Homeroom Culture | 班服设计分享(下)

By 2021年10月22日 星期五High School

Homeroom Culture | 班服设计分享(下)

Homeroom T-shirt design ideas

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Click the picture to check Homeroom T-shirt Design Ideas I 


G8 Lavender

设计Homeroom T-shirt非常有趣,今年的运动会在我们班采用的是我的设计,我很荣幸获得了同学们的支持。我设计的运动校服是由黑色、紫色还有绿色组成的,纯黑色的T恤配上紫色的字迹看起来很协调,衣服上的“STRONGER TOGETHER”体现着lavender班的核心精神。为了不显单调,衣服的背部是由薰衣草组成的环形花环,花环的正中央就是一个巨大的“L”,简洁而大方的设计不管是男同学还是女同学穿上后都显得格外神气。

Designing the homeroom t-shirt is a very interesting experience. For this year’s Sports Day used my design for our homeroom. I am very honored to have the support of my classmates. I designed the shirt using a combination of black, purple, and green. The pure black T-shirt with a purple print is very coordinated. The “STRONGER TOGETHER” on the shirt reflects the spirit of the students in the lavender class. To not seem too dull, the backside of the shirt is composed of a ring of lavender flowers. In the middle of the ring is a big “L”. A simple but strong design no matter male or female would seem very perky with this shirt!”

From the designer-

Kamsaengsai, Nikole Cui崔妮可


G11 Lavender & Purple

G11 Lavender



The inspiration of our homeroom t-shirt is for us to be together.  The design on the back has everyone in 11 Lavender on it, including the homeroom teacher. The main color is orange, mint, dark purple, and lavender. The rationale for choosing these colors is that  lavender is the homeroom color and the others, I thought it looked good together.

G11 Purple



The overall design and theme for this year’s 11 Purple homeroom were inspired by the 1970s trends and color palette. We used bright colors combined with a low-saturated grey background, along with classic patterns such as stars and oval shapes.  We also used a unique font that fits the style we were looking for. Our homeroom culture is fused inside the back design of the Tee. We included a lettuce, which symbolizes the favorite food of our entire homeroom. The names of each student in the HR was individually signed by themselves, creating a personalized and classic style, using the color purple that symbolizes our class color.


G12 Purple

不像其他的高中班级四年都是同一位Homeroom Teacher,我们班每年都会换一位班主任老师。尽管如此,我们的团体精神一直都特别强,学生也跟历届的老师的关系都特别好。这就是为什么我在设计班服时,写上了所有Homeroom Teacher的名字,并且运用了象征包容的暖色系,其中包括大量的米色、深橘色、红棕色。


Our homeroom class in particular has not had the same homeroom teacher for four year unlike other high school classes before us. Despite this, our class has always had a strong community spirit, and we have had great relationships with all of our teachers throughout the years. That’s why I designed the uniforms with the names of all the Homeroom Teachers and used warm colors that symbolize inclusiveness, including beige, deep orange, and reddish brown.


by Anna Cui

文字 Writing | THIS teachers and students

排版 Editing | Mercy Xu

图片 Pictures | THIS teachers and students

审核 Auditing |  Dieu-Anh Nguyen, Toni Dong, Wenping Li

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 清华附中国际部

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