Ethnography Activities | 在多样的社会实践中感受温暖的人文社会

By 2023年05月10日 星期三Events


Group photo for students visiting the Roundabout Charity


This past April, our 9th grade students spent several days in the community as part of their semester long ethnography project in Humanities class. Ethnography is an academic method whereby the researcher observes, interviews, and works with their subjects to better understand their culture.



Students were divided into three groups based on their interests and travelled to three different locations.

第一组学生去到了北京上品购物中心了解其运作方式和实际工作的感受。学生Jacob Ren说:“商场的工作人员都非常友好,他们在工作中相互合作,看起来更像是一个社区。”

One group of students went to the local Shangpin shopping mall to learn about how the mall functions and what it’s like working there. One of the students, Jacob Ren, said, “The mall workers were all really friendly and seemed like a community, working very well together.”


第二小组去了众爱慈善机构,他们要观察的是社区慈善工作人员的日常工作。学生研究员Peggy Zhan在描述慈善工作时说:”众爱的工作人员们说话很柔和,而且工作效率很高。他们真正做到了关怀社区内的每个人,做好慈善不图回报。”

Another group went to the Roundabout charity group to see how people give back to their community. Peggy Zhan, one of the student researchers described, “the Roundabout workers were very softspoken and efficient. They really care about the individuals even without much recognition for their work.”  

第三小组来到了天使世界基金会的动物救助中心,在这里他们了解到了爱心人士是如何努力帮助流浪动物康复并为它们安家的。学生和动物爱好者Kai Ding在谈到活动感受时说:”我喜欢动物救助中心的初衷,他们用心地救助每一只收养的流浪狗狗,为它们安家,甚至在海外找到可以收养它们的主人。我们可以真切地感受到工作人员对小动物们的关爱,他们并不是将这些事简单地当成工作任务,而是发自内心地想给予小动物们更多的照顾。”

The third group went to the World of Angels Foundation, an animal rescue center, to see how people work to rehabilitate animals and find them homes. Kai Ding, a student and animal lover, said of the foundation, “I liked their goals, how they were trying to help stray dogs find new homes overseas. You could tell that the workers there really care about the animals not just because it was their job to take care of them.” 

在经历了这些深入的实践活动后,学生们带着满满的收获又进入到了下一阶段的研究活动中。他们将会学习分析数据、寻找不同的研究模块和对比共同点等研究方式,然后通过制作海报和书写论文的形式来展示他们的研究成果,提前感受大学学习研究的过程。最后,老师将会带领学生们共同制作一本名为 《北京生活片段》的册子来收录大家在此次学习过程中充满创意灵感的文章、绘画、诗歌等作品。

Having experienced these places first-hand, the students are now working on a series of activities reminiscent of college research. They will first analyze the data looking for patterns and commonalities turning the analysis into a poster presentation and paper. After, the students will collectively produce a booklet for the THIS community entitled “A Slice of Life in Beijing” composed of their creative works, drawings, poems, etc., all inspired from the ethnography experience.


Humanities is about communication and connection. In teaching the class, THIS hopes that students will learn, through professional research methods, how to engage in in-depth social practice cultivating their humanistic literacy.

Writing | James Stringer, Mia Gu

图片 Pictures | THIS teachers

排版 Editing | Mia Gu

审核 Auditing | Dieu-Anh Nguyen, Toni Dong, 

Wenping Li

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 清华附中国际部

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