小学西方艺术 | 艺术与科技碰撞的动画坊

By 2021年01月07日 星期四Events, Primary School

The Special Animation Workshop, at Tsinghua International School, is a big hit with the students!

Mr. Hoda Mazloomian 稻香湖校区西方艺术教师 文
Article by Hoda Mazloomian Western Art, DL campus

本次的动画艺术坊由清华附中国际部艺术教研组组长Ms. Augustina Droze发起,她是一位才华横溢、极富创意的艺术老师。由她设计的本次动画艺术坊是一个全新的、令人兴奋的艺术项目,小同学们在动画制作的过程中能够体验到全然投入艺术创作中的感受,自己动手将艺术元素与科技手段相结合去完成一件视频动画作品,在团队协作的过程中体会到了合作精神,同时领导力得到了培养。
The Animation Workshop activity, which was organized by our very capable and creative head of department, Ms. Augustina Droze, brought a completely new and exciting dimension to the art program and totally engaged the students and enabled them to link art to technology and to practice cooperation and positive leadership skills in groups.

Head of the Fine art Department
Ms. Augustina Drose



On the 7th, 8th and 10thth of December 2020, at the FJ campus and on 11th of December 2020 on the DL campus of THIS, animation workshops were planned and executed all day long for grades 3,4 and 5. A special Animation App. was downloaded on to several iPads and the students made several large background collages in preparation, prior to the event.


我们的艺术教研组组长Ms. Augustina Drose特别邀请了英国的动画艺术家Mr. Sam Watterson来教授这次的课程。
Mr. Sam Watterson, a professional British animation artist, was invited by Ms. Droze to conduct the workshop.
动画艺术家the Animation expert
Mr. Sam Watterson老师

学生们对于这次的动画艺术坊反响非常热烈,孩子们对艺术的兴趣、创造性和参与度都被极大地激发了。Mr. Watterson在课堂中细心地按照创作步骤一步步带领学生们完成作品,使学生能够清晰、充满信心地从头到尾完整地完成作品的创作过程。学生们先是剪裁旧杂志制作纸质的拼贴画元素,再小组合作完成故事板的制作。通过不断变换剪贴画人物在背景板上的位置,每个组选出的“小导演”负责在每一次人物位置变化后拍照,就这样组成一个个动画的基本素材。同学们在整个动画作品的制作过程中都全情参与,对自己最后呈现出的作品都非常满意!

The workshop was a resounding success as the student found the activity very interesting and creatively exciting and participated fully and enthusiastically in the workshop. Mr. Watterson explained every stage of activity to the students step by step, and the students followed the activity successfully from start to finish. Students had to make paper collage characters from cut magazines and create story boards in groups. They then had to elect a director in order to  take stop-motion animation photos after the students readjusted their own characters on the backgrounds.  The Students remained fully engaged and very proud of the achievements.



因为疫情的缘故,畅游在艺术馆和画廊中欣赏艺术作品不再像往常那样自如。在这样的情况下,Ms. Drose计划在未来继续策划更多的活动,把艺术带入稻香湖校区和附中校区的课堂里,丰富学生们的艺术教育体验,在学习和生活中与艺术相伴。请继续期待之后更多的精彩艺术活动吧!
As visits to galleries have been more difficult due to the Covid-19 challenge, Ms. Droze has more plans to bring the art to the two THIS campuses, in order to enrich the educational life of our students. So please watch this space for news of other exciting special art activities to come!

文字 Writing | Hoda Mazloomian
排版 Editing | Mercy Xu
图片 Pictures | Mercy Xu, Hoda Mazloomian
视频 Video | THIS media
审核 Auditing | Shiny Wang, Toni Dong, Lan Yi, Wenping Li

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