大师进校园(二)|数学大师来啦!和菲尔兹奖得主Caucher Birkar教授一起感受数学之美!

By 2022年04月14日 星期四Events


Mathematics and Life

4月13日上午,清华附中国际部第二期“大师进校园”活动在清华附中大礼堂举行。此次讲座特别邀请了国际著名数学大师、菲尔兹奖得主、清华大学丘成桐数学中心教授考切尔·比尔卡尔(Caucher Birkar)教授为国际部全体师生带来题为“数学与人生”的专题演讲。李文平校长致开场欢迎辞,全体师生现场参与了此次活动。同时,众多校外家长通过线上渠道观看讲座。

On April 13, the 2nd “THIS Master Talks” was successfully held in the auditorium of Tsinghua University High School. Professor Caucher Birkar, the internationally renowned mathematician, Fields Prize winner, and Professor of the Yau Mathematical Sciences Center at Tsinghua University, was invited to give a lecture entitled “Mathematics and Life” to THIS teachers and students. Principal LI Wenping welcomed students and staff as well as the many parents who joined via livestream with her opening remarks.

李文平校长和家长、师生代表欢迎Caucher Birkar教授夫妇

Principal LI Wenping and representatives of parents, the faculty and students welcome Professor Caucher Birkar and his wife


Mathematics and Life

Caucher Birkar教授在讲座中从自己的童年经历说起,讲述了自己如何走上数学之路,以及他长期艰苦的努力,坚持不懈的探索和追求数学研究的励志经历。他说到,获得菲尔兹奖是一件非常荣幸的事,但得奖或者收获其他荣誉并不是他钻研数学的目的,只要能够在自己热情的事情上沉下心来,深入探索,那么取得成果就会水到渠成。Birkar教授鼓励学生们在学习中,多思考多探索多钻研,希望大家都能找到心中所爱,并且始终保持激情和热爱

In his lecture, Professor Birkar talked about how his interest in mathematics began in his childhood and how it continued to grow through hard work and perseverance. He said that it was a great honor to win the Fields Medal, but winning the prize or other honors was not the purpose of his mathematical studies. As long as he could sink his heart into his passion and dive deeply, achievements would be gained naturally. Professor Birkar encouraged THIS students to think and explore more, hoping that they all will find what they love and dedicate their focus to it.

演讲中,Caucher Birkar教授深入浅出、见解独特,与师生们分享了他对数学研究的洞察和感悟。他通过“生活中有数学”、“生命发展中有数学”、“科技中有数学”、“宇宙中有数学”和“处处都有数学”等多个方面,向老师和学生们讲述了数学的魅力所在,他的讲述强烈感染着每一位在场师生。最后,Birkar教授还通过一个有趣的数学算术游戏,向大家展现了数学的“魔力”。Birkar教授仿佛与在场同学有心灵感应,在他说出算术游戏答案的那一刻,数学的神奇魅力也在一瞬间迸发,一时间现场掌声不断。

Professor Birkar also shared his insights and perceptions of mathematical research with the students and faculty. He explained how mathematics is everywhere – “Maths is life”, “Life is Maths”, “Technology is Maths”, “Universe is Maths” and “Everything is Maths.” Professor Birkar also showed the “magic” of mathematics through an interesting mathematical arithmetic game.


Interaction with the Master


Primary and secondary students had the chance to ask the master mathematician questions at the end of the lecture. Also after the event, several students had the rare opportunity to engage in discussion with Professor Birkar on stage. Professor Birkar provided guidance and insightful reference for students’ further academic planning, character development, and vision.



Students went on to the stage to discuss with Professor Birkar and asked him for the signature.


The primary student representative presented flowers to Professor Birkar.


Student Reflection

王润扬 12年级

Harry Wang – Grade 12


After discovering my interest in mathematics in ninth grade, this is the first time to have the honor to physically discuss with a mathematician. As a high school senior about to major in mathematics in college, I continuously wondered how I can explore mathematics, and meeting Mr. Birkar reveals to me that math should not be considered as a distant subject that only the extremely gifted individuals can dedicate themselves to throughout their life. Math is accessible to everyone provided hard work and a determination to overcome and enjoy the challenges. It’s a natural part of a person once he/she finds the fascination of mathematical thinking and theories. 

