G8 Field Trip | 三清洞之旅:洞穴探秘,走进实景地质课堂

By Friday March 24th, 2023Events

本篇供稿:高冬晴 老师

Writing:Ms. Dongqing Gao


On the crisp morning of March 13th, grade 8 THIS students boarded the bus to Sanqing Cave in Fangshan filled with anticipation.


After a 2-hour journey, the students finally arrived at our destination. Following the instructor’s directions, the students put on their helmets and searchlights and changed into light protective clothing and eagerly set off for the caves in the hinterlands of the mountain.


The students lined up nervously but excitedly to hike toward the cave. On the way, the students were greeted by a shepherd with a flock of sheep. The goats bleated at the students as if they knew that they were heading to explore the caves today giving them encouragement.! It was a wonderful encounter with the breeze and birds singing.


The trail to the cave was rugged, really not a trail at all! The students followed the instructor slowly through the canyon, at times climbing on their hands and knees, at other times going downward. For many of these 8th graders were getting their first taste of the hardships of exploring nature even before they entering the cave. Mr. Lu Xun’s famous quote comes to mind, “There is no road in the world, but the more people walk, the more there is a road.”


The students stopped for their lunch break sharing food, chatting and replenishing their energy with friends after a difficult walk through the canyon. On the final leg of their journey and after a narrow climb up the mountain, the cave on the cliff was in sight. The students were instantly in high spirits and eager to take the plunge.


The cave was obscurely lit and unfathomably deep. The students’ anticipation was at its peak! Before they started exploring the cave, the instructor gave them a detailed introduction to the history of the cave. They learned that this seemingly ordinary cave had been formed hundreds of years ago, and that the stalactites inside the cave only grows 0.02cm a year! On the walls of the cave, there are small hibernating bats and crickets which made the children even more curious.


The students overcame their fears and faced the mystery of the caves! The students put down their backpacks and divided into two groups to follow the instructor on a group cave adventure! At first there was plenty of space and the students followed the instructor’s footsteps through the rocks of the cave, but the deeper they went into the cave, the more difficult the path became, with most of the cave only being passable by one person. There were narrow paths included slippery steps, rock walls that need to be climbed with the help of ropes, some parts required crawling or can only be passed by lying down ……. Faced with such unimaginable challenges and the uncertainty of what lay ahead, the students may have wanted to give up. However, whenever someone was scared and wanted to stop, his or her classmate would give encouragement, lend a helping hand, or offer advice on how to overcome the difficulties!


Student’s Refection

 Isabella Li


“It was unique and exciting inside the cave. I relished looking at the round stalactites that looked like grapes on the walls of the cave, especially those with water flowing on top of them. The clusters of bats were also fluffy and cute. I clearly remember the narrow hole where we have to lie down and wiggle into. I particularly recalled Jeremy on the other side pulling everyone in my group through the hole – thank him very much.


My favorite part was having lunch sitting on the rocks and hiking on the rocks. I felt peaceful and immersed in nature. I also enjoyed the hike from the cave back to the bus because I was talking with teachers and friends. It was enough exercise and a spectacular collaborative experience.”

Johnny Zhu


We came to the Sanqing Cave located in Fangshan, which is formed by the erosion of the underground river. The natural environment here is very good. It took a long time to get there, but the scenery along the way was beautiful. Narrow space in the cave with many obstacles to getting in and exit. This is the best field trip I’ve ever experienced. I had a very pleasant time there. 

Ame Bai


Getting into the cave and exploring inside was extremely interesting. I remembered that there were two places that was challenging. One was when we have to climb a 3-meter wall. We had the protection rope on our waist, but it still was challenging. The second part was when we have to lay down and go through a short tunnel. Even though that it was challenging, I felt happy when I overcame it and came out of the cave. Overall it was really nice, and we were also able to see real bats inside the caves! 

Sonia Mo


From the mutual support of our classmates to the joy of being outdoors, we gained a lot from this activity. It has become a wonderful memory of us. The view in the caves was also amazing. We look forward to more activities like this in the future!


After nearly two hours of climbing, the students were finally able to get out of the cave and successfully complete their adventure. Everyone was covered in mud and their helmets were tilted. Students and teachers was happy and filled with a sense of achievement! By now, the sun was shining brighter and the sky was bluer. Our Spartans were all smiles as they posed for a group photo to commemorate this day!

图片 Pictures | THIS Teachers

排版 Editing | Mia Gu

审核 Auditing | Dieu-Anh Nguyen, Toni Dong, Wenping Li

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 清华附中国际部

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