
By Wednesday December 14th, 2022Events

从排球场上的友谊赛到模拟联合国的切磋琢磨,从 “微公益·梦起航”的联合支教到篮球场上的较量比拼,清华附中本部和国际部的学生,同在圆明园畔的美丽校园,都给彼此都留下了美好的回忆。因此,清华附中国际部中文辩论社联合国际部英文辩论社与清华附中团委共同举办第一届双语辩论赛,希望以“思辨”为媒,为本部与国际部的学生进一步搭建切磋的平台,促进彼此之间的交流互动,营造和谐友善的校园氛围。

From friendly volleyball and basketball games to Model United Nations, from the joint voluntary teaching of “Micro Philanthropy Action to Help Dreams Come True”, the students of Tsinghua University High School (TUHS) and Tsinghua International School (THIS) continue to make good memories together. This week, the THIS Chinese Debate Club, the THIS English Debate Club, and the TUHS Debate Club will host their First Bilingual Debate Tournament. Its aim is to build a platform where students can exchange and interact with one another through “thinking and discernment.”

Tournament Introduction


The Chinese name of the tournament is derived from the school song of Tsinghua University, “Stake your claim to what’s right, don’t think too much about the rest”, which emphasizes the academic vision of inclusiveness. The English name of the tournament translates to “co-inspire”. We hope that students from all sides can inspire and learn from each other and achieve growth together. 


The debate tournament will be held in both Chinese and English showcasing the bilingual abilities of the students. To further promote communication and collaboration among our students, the tournament will have a mixed-team format where two students from TUHS and two from THIS will form a team. This togetherness in competition will surely spark excitement, deepen our knowledge, and expand our mindsets.

Tournament Time


The debate topic of this online event is “Whether E-Sports should or should not be included in the official Olympic Games” and is made up of three rounds through Tencent Conference.


初赛第一场 First Round

12月17日 17th, Dec.

9:30 a.m. — 11:00  a.m.

会议号码 Meeting ID



初赛第二场 Second Round

12月17日 17th, Dec.

13:30 p.m.—15:00 p.m.

会议号码 Meeting ID



决赛 Final Round

12月18日 18th, Dec.

9:30 a.m. — 11:00 a.m.

会议号码 Meeting ID




All parents, students, and teachers are welcomed to watch via Tencent Conference.   

We are looking forward to 

seeing the talents of 

our TUHS and THIS students!

排版 Editing | Mia Gu

审核 Auditing | Dieu-Anh Nguyen, Toni Dong, Wenting Bai, Wenping Li

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 清华附中国际部

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