Cave Exploration|将洞穴搬进教室:一起探寻神秘的史前文明

By Friday October 14th, 2022Events

本周,七年级的学生们在教室里体验了一次别开生面的洞穴探究。当同学们走进教室,他们便化身为一个个考古学家、地理学家和历史学家,通过勘查墙上的绘画、雕塑、工艺品或工具来探寻古人生活的奥秘。这是Deborah Kapraun老师设计的一次别开生面的实景模拟活动。

This week, the seventh graders are engaged in a cave exploration simulation activity in their classroom. The interesting activity, designed by Ms. Deborah Kapraun, involves students taking on the role of social scientists to discover information about ancient peoples through paintings, sculptures, artifacts, and tools that they had left behind.


For this activity, students looked at items that were found in the Lascaux Cave in France dated between 11,000-18,000 years ago. Since these prehistoric items were before the time of written records, many questions, assumptions and hypotheses must be made by archaeologists, geographers and historians.

–   Cave Exploration   –


The students are divided into 6 groups and begin examining the “paintings, artifacts and tools” that have been placed around the classroom. The classroom was transformed to simulate a cave with the air turned low so it will feel cold and a soundtrack of cave sounds is playing. Students must crawl around using a small flashlight. 



They start by looking for details as clues to what the paintings may mean and what the purpose is for the artifacts and tools. They then create the hypothesis based on their findings.


Finally, the students return to their seats and read about what the actual social scientists believe. They are able to compare their theories to the accepted historical truth.


Through the lively and interesting simulation experience, students are able to experience the fun of exploring knowledge. Some students said that although they felt a little scared at first when crawling in the dark “cave”, they were able to immerse themselves in the discussion and exploration with their classmates. This was a very interesting class and a special experience for them. Some other students said they had been in a real cave as a tourist before, but through the activity, they really felt that the murals and living tools left by the ancient people in the caves were rich in knowledge.


Ms. Kapraun says that the purpose of simulated hands-on activities like this is to help build group work skills, using hypotheses, working from a project-based framework for learning and to help students make connections that stick better than mere reading, lecture and note-taking can provide.


THIS teachers are committed to helping students develop their independent and creative thinking skills through our inquiry-based approaches to learning. We hope that our students will continue to grow in this regard as well as build their courage to explore.

文字 Writing | Debroah Kapraun, Mia Gu

图片 Pictures | Mia Gu

排版 Editing | Mia Gu

审核 Auditing | Dieu-Anh Nguyen, Toni Dong, Wenping Li

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 清华附中国际部

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