 这一轮的气氛最热烈,是速度与激情的大比拼!每个小组一次得到一个题目,做出来正确答案得到下一题。同学们手中的笔在纸上飞速演算,十几位老师们高速地裁判,二十分钟过后,所有的小组都非常尽兴,在兴奋和笑声中结束了两个小时的比赛。

The last session was the fast-paced lightening round. The atmosphere of this round was the most enthusiastic, a round of speed and passion. Each group was given one question at a time and only with the correct answer was given the next question. All teams finished the two-hour Pi Day competition after 20 minutes.

最后,带着愉快的心情,大家分享了美味的水果零食,还有披萨饼~毕竟是Pi Day嘛!

Afterwards, everyone shared delicious fruit snacks and pizza pies. After all, it was Pi Day after all!

Pi Day


Student’s Words


It felt awesome working with teammates as we could learn from each other’s thinking. My favorite part was the bananas and the oranges after the math problems and I really enjoyed the bananas. Teamwork makes the dream work!

——Isabella Li, 8th grade


Collaboration is essential in Mathematics and is an important experience. The building round emphasized an essential element of math: creativity. Through learning and admiration of the winner’s building, I was amazed and surprised of their creativity and cleverness in making the building.

——Allan Zhao, 8th grade

Pi Day


Teachers’ Words


One of the most memorable scenes on Pi Day was a group of 9th grade girls during lightening round. The problems were challenging, especially for new high schoolers, but they did not give up.  After solving a problem correctly, I saw them clapping hands, and giving each high fives while sharing cheerful laughter. Solving a hard math problem provides an unparalleled sense of accomplishment, but sharing it with your best friends is just a whole other level! What we want the students to experience on Pi Day is instead of being the lone maverick, is how the collaborative effort can challenge them to new heights.

—— Yuqing Long, Math teacher

文字 Writing | Qin Jing

排版 Editing | Mercy Xu

图片 Pictures | THIS teachers,studio 35

审核 Auditing |  Dieu-Anh Nguyen, Toni Dong, Wenping Li

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 清华附中国际部

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