THIS Wellbeing Series | 拥抱“压力小怪兽”

By Monday November 29th, 2021Events


Wellbeing Session–Stressors & Stress Management


On November 24th, THIS launched its high school Wellbeing Series for the season – “Stressors and Stress Management.”  Because many of our students are sharing the same feelings, same thoughts, and are having the same struggles, the aim for these grade level panel discussions was to let students know they are not alone in the community. If they want to talk to or connect with someone, they can always find a peer or an adult at THIS.


Guided by THIS Core Values– wellbeing, leadership, respect, and collaboration, the design of this first session allowed students to hear from their elder peers. The student panelists offered insights and advice on how to deal with, approach, and/or think about stress and how to manage it. This peer to peer discussion showcased not only our students’ leadership skills, especially of those on the panel, but also it highlighted the respect our students have for one another. The audience listened intently hanging on every word. 


Ms. Gloria Ge


For grade 9-12, secondary counselor Ms. Gloria collected questions from students beforehand, and had panelists answering the following questions:

同伴关系 Peer relationships

Q1: 作为一个内向型的人,如何和别人开启对话,尤其是与我不太熟悉的人?

As an introverted student, how do I start conversations with others, especially with people I don’t know well?

Q2: 作为新生,我应该如何融入一个团体?

How do I join a small community (e.g. THIS) as a new student?

亲子关系 Parent relationships

Q3: 我知道父母爱我,也会支持我,但他们所给予我的支持和我想要的不一样。我应该如何和他们交流?

I know my parents love me and support me, but the support they give me is not what I want. How do I communicate with them about that?

Q4: 我并不拒绝和父母交流,但我不知道和他们说些什么,也不知道如何和他们交流。

I don’t mind talking with my parents, but I don’t know what to say to them or know what to talk about.

学业问题 Academics

Q5: 如果我在清华附中国际部不是一名“尖子生”,该怎么办?

How do I survive at THIS without being a “top” student?

Q6: 如何应对学业压力,比如时间管理和“截止日期”带来的压力?

How do I deal with academic-related stress, e.g. time management and deadlines?

Q7: 如何平衡社交活动和学习任务?

How do I balance my social life and school work?

心理韧性 Resiliency

Q8: 如果我有时心情不好,有可能持续一周,一个月或一年……(比如因为成绩,或人际关系等原因),我应该如何从这种情况中恢复过来?

If I had a really bad week, month, or year (e.g. grade, interpersonal relationships), how do I recover from it?

升学相关问题 College Application Process (针对12年级 grade 12 only)

1. 我如何应对申请季的压力?How did I deal with the pressure during the college application process?

2. 我应该如何面对申请不利的结果?How did I manage my disappointment when I got turned down by colleges?

3. 对于学校学业、考试、申请和社交活动等,我应该如何排序?How did I prioritize school work, standardized exams, college applications, my social life, etc.?

4. 当我的理想学校与父母的不一致时,我应该如何与他们沟通?When my college choices were different from my parents’ choices, how did I communicate with them about it?



Here are some answers from the panelists:


From Winston 

11th grade 11年级, Panelist 小组分享者:

Question 1

Being as a more introverted student, how to start conversation with others, especially with people I don’t know well?


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Go with the flow – most of the best friendships happen for no apparent reason, so just be nice to people and don’t act like you’re better or worse than the person you’re talking to people. If you want to meet people who have similar interests, then join clubs that you genuinely care about. Don’t try to make friends with someone just because they’re smart or successful or popular; it’s possible that your personalities just don’t match or you don’t have any middle ground to talk about.


From Jane Ma, 

12th grade 12 年级, Panelist 小组分享者:

Question 5

How to survive at THIS without being a “top” student?


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Grades are only one standard to apply yourself by. You do not need to have the highest grades to succeed in high school. Everyone has their own talents and interests to discover and excel in, something colleges highly appreciate, which could be sports, arts, fashion, media, journalism, cooking, anything. To survive and enjoy high school you should simply focus on your personal growth, work hard in everything you want to apply yourself to, and do not be put down by academic competition.


From Chloe, 

11th grade 11年级, Panelist 小组分享者:

Question 8

If I had a really bad week, month, or year (e.g. grade, interpersonal relationships), how do I recover from it?


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If you had a bad year, I recommend you get out of the usual cycle and routine of your life that you have been experiencing repeatedly for a long time. To step out of your zone and look at yourself from a third-person perspective, you will see how many things are not as influential and significant to you, especially as many interpersonal relationships between friends and socialization. Do something different; try things that are new even though you have no idea what it will be like at all. I think the most crucial factor here is your mental state, no matter it is about grades or interpersonal relationships, if you hold an open and ordinary mind towards your life, weighting and judging the value of things in your life rationally, it sometimes can be clear and easy to see what you can do better. Take me as an example; I used to not try hard on my school work since I spent most of my time on my hobbies outside of school. However, during COVID, I was forced to stay at home for a long time which I got to experience another lifestyle when I used to go out every weekend. I see how grades are important and a decent reflection of my daily effort in terms of academics, so I started paying more attention to my school work.


From Joseph, 

Alumni 毕业生校友, Panelist 小组分享者

 G12 Question

How did I manage my disappointment when I got turned down by colleges?


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The most important thing to constantly remind yourself about is that the entire college application process is a lottery system. There is no guarantee that even the brightest, most talented, and most hardworking students will get into their dream schools. That means that there is absolutely no good reason for you to judge yourself based on your college app results. You are so much more than sparse words on an email, and will continue to do so much more in your life that can’t be described in an essay.


From Bill Jiao

12th grade 12年级, Audience 听众:

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It’s comforting to know that everyone experiences this period of anxiety and it’s just a normal part of our high school lives. The panelists are very optimistic, and their presentation makes the panel very interesting to listen to.


From Benjamin Lu, 

12th grade 12年级, Audience 听众:

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I am really thankful for the alumni panelists for taking time out of their busy schedule to share their feelings and experiences with us. I feel very much encouraged and enlightened by their words.



Having already received positive responses and feedback, THIS hopes to continue this focus on student wellness through the rest of the school year. The wellbeing series will happen continuously to promote a more positive and healthier learning environment. It is in an encouraging and supportive environment that a student feels safe, secure and comfortable to flourish and thrive. Plans are already in the works for the next session of the Wellbeing Series. Stay tuned!

文字 Writing | Gloria Ge, THIS students, Mercy Xu, Mia Gu

图片 Picture 排版 Editing | Mercy Xu

审核 Auditing |  Dieu-Anh Nguyen, Toni Dong, Wenping Li

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 清华附中国际部

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