THIS G8-G12 Community Building |硬核团建,自我挑战,自我超越

By 2021年10月11日 星期一High School, Middle School

9月9日清晨,雨后初霁,空气中满是凉意,清华附中国际部9年级至12年级的学生们迎来了期盼已久的户外团建活动。9、10年级前往十渡公园,11、12年级前往燕山飞拉达营地体验铁道攀登。此前,出于景区防疫人流控制因素考虑, 8年级学生已在9月7日先行前往十渡景区进行了丰富有趣的团建活动。

In the early morning of September 9th, THIS high school students went on their long-awaited outdoor team building field trips. The air was crisp after the heavy rains.  Grade 9 and 10 students went to Shidu Park – the same venue where In the previous week, our 8th graders also went to enjoy outdoor activities. Grades 11 and 12 students went to Yanshan Via Ferrata Camp to experience climbing.


This THIS team building trandition allows our THIS Spartans learn to apply the school’s core values to their daily life and to further develop a sense of collective identity and awareness of their class and grade.



The students were well-equipped carrying food prepared with care. Students thought that the early morning heavy rain would delay ore even cancel the trip. But to everyone’s surprise, the rain stopped, the sky cleared, and the air was filled with glowing excitement. THIS students boarded the bus in an orderly manner and set off for the sunshine!


Grade 9 and 10 students finally arrived at the destination – Shidu Park as the sunshine became just right and the wind was calm. Like a group of musical notes, the students happily crossed the swaying Yoyo Bridge and took the cable car toward the top of the mountain to experience the surrounds of birdsong, mountain breeze and the sounds of nature near and far.



As the hiking trip started, the mountain seemed to wake up to our brisk pace and pleasant conversation by sending us a cool breeze. After climbing the mountain, the 9th and 10th graders came to the long-awaited rainbow glass walkway. The walkway was built on the cliff face and was beautiful and thrilling with its colorful glow in the sunlight. For some students, they were excited by the beautiful challenge, but for others, their fear of heights prevented them from fully enjoying the unparalleled view at first. Luckily, with the encouragement and support of their classmates and teachers, all students stepped onto the glass. In the distance, the mountains towered over the greenery and the distant mountains were dense in a fog like an ink painting. Everyone took out their cameras and took endless amounts of pictures.



The last activity after the descent was the rainbow drifting. Everyone got on the small crafts in groups of two and rushed down in the river made of colorful glass, riding the waves. With each splash, there were youthful smiles and cheers.


Students Reflections

黄琬寓 Martina Huang 
孟津羽 Coco Meng 
在去目的地的路上,车内歌声不断,巴士里充满着我们的欢声笑语。虽然还要走很多接台阶,但在同学们的互相鼓励下好像爬楼梯也不是那么累了。作为一个插班学生,这次的活动让我和同学和老师们建立了更坚固的友谊, 非常有意义!
Jeanne Croker
Despite the late start and ominous look of the day, the 10th grade trip to Shidu at Fangshan turned out to be a lovely day. The students surged across a river on swinging wooden bridge and hiked to the cable cars to ascend the mountain. Perhaps the highlight for most was the rafting down a shoot of water, getting drenched and yelling and screaming the whole way!
戴廷亨 Owen Dai 
Personally, I found the field trip very enjoyable and I wasn’t that tired. I could enjoy the view from the mountains and get wet. To me, that is the best way to put together a mountain sight-seeing field trip.
乔兴华 Eillie Johnson
崔桐 Tina Cui 
Though we spent more time on the bus than at Fangshan, the stunning marvels of nature were worth it. The day of the field trip ended with blue skies and light hearts. We went home to smiles, laughter, and a sky the color of the ocean.
黄芷陶 Ellie Wong



At the same time, grades 11 and grade 12 students were experiencing the “flying wall” at Camp Via Ferrata. The rock climbing activity captures the thrill and excitement of climbing in the wilderness but without much professional experience required. The students learned how to scale the cliff rock using harnesses and cables.



Our 11th and 12th graders set off in two separate climbing routes. Along the way, there would be different levels of difficulty and students dealt with different challenges. All were brave to move forward and climb upwards. Through the activity of challenging themselves, they developed a keener sense of self, thus built more confidence through the interactions with the nature. Also, during the climbing, students frequently gave a helping hand to their classmates. They grew during the challenge making themselves more compassionate and empathetic. The students not only achieved their own goals of climbing upward, but also learned how put themselves in the shoes of others.



The moment they reached the top of the mountain, the students really embraced the feeling of “being on top of the mountain and seeing the highest view” with faces were full of sweat. This was the victory mark of transcendence.


Students Reflections

Jane Ma
The rush of excitement to conquer had overwhelmed the fear, and yet our hands dampened with a little sweat. Some were fast and rocketed through the climb, some were slow and stumbled by some steps, but the view at the pinnacle was just as beautiful for all; except for those that didn’t climb at all of course, which ironically includes the writer of this reflection.At the end of the day, as cheer by cheer every climber returned to the foot, the seniors sat on slanted rocks and feasted together and went home with a new found shared pride and respect for one another.

申珂亦 Sophie Shen


To THIS Spartans


Finally, each grade ended the trip with group photos. The students all know that the real journey is far from over. We will cheer each other on, encourage each other, and be the shoulder for each other through this new semester full of challenges. We will continue to surpass ourselves!


THIS Spartans, life is always one “adventure” after another. Whether you are ready to be an explorer or not, you will always encounter your own “mountain.” May you all have good luck and may you learn to be brave in your own challenges. May you reap the rewards of love and may you learn about great love as you persevere beyond yourselves.



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