2020-2021 First Primary Assembly

By Wednesday September 30th, 2020Events, Primary School

  9月25日和30日,清华附中国际部稻香湖校区和国际部本校区分别举办了今年九月的小学部集会。小学集会由小学部主任Britni Padilla主持。

THIS primary school assemblies at Daoxiang Lake Campus and Fuzhong Campus were held on September 25th and 30th, respectively. Ms. Britni Padilla, the schools’ Director, hosted this happy event.


Monthly school assemblies are a very important part of school life and a tradition here at THIS. The primary students gathered together to engage in various fun activities such as games, tasks, group discussions, and mini behavior-rule lectures to support the students as they continue to improve their behavior management.


There were many memorable activities for students to love.  Students sang and danced the Tsinghua song, sharing the spirit of tolerance and happiness.  The joyful atmosphere quickly filled the entire room.  Teachers and students played a game called “Human Machine” in two teams imitating how a machine would act and sound like with hands on each other’s shoulders. Also, there was a birthday celebration where students whose birthdays in September and October were invited to the stage to receive blessings from everyone.  The birthday song was sung both in English and in Chinese. Moreover, students shared their hopes and dreams for this new semester. Everyone was excited and very happy to share his or her beautiful wishes with friends and teachers. Additionally, Ms. Britni also gave an important lecture about why we should wear a mask and how wearing masks could help protect all of us. Students gained a better understanding the importance of wearing masks and helped our young students overcome the discomfort of wearing them.


Although this was the first primary school assembly of this school year after the pandemic, every one of our little Spartans left in a very uplifted state. Through singing, dancing, and game playing, they showed a very strong will for learning and thinking as well as maintaining good self-discipline. Teachers were so proud seeing the students do so well. Though it is a pity that student smiles were covered, we can still see their shining eyes and hear the sounds of laughter.





We do hope that our THIS Spartans can move forward without any worries, set off with a delightful heart, and shine bright.

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