THIS Club Fair | 清华附中国际部中学部社团招新!无社团,不青春!

By 2021年09月16日 星期四Events


THIS Club Fair









On September 14, the THIS playground was bustling with students and teachers as we finally welcomed the secondary club fair! The JAMS Band, Eastern Art Club, Model United Nations, Spartan Magazine, Math Club and many other clubs made their appearance. Each club showcased their shining features hoping to recruit as many new members as possible this season.

Club Fair



“从中英文辩论社到Studio 35,从民族舞街舞社团到阿卡贝拉合唱团等近50个中学社团,国际部的每一天,都因你们丰盈的内心而富有活力,都因你们富有创造力的精神而绽放光彩,在这里,成长不仅是自我发展,更为珍贵的是:你们用你们独有的光芒,点亮别人的生活,温暖他人的内心。”


“From the English-Chinese debate club to Studio 35, from folk dance and street dance to acapella choir. There are nearly 50 clubs at THIS now. I want to say that every day is full of vitality because of your warm hearts and creative spirit. Here at THIS, growth is not only about self-development, but also about using your unique light to brighten others’ lives and warm others’ hearts.”

Ms. LI Wenping

THIS Executice Principal


THIS has nearly 50 clubs founded by secondary students themselves! They cover a wide range of academic, artistic, environmental, technological, and sport topics. At THIS, we encourage every student to express their personal style and diversify their development in addition to studying academics. By placing themselves in the integrated context of Eastern and the Western cultures, students can show themselves according to their needs, explore the endless potentials of their own development, and nurture their comprehensive qualities.


From staff sponsors, student leaders, to club members, club activities have become a colorful brush in campus life. The students’ smiles, enthusiasm, and active participation reflect this important aspect of our students’ growth.

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Music Community 

Debby Lyttle老师指挥节奏表演


Bands and dance clubs also made their debut bringing us visual and auditory delight during the club fair. The soft and active dance performances were a balance of movement and stillness, power and beauty. The distinctive band performances brought every student to the scene to enjoy the world of music. Every dance step and every note expressed the students’ passion for the arts. Students watching the show were deeply mesmerized by the live performances. The impressive performances received cheers and applause.



As each club recruited as many new members as possible, both THIS Chinese and foreign teachers were on hand to attract students from all grades with their endless creativity.


Many students took part in the set up of the club fair as well as clean up. This collective effort by our THIS students reflects one of the best and most common interpretations of the Tsinghua spirit that “action speaks louder than words.”


Every year, THIS club fair shows us that our students, in their most beautiful youthful years, spare no effort to bring out their best to offer so many choices. We hope that each student will continue to improve himself or herself and realize his or her own values, reap the joys of their hard work, embrace a diverse world, and achieve a full life.

文字 Writing | Mia Gu

排版 Editing | Mia Gu

图片 Pictures | Mia Gu, Mercy Xu

审核 Auditing |  Dieu-Anh Nguyen, Toni Dong, 

Wenting Bai, Wenping Li

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 清华附中国际部

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