家长学校 | 第20期回顾与21期预告:如何与青春期孩子沟通

By 2021年04月08日 星期四Events


THIS Parent School 杨玉芬博士系列讲座
与小学家长们谈心 & 与中学家长们互勉


THIS 稻香湖校区家长 Julie

首先很感谢清华附中国际部能邀请杨玉芬老师给我们做育儿分享,受益良多, 以下是我学习后的一些心得感受:

First of all, I am very thankful to THIS for organizing this lecture and for inviting Dr. Yang Yufen to share her wisdom on education. I would very much love to share what I have gained through this event.

教育是一场修行,更何况育儿。在子女的学习成长中, 家长要时时刻刻警觉自己不是“第一人称”—–孩子才是主角,要创造充分条件去开发孩子的第一“主动性”;父母要慢下来,多鼓励,多陪伴,以建立健康而温暖的亲子关系为核心;与其“先发制人” 不如静下来去观察孩子身上的闪光点,用积极的语言和行动来协同和激发孩子的学习兴趣、方法和专注力。

Education is a long journey, especially in regards to parenting. It is important for parents to realize that as children grow, parents are not in the “First Person” role. It is the children who are in the lead. Therefore, parents should learn to create an environment that motivates children to be “Active”. Meanwhile, parents should learn to slow down, be encouraging, spend time with their children, and build a healthy and warm relationship with their children. Instead of being a “preemptive” parent, parents  should learn to spot the things that make their children stand out, motivate their children’s interest in learning through positive language and actions, and help children to improve their learning skills and concentration.


Even the infant should be treated by parents as an individual person with an independent mind and character, so why wouldn’t we do so during the primary and secondary school years? As parents we should learn to believe in our children as we believe in ourselves, to try to capture the sparkle in our children’s eyes and see their infinite potential.


In addition, Dr. Yang’s  “interactive”  lecture  style and gentle communication provided a “live model” for all present to see how “Super Parents” interact with children. I feel greatly valued and encouraged as a respected audience member and student. This lecture made me feel much more confident about parenting. I do hope more lectures like this can be organized and more of the knowledge and wisdom of education can be shared.







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