喜讯 | 科研、戏剧、生物、经济……一大波获奖又来啦!

By 2022年11月03日 星期四Events


THIS believes in cultivating a culture of student engagement and achievement. One way of doing this is that we encourage students to actively participate in various national and international competitions where they can sharpen their leadership skills and strengthen their academic competencies in a targeted manner. Also, in many instances, our students compete in teams in addition to interacting collaboratively with others around the country and around the world.


Together, let’s take a look at recent awards THIS students have earned!


KingLead Global Academician Forum and Youth Scientific Research Forum


 The First Place of the Best Paper Awards 


Principal Ms. Wenping Li presented awards to the winning students

在2022京领全球院士论坛暨青少年科研论坛中,有来自中外近百所学校的数百名学生参与参赛角逐,我校的张舒平和单明健同学所在团队凭借他们在医药健康方向的论文Varying Levels of Disinfectant Resistance Among Klebsiella Pneumoniae(肺炎克雷伯氏菌中对消毒剂的耐药性的不同程度)夺得了最佳论文奖一等奖

This year, hundreds of students from nearly 100 schools in China and abroad participated in The KingLead Global Academician Forum. The team of Howard Zhang and Bert L. Shan from THIS won First Place of the Best Paper Awards for their paper on Varying Levels of Disinfectant Resistance Among Klebsiella Pneumoniae in Medicine and Health.


The KingLead Global Academician Forum and Youth Scientific Research Forum provides a platform for outstanding high school students from around the world to showcase their research achievements. Students write research papers in six subjects: Humanities and Social Sciences, Economic Management, Science, Information Engineering, Medicine and Health, Art and Design, and submit them to the forum committee consisting of a Nobel Prize laureate, full professors from Harvard University, University of Oxford, and University of Cambridge, and overseas national academicians for review.


“Outlook of China” Culture & 

Arts Festival


The First Prize in the 

Secondary School Category 


Principal Li and instructor Ms. Cecilia Liu presented awards to the winning students


The 13th “Outlook of China” Youth Educational Drama Exhibition in the 2022 “Outlook of China” Culture & Arts Festival received hundreds of entries from schools and units in nearly 20 provincial-level regions for evaluation. After fierce competition by virtual and regional selection, around 50 plays were shortlisted for the national finals.


In the national finals, a Chinese play The Biography of Su Dongpo performed by THIS students won the First Prize in the Secondary School Category.



李安哲 Andrew Li

李牧耘 Michael Li

曹树晨 Andy Cao

耿君豪 Steven Geng

张守柔 Roro Chang

王    佑 Kevin Wang


Actors and Actresses

曹树晨 Andy Cao

李牧耘 Michael Li

刘美怡 Meiyi Liu

刘彦岑 Sarah Liu

夏天伦 Alvin Xia

赵云溪 Alice Zhao

张熙嘉 Andrew Zhang

李安哲 Andrew Li

李    鑫 Lucas Li

刘端阳 Linus Liu

单倚天 Allen Shan

杨谨如 Eileen Yang

赵培彰 Ryan Zhao


HOSA-Future Health Professionals


The National Gold Honor


Principal Li presented awards to  the winning students 


In HOSA 2022 China National Leadership Conference, a team of THIS students – Howard Zhang, Calvin Jia-Jun Chen, Bert L. Shan and William Shan  – won the National Gold Honor in Public Service Announcement. The theme of the year was “Bone Marrow Donation Saves Lives!”


Officially organized in 1976, HOSA is a global student-led organization recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Department of Health and Human Services. HOSA has more than 5,600 member schools worldwide and its annual competition attracts more than 250,000 students each year.


National Economics Challenge


Multiple awards


Principal Li presented awards to the winning student representatives

由五名清华附中国际部学子组成的两支队伍参加了2022年的NEC全美经济学挑战赛。其中,李安哲、谢子骏和赵培彰同学所在的MacroVentures团队获得了案例大剖析环节的经济学知识运用、评委问答、演讲展示和问题解决能力优胜奖。贺芊羽和李岳同学所在的Synergy团队获得了案例大剖析环节的论文优胜奖和U-FEB Carnival团队总分奖

Two teams of five THIS students participated in the NEC China Finals 2022. Andrew Li, Tsz Chun Tse, and Alfred Peizhang Zhao of MacroVentures won the Critical Thinking Top Team in Economic Analysis, Judge Interviews, Presentation, and Problem Solving. Mia Qianyu He and Max Yue Li of Synergy won the Critical Thinking Top Team in Essay Writing and Max Yue Li won the U-FEB Carnival Overall Team Award for the team.


Beginning in 2000, the National Economics Challenge is a premier economics competition for high school students organized by the Council for Economic Education in the US.


We look forward to seeing our students continue to challenge themselves, pursue excellence, achieve more success, and truly become international talents.

文字 Writing | Reagan Li, Mia Gu

排版 Editing | Mia Gu

图片 Pictures | Nora Li

审核 Auditing |  Dieu-Anh Nguyen, Toni Dong, Wenping Li

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 清华附中国际部

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