Fire Drill | 消防演习不马虎,共同守护校园平安

By Tuesday February 21st, 2023Events



THIS Fire Drill Review


In order to maintain campus safety, THIS organized this semester’s fire drill on February 21st with the whole school participating, G1-12. 


Before the day of the drill, all classes familiarized themselves with the evacuation routes and safety procedures. Teachers reminded students about how to behave and how to take appropriate precautions in the process. This group practice enhances teachers’ and students’ awareness readiness in the event of an emergency.


At 8:05 am, with the alarm bell ringing, the entire school with classes led by teachers moved to the campus’s courtyard per the designated escape route. There were four wardens on each floor of the building and gym, responsible for ensuring that all the classrooms, offices, and bathrooms are clear.  


Moving calmly and quietly, students and staff gathered at the meeting point. Homeroom teachers promptly counted the number of students and teaching partners reporting full attendance to the Primary and Secondary Directors. Support staff and other members of school personnel were also quickly accounted for during this safety drill.  With careful organization and great cooperation of all teachers and students, THIS completed a successful fire drill on this cool morning.


check numbers by grade level


Campus safety is a critical focus for THIS with fire safety one important component. The fire drill enhances the ability of teachers and students to protect themselves. We hope that our students will view this kind of activity as yet another opportunity to expand their knowledge and skillsets as they continue to grow and learn. Looking ahead, THIS will carry out regular safety drills to build a safe and harmonious campus.


文字 Writing | Mia Gu

图片 Pictures | Mercy

排版 Editing | Mia Gu

审核 Auditing | Dieu-Anh Nguyen, Toni Dong, Wenping Li

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 清华附中国际部

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