
By 2023年09月04日 星期一Events


Executive Principal Ms. Wenping Li’s 

Opening Remarks


2023-24 School Year Opening Ceremony


Swipe to the left for English version



走进校园,大家一定发现学校有了很多新变化,从焕然一新的接待大厅到很有视觉冲击力的THIS FAMILY长廊,从整洁明亮的卫生间到重新修整的小花园,从体育馆充满动感活力的墙面到二层的艺术长廊,从新增加的教室到优化后的学习空间,甚至于为了让教室中smartboard的观看角度更合理,重新进行了居中的调整,每一处变化都让我们欣喜激动,而这些都还只是大家能够目之所及的,其实还有很多大家看不到的幕后的工程,比如我们重新更换的全新的体育馆地板,工程量非常浩大的水电基础改造,网络硬件和打印服务的升级改造等等。让我们开心地欣喜地欢庆学校的这些美好的改变!





运动使人的体魄变得强健。清华体育教育的开拓者, 同时也被誉为“中国体育界一面旗帜”的马约翰先生,曾提出体育的“迁移价值”——即“运动使感觉敏锐,使意识得到发展,而意识是智力范畴中基本和最终的东西 “。因此,清华一直重视体育运动,强调“无体育不清华”。我希望每个同学都有自己热爱的体育运动:跑步、球类、游泳、健身、竞技……同时能够带动身边的朋友一起运动,在运动的链接中团结合作,享受青春的恣意昂扬。


所以我希望你们是运动热爱者,读书痴迷者。我期待你们,动时,体育场上有你们每一个人的矫健身姿。强身健体、顽强拼搏、超越极限 ,静时,徜徉书海、沐浴书香,腹有诗书气自华。



2023级毕业生毕业前,学校组织他们进行了几次线下分享活动,在分享中,同学们认真总结了他们之前所走过的路。这些同学选择的专业不同,但个个从内到外散发出光彩。他们在分享中都提及了社团对他们的影响。一群有共同热爱的人相聚在一起,是微光汇聚成星河的璀璨。因热爱而链接,因链接而更加热爱,内心的笃定和坚持,让每个人都从内到外散发出光芒,真正做到了我所期待的 “眼里有光、心中有梦、脚下有路”。




我在上周全体教师培训的大会上与老师们分享了今年的年度关键词“链接”之后,中学部主任Mr.Pare引用了一句话作为对这个关键词的回应:The most important things in life are the connections you make with others.(生活中最重要的事情是你与其他人产生的链接)。所以李校长非常期待,你们在新的学年,在与他人的链接中,创造更多的精彩!

Stay Strong!Stay Connected!

谢谢大家!Thank you !

Dear teachers, students, and parents,

Good morning!

As we do at the beginning of every fall, we once again welcome the start of a new academic year. In this new year, many new students have joined the THIS family. Let’s warmly welcome them.

Our campus has had a facelift, you must have noticed many new changes. From the newly renovated reception hall to the visually striking THIS FAMILY corridor, from the refurbished and bright restrooms to the small garden, from the vibrant sports hall walls to the art gallery of the second floor in the gym, from the added classrooms to the optimized learning spaces, and even the repositioning of the smartboard in the classrooms for a better viewing angle. Every change brings us joy and excitement. These are just the visible improvements; there are many behind-the-scenes projects, such as the replacement of the sports hall floor, extensive plumbing and electrical renovations, and upgrades to network hardware and printing services. Next year, we will continue to enhance our school facilities during the summer break, striving to create a better campus environment for everyone. As the school continues to evolve and rejuvenate, are you all ready for the new academic year?


Post-pandemic, I have chosen “connection” as the keyword for the school year. I hope we can strengthen the connections between teachers and students, amongst peers, between teachers, the spiritual legacy of successive graduates,between home and school, and between internal and external resources. Let us empower each other through these connections, draw strength, learn, and grow. I have three expectations for everyone:


Firstly, maintain physical and mental health through connections.

As you all know, the school has added wellbeing to our core values in the past two years. From the perspective of “cultivating individuals,” nurturing healthy and harmonious individuals is the basic responsibility of education. Exercise and reading, though often mentioned, are essential for physical and mental health. Exercise strengthens the body, which is the foundation for resilience. Physical health can fight against mental weakness. Mr. Ma Yohan, a pioneer of physical education at Tsinghua University and a flag bearer of Chinese sports, emphasized the “transfer value” of sports. Therefore, Tsinghua has always valued sports, emphasizing “No sports, no Tsinghua.” I hope every student has a sport they love and can inspire their friends to join them.

Reading is the power source for constructing a rich inner world. Reading leads to more knowledge and wisdom. The more profound our inner knowledge, the more unbreakable we become. Reading is also a way of cultivating the mind and body. In the new academic year, I hope everyone can read together, share recommendations, and let the light of reading illuminate everyone’s heartyour world.

Secondly, find the power of passion through connections.

Last year’s art festival featured the musical “Hamilton,” which left a deep impression on everyone. The brilliant presentation of this classic musical on the THIS stage originated from the passion of two high school students. They studied the musical since the tenth grade and, in the eleventh grade, connected with the dance club and other students passionate about music and performance. Their love for art culminated in a spectacular show that left us in awe.

Before the graduation of the class of 2023, the school organized several offline sharing sessions for them. These students have different paths, but they all shine brightly. They all mentioned the impact clubs have had. A group of people with common passions coming together is like gathering tiny lights to form a brilliant galaxy. I hope that every student can find their passion, connect with others, and shine brightly.

Lastly, find personal value through connections.

In fact, connections are not just about drawing strength but also about giving back. When we learn to connect with the outside world and view it with an open mind, our life’s perspective and vision expand. When we use our talents, passions, and specialties to serve others, change the community, and contribute to society, we feel a sense of personal value. This value becomes an intrinsic motivation, promoting personal growth. I’ve seen students passionate about math share their knowledge with younger students, debate enthusiasts develop critical thinking courses, and MUN students transition into MUN coaching careers. They move from theory to practice, from individual to community, and from the ivory tower to the broader world. This positive external “connection” reflects the proactiveness and responsibility of International Departmentour students as global citizens and embodies the spirit of the new generation.

After sharing this year’s keyword “connection” with the teachers at the all-faculty meeting last week, Mr. Pare, the secondary director, quoted Tom Ford in response: “The most important things in life are the connections you make with others.” Therefore, I look forward to seeing you create more wonderful moments in the new academic year through your connections with others. 

Stay Strong! Stay Connected!


Thank you all!

排版 Editing | Mercy Xu

审核 Auditing | Toni Dong, Wenping Li

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 清华附中国际部

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