大美中国,萌芽新生 | 清华附中国际部2021年中国日

By 2021年03月29日 星期一Events

大美中国,萌芽新生 | 清华附中国际部2021年中国日
THIS China Day


With the coming of spring, THIS picked the best time to hold this year’s China Day. From gaining a deeper understanding of Chinese culture to the writing and performing of skits, from the production of handicrafts to delving into multimedia design, students used their own talents and hobbies to prepare for the day and actively participate. Through project-based and interdisciplinary learning, students showed their appreciation for China, THIS, and each other.


On the morning of China Day, various stations were set up for primary students to play China-themed games, create traditional art works, and taste traditional foods. The stations included Chinese Word Guessing, Touhu (an arrow toss game), Calligraphy Writing, Lucky Bag Making, Chinese Architecture Model Making, and Snack and Video Time. The China Day activities engaged and excited the students, furthering their interest in the culture of China.


In secondary school, students wowed the audience with wonderful performances. For the FZ campus, the theme for the secondary school event was “China on Stage, China in Tune”, with dramatic performances as the main form of expression. 6th graders performed a short play about taking a “Magic Field Trip on Confucian Analects”. 7th graders selected three classic stories from the book A New Account of the Tales of the World to introduce famous celebrities of the Wei and Jin Dynasties, and performed songs with lyrics adapted from the book Dawn Blossoms Plucked at Dust; 8th graders performed the play “The Life of Su Dongpo”; 9th graders performed the skit called “XiaChat”; 10th graders and 11th graders dramatized Meng Zi and Chuang Zi respectively; and the 12th grade presented their thoughts about current Chinese youth in their speech  New “On the Young China”. With colorful lights and thundering applause, the Martial Arts Elective Class, Traditional Dance Club, and Traditional Instruments Club also gave wonderful performances.

以“萌芽——幽兰香风远,蕙草流芳根”为主题的稻香湖校区中学部中国日同样在大礼堂精彩呈现,演出覆盖了演讲、课本剧、名著歌曲创作、散文朗诵、论语唱词、中国传统服装展示等多种形式,展现了孩子们探索、感悟中华文化之美的画卷。其中,7 Silver班带来的《世说新语》改编课本剧——《酒以成礼》,围绕周朝就被提出的传统的文化美德“礼”来展开,探寻“礼,是无时无刻需要被遵守的么?”这一有趣而深奥问题,最后得出——遵守礼节应是心中有礼、有感而发,而不是为了行礼而去行礼,让大家看得津津有味。

For the DL campus, the theme of the secondary school event was “Sprout — The faint fragrance of the orchid is spread far by the wind; the fragrance of the orchid is grown deep in its roots.” The performances included dramatic speeches, short plays, songwriting, prose recitation, traditional Chinese clothing displays, and more. Even though there were only two grade levels of students, they challenged us to explore and understand the beauty of Chinese culture in different ways. In particular, G7 Silver’s performance based on the book A New Account of the Tales of the World asked the question, “Are proper ceremonies to be observed all the time?” The audience was left to find the answer for themselves.


With passion and determination, teachers and students have been watering their ever-growing “Sprout”. As a community, we will always embody the mission, vision, and values of THIS: To foster creative critical thinkers who are rooted in China and prepared to lead in the global community. This year’s China Day showed that those roots run deep!

文字 Writing | 中文组, Erxin Kang
排版 Editing | Erxin Kang
图片 Pictures | Studio 35, Erxin Kang
审核 Auditing | Shiny Wang, Donald Holder, Wenping Li

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