大师进校园(五)| 凯叔光临国际部分享如何讲好自己的人生故事

By 2023年11月20日 星期一Events

大师进校园(五)| 凯叔光临国际部分享如何



King of Children’s Stories Kai Shu Visits THIS

Sharing How to Tell Our Own Life Story


Swipe to the left for English version











讲座临近尾声,凯叔给一至五年级的各班学生代表赠送了凯叔故事机,并收到了国际部的同学们以及我们的西方艺术老师Ms. Groze和东方艺术老师Ms. Ma一起创作的凯叔的手指印画。活动后,孩子们纷纷涌向凯叔,希望能够得到他的签名。凯叔耐心地与孩子们进行交流,并为他们签下属于自己的专属书签。孩子们满怀喜悦地离开,心中充满了对故事的向往和对凯叔的尊敬。








You Will Always Go Faster

If You Have a Goal

Kai Shu’s Storytelling

A Story about 

How to Tell Stories

On November 15, King of Children’s Stories Kai Shu came to THIS at the invitation of Principal Li Wenping and gave a children’s story-themed speech titled You Will Always Go Faster If You Have a Goalto students in grades one through five.


At the beginning of the lecture, Kai Shu climbed onto the stage with a smile on his face. The young audience cheered enthusiastically, waving their little hands and greeting Kai Shu. With a light and humorous tone, Kai Shu began his storytelling journey by introducing himself and sharing his amazing experiences of gradually transitioning from a voice actor to a CCTV host and finally becoming the King of  Children’s Stories. The children became deeply interested in Kai Shu’s personal journey and listened attentively.

Six Elements of a Story

Later, Kai Shu began his specialty—storytelling. He combined Kai Shu’s Journey to the West with vivid and lively language, along with a rich variety of gestures, to vividly demonstrate how Sun Wukong pursued immortality and happiness. Using this as an example, he inspired and enlightened the children on how to grasp the six elements of a story: character, goal, problem, guide, plan, and outcome, in order to tell a good story. Kai Shu incorporated wisdom and insights into the story through humorous and witty anecdotes and simple language, allowing children to learn to think and appreciate the essence of life amid laughter.

In addition to storytelling, Uncle Kai also interacted with the children, warmly and patiently answering their questions. Finally, upon the enthusiastic invitation of the children, Uncle Kai performed multiple roles on stage, using his versatile voice to recreate Uncle Kai’s Journey to the West, delivering a magnificent auditory feast to the audience, young and old alike. His performance flowed effortlessly, as if it was second nature to him, instantly bringing back familiar little stories to the faithful young listeners of Uncle Kai. This also brought the atmosphere of the lecture to a climax.


As the lecture drew to a close, Kai Shu presented Kai Shu Story Machines to representatives from each class in grades one through five, and received a fingerprint painting of Kai Shu created by THIS students, along with our Western art teacher Ms. Groze and Eastern art teacher Ms. Ma together. After the event, the children flocked to Kai Shu, hoping to receive his autograph. Kai Shu patiently interacted with the children and signed exclusive bookmarks for them. The children left with joy, filled with longing for stories and respect for Kai Shu.

Kai Shu with Principal Li, Western art teacher Ms. Groze, and representatives from each class

Kai Shu’s storytelling lecture brought endless joy and inspiration to the students. Through his delightful retelling of classic stories, Kai Shu not only provided a pleasant time for the young audience but also showcased the charm of storytelling through his talent and imaginative abilities. He ignited students’ love for reading and creativity. We look forward to Kai Shu’s next visit, where he will once again bring us a world filled with wonderful and diverse stories!

Everyone has a unique life story.

Let’s hope that students can learn from 

Kai Shu’s sharing and apply it 

in their own lives. 

May they passionately

interpret their experiences and insights, 

and tell their own 

authentic and touching life stories!

文字 Writing | Fontaine Yang

排版 Editing | Fontaine Yang

图片 Pictures | Fontaine Yang, 凯叔团队

审核 Auditing |  Scott Paré, Toni Dong, Wenping Li

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 清华附中国际部

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