G6 Field Trip | 农机院生态农业科技园:亲近自然,快乐劳动

By Friday March 24th, 2023Events

本文供稿:张超然 老师

Writing: Ms. Chaoran Zhang


On March 13th, all Grade 6 students, led by their teachers, went to the China Agricultural Machinery Institute Eco-Agricultural Science and Technology Park in Wangzhuang, Shahe Town, Changping District for a community building activity. The weather was sunny and cool – a perfect day for such a trip!


The students were divided into two groups, each facilitated by staff teacher from the Institute. One group learned about planting hydroponics, while the other group learned about the necessity and importance of planting trees through the interactive explanation and the sharing of useful tips about tree planting trees. After learning the theoretical knowledge, grade 6 students went to the planting area to plant willow saplings in pairs. They dug holes, planted seedlings, filled in the soil, and watered the trees. …… Also, they got up close and personal with the cows on site, feeding the cows, and taking photos with them with smiles on their faces. The students had a great time.


After the planting, the students went to the former residence of Mr. and Mrs. Yang Zao and Mr. and Mrs. Han Chun of the Agricultural and Mechanical Research Institute (CMAI) for a study tour. The Beijing Agricultural Machinery Experiment Station of the Chinese Agricultural Machinery Institute was first established as a dairy farm by the famous foreign experts of the former Ministry of Machinery Industry – Mr. and Mrs. Yang Chao and Mr. Han Chun. The couple, for decades, have made outstanding contributions to the development of Chinese agricultural mechanization and the improvement of dairy breeds. At the end of the day’s activities, the students, holding the green plants they had planted, were happy to say that they had gained a deeper understanding of the history of the Institute and a stronger determination to protect the environment.


Students’ Refections


Lucy Li, Abigail Yang and all 6 white students


To be honest, this is a very memorable field trip. We learned about the importance of planting trees, how it could change our environment, and how it’s important for the life cycle to work. We also went to visit the cows and learned how they produce milk. We also learned about the history of the place we were visiting. Hopefully, next time we could plant more trees to save the environment that we live in and make it to a better place.


Helen Sun


The trip made me acutely aware of the importance of protecting the environment. And I also helped nature by doing my part, which gave me a sense of achievement and made me pay more attention to protecting the environment in the future.

文字 Writing|Mia Gu

图片 Pictures | THIS teachers

排版 Editing | Mia Gu

审核 Auditing | Dieu-Anh Nguyen, Toni Dong, Wenping Li

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 清华附中国际部

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