韩宜霖 9年级

Elaine Han – Grade 9

在听到了Caucher Birkar教授的讲座之后,我受到了许多的启发。他讲述了他那普通又不普通的童年。他生活在伊朗和伊拉克之间的一个地区,那里充满着战争,但是他没有放弃自己喜欢的数学,而是继续努力的学习。他不管是生活条件还是资源都没有我们现在优越丰富。但他依然为了自己的热爱而奋斗,并且有了一番成绩。我觉得在这期间不止需要热爱,更要有常人难以达到的毅力,才可以花那么多的时间去钻研不同的数学问题,并且在课外也继续进行学习。他通过自己的努力离开了原本生活的小山村,最后成为了剑桥大学的教授,还在现在当上了清华的教授,还有很多奖牌。我被他的努力与成功所激励到了,或许我们离梦想并没有那么远的距离,只要我们一步步的学习和充实自己。在Birkar教授讲了数学和生活的联系之后,我对数学的认知也改变了,我没有想到数学会和我们的生活有那么多处联系。这也坚定了我想学数学的心。

After listening to Professor Caucher Birkar’s lecture, I got a lot of motivation. He talked about his childhood that was both ordinary, yet so unique at the same time. He lived in a war-torn region between Iran and Iraq, but instead of giving up his favorite subject, which was mathematics, he continued to study hard. Our living conditions and resources are much better and more accessible than it was for him, yet he still studied hard for his passion and finally reached success. This not only requires dedication, but also perseverance, to spend so much time studying different math problems and continuing outside of class. Through his own efforts, he left the countryside, and finally became a professor at Cambridge University and now a professor at Tsinghua University. He had won many awards as well. I was inspired by his efforts and success. It showed me that we are not as far away from our dreams as we may think, we can reach them as long as we are enriching ourselves step by step. After Professor Birkar talked about the connection between mathematics and life, my perception of mathematics also changed. I didn’t realize that mathematics has so many connections with our life. This also strengthened my desire to further study mathematics and perhaps even pursue it as a career.

徐祖轩 9年级

Nick Tsui- Grade 9

Caucher Birbar教授的讲座让我有了许多意想不到的收获。过去,我常常把数学看成是一门枯燥的课程。但是作为一个九年级学生,这次的讲座像是为我打开了新的一扇门,启发我思考自己对我来职业的规划,也激励了我积极自主地探索课堂以外的数学知识。

Prof. Caucher Birbar’s lecture gave me a lot of unexpected gains. In the past, I often thought of math as a boring course. But as a 9th grader, this lecture opened a new door for me. It inspired me to think about my future career plans, and motivated me to explore and learn mathematics after class on my own.

高山仰止,在本期“大师进校园”将近一小时的讲座活动中,Caucher Birkar教授带领国际部的学生们穿行于数学王国,感受了数学之美,体会了数学之趣,感悟了“数学即生活”的真谛。同时,Birkar教授也鼓励学生们培养兴趣,走进科学探索之门。

In the one-hour lecture, Professor Caucher Birkar led THIS students to through the mathematicsal world, feeling the beauty of mathematics, experiencing the interest of mathematics, and understanding the true meaning of “Maths is life.” At the same time, Professor Birkar also encouraged the students to cultivate their interests, whatever they may be, and open the door to scientific exploration.


Under the leadership of Principal LI Wenping, THIS will continue to work together with parents to invite famous masters into the school so as to broaden students’ horizons and open up their paths to scientific exploration. In the future, we hope our students will become international talents who will drive the development of various fields.


Scan the QR code to watch the lecture

文字 Writing | Mia Gu

图片 Pictures | Mercy Xu

排版 Editing | Mia Gu

审核 Auditing | Dieu-Anh Nguyen, Toni Dong, Wenping Li

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 清华附中国际部

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