THIS New School Year Opening Ceremony |清华附中国际部2021-2022学年开学典礼

By 2021年09月10日 星期五Events



2021-2022 School Year Opening Ceremony




Autumn wind and white dew, here at THIS

Teachers, students and parents, gather together

To start a beautiful chapter of 

our 13th year


On September 10th, THIS celebrated its Opening Ceremony of the 2021-2022 school year officially opening the chapter to its 13th year. All THIS students, teachers and parents came together with energy, joy, expectations, and blessings.

Opening Ceremony



清华附中国际部执行校长李文平,学术校长Reid Prichett,小学部主任Britni Padilla,中学部主任Dieu-Anh Nguyen,课程主任Caroline Scott和行政主任董文博出席开学典礼,校长助理白文婷主持典礼。白老师向全体学生和家长表达了诚挚的欢迎和由衷的祝福,她说到,在清华附中国际部,学生始终是我们的焦点,是我们教育的中心,更是我们学校的骄傲与自豪。”

THIS Executive Principal Ms. LI Wenping, Academic Principal Dr. Reid Prichett, Primary Division Director Ms. Britni Padilla, Secondary Division Director Ms. Dieu-Anh Nguyen, Curriculum Director Ms. Caroline Scott, and Director of Administration Ms. DONG Wenbo were in attendance with Assistant Principal Ms. BAI Wenting as the master of ceremonies. Ms. Bai expressed her sincere welcome and best wishes to all students and parents, saying thatAt THIS, we believe that students are the main focus, the center of attention and pride for our school.”




Opening Remarks


Receiving cheer and applause from the students and teachers, Executive Principal Ms. LI Wenping gave the opening remarks. On the special occasion of Teacher’s Day, Principal Li led all the THIS children in wishing their teachers and the appreciation for their hard contribution. “Happy Teachers’ Day!”


致辞中,李校长首先对新学生、新教师加入清华附中国际部大家庭表示了热烈的欢迎,并祝贺大家新学年进入成长的新阶段。同时,李校长表示,回望今年夏天,真是不同寻常:中国共产党建党一百周年,泱泱大国, 沧桑巨变,正是这一百年的奋斗、勇毅与担当,让我们在东京奥运会上见证中国精神和中国力量;让我们在河南遭受暴雨灾害时拨开乌云见月明;让我们面对严峻的疫情之时,有信心、有底气、有能力打赢新的战‘疫’。作为一所中国公立学校背景的国际学校,我们感谢中国所处的快速发展的新时代,让我们沐浴在和平发展的阳光中,如期返校,安心读书 

In her speech, Principal Li first welcomed the new students and teachers who have just joined THIS and congratulated them on entering a new stage of growth in the new school year. Meanwhile, She said, This summer was truly extraordinary. We celebrated the 100th anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China. This is a great achievement for China! 100-years of hardship and great changes have provided us with the courage and sense of responsibility to celebrate the Chinese spirit and strength at the Tokyo Olympics, to overcome the devastating rainstorms in Henan province, and to tame the severe and prolonged worldwide COVID pandemic. As an international school affiliated with Tsinghua High School, we are grateful for living in the new era of rapid development in China, allowing us to return to school as scheduled, and to study in a quiet and peaceful environment.



Afterwards, with three short stories, Principal Li encouraged students to face challenges in learning and achieve self-transcendence, to develop the ability to build a better life, to brighten and warm others’ lives, and to continue to have the great love and social responsibility necessary “to help the world” and interpret Tsinghua spirit with actual behavior, as the saying goes “actions speak louder than words”. Finally, Principal Li hoped that in the new school year, all the THIS teachers and students would “ be self-disciplined and open to self-improvement, be the best of ourselves, and together build our beautiful THIS community.”




Primary Student Representative

在小学部主任Britni Padilla的介绍下,小学部学生代五年级学生赵星雯上台发言,面对着满堂的观众,她落落大方,丝毫不怯场。发言中,星雯同学和大家一起细数在国际部的快乐成长,角度细腻有力,展望新学年新挑战,她又有着深切厚重的思虑。最后,她自豪地说到“东方也好,西方也好,这里是最好的!” 相信每一位国际部的学子都和她一样,在清华附中国际部,早已培养了浓浓的归属感


With the introduction from the Primary Division Director Ms. Britni Padilla, the primary student representative from Grade 5 ZHAO Xingwen took the stage. Facing all the audience, Xingwen was graceful and generous without any nervousness. In her delicate yet powerful speech, Xingwen counted the steps of her happy growth at THIS and looked forward to the new school year with a deep contemplation. She proudly closed with, “East or West, THIS is the best!” We believe that every THIS student shares this same feeling and that there is a strong, undeniable sense of belonging at THIS.



Secondary Student Representative

中学部学生代表十二年级学生张一帜在中学部主任Dieu-Anh Nguyen介绍下,上台发言。进入十二年级,即将毕业,张一帜对自己的人生选择有了更加成熟稳重的目标。他表示,回顾在国际部学习的八年,是他与国际部共同成长的八年,进入新的学年,他会继续勇敢面对新的挑战。最后,他鼓励同学们都能够做更多的尝试和探索,和老师们积极交流,注重积累,一定会有满满的收获。

After being introduced by Secondary Division Director Ms. Dieu-Anh Nguyen, the secondary student representative from Grade 12, Harry Zhang, took the stage. Harry shared his mature and steady goal for his life entering his senior year. He looked back on the eight years of studying at THIS and what his teachers have meant to him. He encouraged all students to set goals, to bravely face new challenges, make good choices, and to ask their teachers for their support and guidance.


After the student speeches, wonderful and interesting introduction videos from different divisions and departments were shown. The students applauded and cheered one after another when they saw the talented, quirky, and warm personalities of their teachers. Laughter and delight filled the whole auditorium. Watching the videos from such a creative, energetic and loving team of THIS teachers, the students are even more excited for the new school year!



Closing Remarks

开学典礼进入最后部分,学术校长Reid Prichett上台致辞,他鼓励全体师生从李校长和两位学生振奋人心的致辞和发言中,汲取力量,在新学年中,带着满满自信,“爱我所爱,行我所行,听从我心,无问西东”,带着爱和善意,收获成长。

The opening ceremony entered its final part with closing remarks from THIS Academic Principal Dr. Reid Prichett. He encouraged all students and faculty to draw strength from the inspiring speeches of Principal Li and the student representatives and to reap the benefits of the new school year.  He said, “treat yourself with love and compassion, starting with that voice in your head that tells you to learn and move forward, and in the year ahead, treat yourself with the same kindness that you extend to others!










Studying is like observing the sea. You need to think from the bottom of your heart. Studying is also like climbing mountains. As everyone moves to the next stage in the new school year, THIS students will continue to climb to the mountain top and enjoy the view with a broad mind and vision!

文字 Writing | Mia Gu

排版 Editing | Mia Gu

图片 Pictures | Mia Gu

审核 Auditing |  Dieu-Anh Nguyen, Toni Dong, Wenping Li

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 清华附中国际部

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