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Welcome from the Head of School

Principal’s Welcome

Dear Students and Parents,

We live today in an increasingly globalized world. As a modern and international city, Beijing has become an ideal place to live for a growing population of international families. In response to the educational needs of this diverse international community, Tsinghua International School was established in 2008.

It is widely known that High School Attached to Tsinghua University enjoys a great prestige in China and abroad. The school employs unique educational philosophies and has educated a great number of well-known alumni, such as Yang Zhenning, Liu Yandong, Shi Tiesheng, Chang Zhenming.

With a well-researched pedagogical system strengthened by rich resources available at Tsinghua International School, we are ideally positioned to provide an international education while emphasizing the full integration of the Chinese and Western cultures to create a comfortable and appealing learning environment.

It is our mission that every student graduates from Tsinghua International School having developed a strong affection for China, a deep love for life, a spirit of creativity as well as a balanced and thorough understanding of the world.

Wang Dianjun | Principal of Tsinghua High School

Principal’s Welcome

Dear Students and Parents,

As you know, Tsinghua High School enjoys great prestige due to its more than 90-year-history, unique school philosophy and great number of well-known alumni. The Tsinghua International School we are presenting you today is a Western-style school directed by Tsinghua High School and open to expatriate students studying in China. Distinguishing it from the main campus, the international school will be aware of the cultural backgrounds, educational demands and future development needs of the students and provide them with educational programs similar to those of their native countries. Certainly, we will also enable our students to learn deeply about Chinese language, history and culture.

Based on Tsinghua Affiliated Middle High School’s excellent foundation and history of running a school and with the support of Tsinghua University and The Ministry of Education we will build the Tsinghua International School with high standards  We enjoy the unique environmental advantage here in west Beijing with a dense population of high-tech industries and highly educated personnel.  We also enjoy strong relationships with many educational institutions at home and abroad,  Our goal is to educate good citizens and to train the future leaders of the world, and to that end we will offer the best education available anywhere.

Thank you for your interest in Tsinghua International School, and please share with others that might be interested your impressions of THIS. We invite your input and suggestions, and we know that with your support THIS will be an exceptional success.

Shi Ping | Principal of International Education of Tsinghua High School